How to beat Lilith's Echo in Season 5

How to beat Lilith's Echo in Season 5

in Diablo 4The final challenge for players is to face off against the Echo of Lilith, the boss of the Capstone Dungeon in World Tier IV. This encounter should only be done once your character has reached an endgame level of power and crafted reliably masterworked gear. Unique items are not required to defeat you But will make the whole boss fight proceed much faster and smoother, especially things like Tyrael's mite and the Harlequin crest unique.

To find the echo of Lilith, Players must reach World Tier IV: Torment To unlock the final capstone dungeon. It is there, in the tail of hate, where the tail of Lilith can be found. This school is located in Nevesk, the first town where the wanderers began their journey. Upon interacting with Lilith's blood petals, players will be transported into the dungeon, the same arena in which Lilith was defeated during the campaign.


Echoes of Lilith: Phase One

The DPS check

At the start of the fight, Lilith's Echo will fall from the sky, knocking the player back. When he recovers, the player should immediately hit Lilith with everything they have, taking as much damage as possible before she flies up again and begins her attacks. When you reach about half of your remaining HP bar, She will summon blood blisters and demonswhich should be treated immediately.

The Chain Blitz Sorcerer is an incredible build for this boss fight due to its massive overhealing and multi-target damage potential, as well as the ability to Quickly stun the echo of LilithPreventing you from taking any actions.

If the boss is successfully able to start attacking, watch out for the waves of rocks that will pierce the arena from all sides, which the player can dodge by reading which direction the rocks will be launched from first. The Echo of Lilith will also try to land on top of the player to deal massive damage, for which skills like the Sorcerer's Teleport and the Rogue's Dash can be excellent counters.

Echoes of Lilith: Phase Two

The survivability check

The second phase of the boss fight will test players' survival skills, as Lilith's Echo will flood the arena with hellfire and force the Wanderer on the defensive. In her second phase, she can be stun much more accessible than in her first phase, giving the player ample opportunity for massive DPS.

The Rogue's Shadow Totem, through the use of Diablo 4s Umbracrux Unique, is an excellent way to use her weakness to be crowd controlled. However, even if Lilith's Echo is down to zero HP, She will still continue the mechanics of her phaseFrom which the player must survive until the end.

If players are struggling to survive, consider crafting a Mythic Unique with Resplendent Sparks in the Alchemist to help with damage reduction and elemental resistances.

The echo of Lilith will begin to break three sections of the arena: the top first, the right second and the left third. Keep close to Lilith while she does thisLike the rest of the arena, it will become difficult with its magic. Once this magic dissipates and the corresponding section of the arena is about to break, move quickly away from the crumbling platform to prevent a wipe.

While this is happening, Lilith will have spawned bubble turrets that will be firing purple orbs at the player, dealing insane amounts of damage. A high movement speed helps tremendously with being able to dodge theseAs has access to mobility or defensive skills.

Once the three sections of the arena are destroyed, the boss fight will be over as long as Lilith's Echo has no more HP. The player will be rewarded with a Resplendent Spark, and if the boss fight is completed solo, the player will also receive Lilith's title. With the final challenge completed, players can now proceed with the end game Diablo 4.