Beating Ketheric Thorm in Baldur's Gate 3 is the most vital part of Act 2, allowing you to progress into the third and final act of the game. However, this boss fight is not easy and consists of three very distinct phases, all of which require a certain strategy to be defeated.
This article contains spoilers for the encounter with Ketheric Thorm in Baldur's Gate 3 And the events connected to the host action.
Keteric Thorm is a tall half-elf who has taken control of the cursed lands and is the reason for the curse on the entire region. Leading the Cult of the Absolute from the Moonrise Towers, just south of Reithwin Town, Keteric is said to be immortal - though his invulnerability stems from his captured asset, Dame Aylin, the Nightsong in Baldur's Gate 3.
Ketheric Thorm - Phase One in Baldur's Gate 3
Moonrise Towers boss fight
Before facing the villain, you must delve into Shar's Gauntlet and, deep within, find Nightsong. She can be found in the Shadowfell in Baldur's Gate 3And regardless of what you decide her fate to be, it will allow her to face Ketheric Thorm. The first encounter with Ketheric Thorm will take place at the top of the Moonrise Towers in Baldur's Gate 3 After the release or death of Dame Aylin.
The ideal strategy here is to Dedicate one long-range specialist like Astarion to deal with the many mobs from afarWhile the rest of the party deals as much damage as they can to sober up. Regardless of how you split up your team, you should try to have at least two party members fully focused on Ketheric the entire time.
Note that Ketheric's most annoying habit is how mobile he stays during the fightSo you will need to have party members adept at following him. Liesel's jumps usually do the job quite wellAnd she often hits multiple times, so if you use her, she can be an ideal choice for this. Meanwhile, Gale and Shadowheart are good for casting AOEs against the group of weak opponents.
Even though the goal is simply lowering Ketheric's HP, you should be careful of putting weak characters in his way, as Ketheric strikes quite hard. Even with high defense, Leezel, who is often a tank in his face, can take quite a hit and find himself in danger of falling in battle. Once his HP is lowered enough, you'll trigger a cutscene With Ketheric in Baldur's Gate 3In which he will challenge your presence, recover Dame Aylin, and proceed to the Mind Flayer colony.
Ketheric Thorm - Phase Two in Baldur's Gate 3
Mind Flyer Colony Boss Fight
After completing all the side objectives in Mind Flayer Colony, such as saving Mizora and Zevlor, or solving the necrotic laboratory puzzle in Baldur's Gate 3You should find yourself in the elevator that takes you to the arena. Be sure to use the blue-colored device to the right of the elevator to restore the team's HP and spell slots beforehand.
After heading down, you'll witness another scene with Enver Gortash, Orin, and Keterik, all of whom make up the Chosen of the Dead Three. You will learn about their plot and, once you have control of your party, you will begin phase 2 of the Ketheric Thorm boss battle. It is highly recommended that you make a quick save before officially starting the fightJust in case things go poorly.
The fight will automatically start if Ketheric sees you approaching him with any character, so the best strategy to use here is to Split the team and use stealth to position yourself. At the far right end of the arena, you'll see that Dame Aylin is once again bound in chains, thus giving Ketheric his immortality.
To ensure you can quickly remove Ketheric's invulnerability, use a potion of invisibility
And in the sacrifice, Eileen's body is near, but they do not connect with her. This will ensure that, once the fight starts, you'll be in range to free yourself quickly. After positioning a character to save Nightsong at the right end, you will need to select another Baldur's Gate 3 Party member to go to the left wing.
Unfortunately, there You will encounter a group of mobs that interfere with anyone dealing damage to Ketheric. A good strategy here is to, again, make the chosen character invisible, and lead them to the mobs. The character must clear the group quickly before they have time to strike or disperse. Shadowheart has some decent AOEs to use, although Lae'zel can completely destroy them, depending on the skills she has.
The last two characters in the party can be grouped and moved to KeterikThat will start the fight. Once the fight has begun, you need to use the character in charge of free Dame Aylin as soon as possible. The character on the far left will also need to exterminate the mobs, preferably in the first round. Alternatively, you can start the fight by free Nightsong.
Once the battle starts, a mind flyer in the right corner of the map will also participate, trying to control Dame Aylin and damage your character. If she hits your character while subdued, she can do a lot of damage - Nightsong shouldn't be hurt, though, as she's still your ally in Baldur's Gate 3.
If possible, you can make your character on the right use Misty step
To reach the higher platform where the Mind Flayer originally was and proceed to strike it from a safe vantage point, breaking his concentration over the spell that controls Dame Aylin. With Dame Aylin freed, and the left mobs dealt with, you should devote most of your efforts to harming Ketheric Thorm.
The only exception may be your character on the right, who will be engaged in a battle against the Mind Flayer Baldur's Gate 3. However, if the creature is quickly dealt with, your character and Nightsong can help fight Ketheric. During the battle, Ketheric uses Incubate death, which creates dangerous and explosive necrolitesAnd Deadly Order, which will make the Intellect Devourers and other mobs focus on the targeted character.
Although melee attacks can be a great way of damaging Ketheric, He does respond to melee attacks with shield bashWhich can prove to be a disadvantage during the encounter. Using melee characters is about measuring how safe they will be against how much HP can be depleted by your melee attacks.
Once his HP is fully depleted, a short cutscene will play where he will be thrown into the pit behind him, and Myrkul, the lord of the dead, will challenge you, complaining that you beat down his chosen champion. When this happens, you will officially begin phase 3 of the boss battle against Keterik Torm in Baldur's Gate 3. However, you can skip part of this encounter if you convince Ketheric to repent of his sins in the conversation before the fight by passing the Charisma check.
Ketheric Thorm - Phase 3 in Baldur's Gate 3
messenger miracle
The fight against the Apostle of Myrkul in phase 3 of the heretical boss fight is quite different. The opponent is large, does not move, but deals a massive amount of damage. The first immediate threat it poses is the Gaze of the Dead that can startle the targetSo they can't move, and also deal damage.
Another dangerous attack the enemy will use is Call of the Damned, in which It will create a vortex with itself in the center and essentially pulls those in range close to it. Even with the occasional Necromite and Intellect Devourer, the team's focus should be killing the boss, as the threat is large and will likely wipe out the entire party if not dealt with quickly.
The messenger of Mirkul is considered an undead opponent and thus is extremely vulnerable to radiant damage. in this action, Shadow can be one of the most important sources of damageEspecially when using Spirit guardians
Near the boss. Paladins use Blood of Lathlander in Baldur's Gate 3 Can also thrive when you hit the opponent.
At this point, if you have completed most of the side quests in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3You should have a good amount of damage output. If you focus your team's efforts on surviving and dealing as much damage as possible to the boss, all of your enemies should go down fairly easily. Thankfully, defeating the boss also results in the death of all other nearby opponents, so this is the quickest way to end the fight..
Once everything is done, your party will be rewarded with Ketheric's Warhammer
Keterick's shield, and Reaper's embrace
. After you have collected your rewards, you are ready to proceed in the third and final act of baldur's gate 3, Where the last of your enemies awaits you.
Source: YouTube / ZaFrostPet