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From the various rocket grants you can take on Pokémon GOthe "Ke Ke Ke Ke"Member is hard to beat, so you'll need to know the best counters to hit your team's weaknesses. Found when interacting with certain Pokestops, each Grant has a unique dialogue before each battle. This indicates which lineup of Pokemon"Ke Ke Ke Ke"Will use.
Like the other 20 Team Rocket members, her lineup of Pokémon is constantly rotated throughout the year, with three team members randomly selected from among three different Pokémon each. This means a variety of party combinations, all of which you best prepare for if you want the best chance of winning. For example, when you learn how to beat Arlo Pokémon GODefeating the Grants grants trainers useful rewards, however, so remembering your team and the best way to counter them is worth the effort.
Ke Ke Ke Ke Grunt Team and Counters in Pokémon GO (October 2024)
Action Ghost types with dark
to hit the "Ke Ke Ke Ke“Grants from Team Rocket in Pokémon GOWhich have an October 2024 lineup made of ghost types, you will need to Use Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon Like Spiritomb, Houndoom and Darkrai. It's better to focus on using Dark-type Pokemon since any Ghost-type attacks your team uses will be super-effective against Ghost-types of yours, while Dark-types are resistant. Some of your Pokemon have secondary types, so check the table below to see what extra weaknesses you can use with certain counters:
wave |
Pokemon |
Weaknesses |
Counters |
1 |
misreavus |
1 |
Driflon |
1 |
Golett |
2 |
duclaps |
2 |
Sable |
2 |
Golett |
3 |
Frostless |
3 |
Gengar |
3 |
Alan Marowak |
Darkrai, as a pure Dark-type, for example, could be used to blast through any of the "ke ke ke ke" group's team. However, you could also use a Water-type like Kyogre to add coverage for either your Goletts or Alolan Marowak, which are Earth and Fire types respectively. If you start a battle with this cause and realize that you started with the wrong team, you can leave the battle and enter again after switching out if you are still close to them.
Be sure to use move as the same type as your pokemon for stab (same type attack bonus) damage.
Rewards for beating Rocket Grants in Pokémon GO
Stardust, a Shadow Pokemon encounter and more
After beating a Team Rocket member like the "Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke"Big in Pokémon GOYou will be rewarded with 500 Stardust And Ann Meet their first Shadow Pokemon. In this case, it will be Misdreavus, Drifloon or Gollett. You'll also get a Shadow Shard, four of which you can combine into a Purified Gem to subdue a boss in a Shadow Raid like the one in the Pokémon GO Raid boss plan this month.
You will also be rewarded with a mysterious component. When you put six of them together, you can create a rocket radar to find and beat leaders like Cliff in Pokémon GO. As long as you use mostly dark-type counters against the "Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke"Rocket Grunt's Ghost-Type team during October 2024 in Pokémon GOAll the rewards will be yours.