How to Beat Shigandang in Black Myth: Wukong (Boss Guide)

How to Beat Shigandang in Black Myth: Wukong (Boss Guide)

Among the secret bosses you meet in Black Myth: WukongShigandang is one of the toughest to beat once you summon it in Chapter 2. The optional boss is a huge stone golem with devastating physical attacks that can defeat you instantly. Those who oppose this creature will have to use every trick in the book to take it down before it wipes them out.

Like many other hidden bosses in Black Myth: WukongYou need to complete several steps before you can access the shigandang action. You should Try to finish Chapter 2 before facing the bossSo you can have enough progress to find it. Along the way, you will also be strong enough to face the enemy with the materials collected from the chapter to make better gear.

How to Call Shigandang (And Where to Find It)

Resurrect the boss with rare collectibles

As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator Wow questsYou need to Find six Buddha's eyeball items to resurrect Shigandang In Chapter 2. Every Buddha's eyeball in Black Myth: Wukong Is inside a statue of the Buddha's head scattered around the Chapter's desert regions. Make sure you have multiple Keeper's Shrines unlocked so you can quickly travel near the statues to retrieve their eyes.


Four of the eyeballs can be found near the Squall hideout Keeper's shrine, while the The latter two are found close to the Rockrest Flat area. Explore around each shrine to find the items, which are not too far off the paths leading from each resting place. It shouldn't be too hard to find each one, as they shine brightly in their statue heads as you run around trying to collect them.

Once you have every eyeball you need, Go back to where you fought the Stone Vanguard boss Earlier in the chapter. The rock vanguard in Black Myth: Wukong was fought outside the gate in the Rockcrest Flat area, which can be reached by a guard. Go to the rock with many faces carved into it, then pick them up "deliver" Option to interact with him and call Shigandang.

How to prepare for Shigandang

Have strong protection and plenty of healing

Black Myth Wukong: Wukong standing with his staff in a desert

Shigandang is one of the toughest bosses in the game when you can face it in Chapter 2, namely because of its massive health pool. The boss deals ridiculous damage with every punch, slam, and shockwave AoE it creates when you fight it. As a result, you may need to have the best gear available at this point in history to stand a chance against the great rock golem.

Don't bother using anything other than physical damage against Shigandang, like his stone body Protects it from almost all elemental damage. luckily, The host does not cause any status effectsMaking the battle pretty straightforward. A strong weapon like this Wind bear stick

You can make in Chapter 2 is a good choice for this fight because of its high damage output.

Anything that raises your physical defense is good for this fight as well. Try Bring consumable items that boost your defensesuch as these Evil repelling medicine

You can get in exchange for will from NPC vendors. Along with good spells like immobilize, powerful spirit transformation, and consistent healing from your gourd, you should have everything you need to challenge shigandang.

How to defeat Shigandang

Wait to punish powerful moves when they finish

Black Myth Wukong is destined one fighting secret boss of Shigandang in Chapter 2

The biggest weakness of Shigandang is that the boss' scale and strength make them Very slow with all his attacks. This gives you time to react to attack patterns and punish moves when their animations are completed during the fight. Wait for the attacks to finish and punish the boss aggressively To act slowly, but consistently, damage to his huge health bar.

Xingandang move list



How to compete

sweeping stones

Shigandang spins around 180 degrees, sweeping his body in a circular motion to hit anything that stays too close to him.

The boss hits his fists on the ground one at a time to signal the attack. Recognize the start-up animation, and either get under the boss or dodge back to get away.

Reverse body slam

When you are behind it, Shigandang throws his full weight of the stones on his back onto you by leaning back and falling with a huge slam.

Run to either side or dodge out of the way of the boss' shell as it starts to fall.

Stone stomp

Shigandang raises one of its legs, and stomps it onto the ground, where it creates a large AoE shockwave.

As the boss raises his leg, run away from him to gain some distance. Then dodge the shockwave right as it's about to reach you to avoid damage.


Xingandang Move List (Continued)



How to compete

Advancing Slam

Charging towards her, Shigandang will jump on her and slam his body on the ground in an attempt to crush her. This slam creates a traveling AoE shockwave.

Run away from the boss until it slams down, then dodge the resulting shockwave with the right timing.

Double earthquake

Shigandang raises one arm and one leg to one side before slamming both on the ground to create two AOE shockwaves. A final follow-up slam from this creates yet another shockwave.

Watch for the damage radius of each traveling AoE and dodge each of them properly when they are about to hit you.

Pillars of Buddha

After slamming into the ground, Shigandang raises several pillars of rock before charging a slam that causes them all to explode.

When the boss hops up for this attack's first slam, run to one side of it to avoid where the pillars are created. Then, get close to the boss to avoid the damage radius of each pillar's explosion.

When one of the moves is completed, Use Immobilize to freeze the boss and get free damage against him. at this time, Unleash heavy attacks from different positions in Black Myth: Wukong To punish the boss further. While these moves won't stagger the creature, they can make it stumble back long enough for you to regain focus with a light attack combo.

Rewards for defeating Shigandang

Get crafting materials and a special key item

Black Myth Wukong Destined One defeat Shigandang secret boss in Chapter 2

When you finally take down Shigandang, you'll get this selection of items and currency as rewards:

The Heart of Stone can help you craft a better weapon as you move on to Chapter 3, especially with the added will currency of the boss' defeat. Similarly, the Skandha of Feeling can be used later to obtain a special item, while the Mind Core can help create powerful potions in Black Myth: Wukong. Make sure to explore what exactly you are getting to grow in strength for future challenges.

The final boss of Chapter 2 should be extremely easy compared to the stone golem you just fell. Those who beat shigandang in Black Myth: Wukong You should also try to face Black Loong, another secret boss hidden in the same section of the story, for another worthy opponent.

Source: Wow Quests / YouTube


August 20, 2024


Game science


Game science


B for adults 17+ // blood, violence