Ke Ke Ke Ke Team Rocket Grunt is back Pokemon GO to challenge in November 2024 with your own new team of various Pocket Monsters, for which you'll need some counters. Only found when interacting with PokeStops on the live map, this Grunt will challenge you to a battle against your latest team of Pokémon. Although there are several Rocket members you can fight, this one is easily identifiable by its iconic phrase "Ke...ke...ke...ke...ke...ke!" Like the other grunts, the Ke Ke Ke Ke team rotates regularly throughout the year, but unlike the Leaders, each grunt has a typing theme.
For each Grunt, your team of Pokémon switches to include nine Pokémon of the same type, with three randomly selected options for every three team members you'll face. Due to the variety of party combinations that Ke Ke Ke Ke can have with its nine potential team members, you will need to prepare well in advance with a distinct array of counters. Just like when we beat bosses like Sierra in Pokemon GO, defeating Ke Ke Ke Ke will earn you useful rewards This will be very valuable to any trainer on their mobile gaming journey.
Ke Ke Ke Ke Grunt Team and Counters in Pokémon GO (November 2024)
Use dark and ghostly types
To beat the Ke Ke Ke Ke Rocket Grunt in Pokemon GOyou will need fight your last team of Ghost-types in November 2024 - including Drifloon, Dusclops and Gengar - with Dark-type Pokémon such as Spiritomb, Darkrai and Houndoom. Ghost Pokémon are still reliable options if you have few Dark types, but it's preferable to choose the latter, as the former is also weak to any Ghost-type attacks Ke Ke Ke Ke's team can use on you. However, if you manage to evolve Yamask into Pokemon GOIt's still a good backup. Try the counters in the table below:
Wave |
Pokémon |
Weaknesses |
Accountants |
1 |
Drifloon |
1 |
Golett |
1 |
Dusk |
2 |
Duclops |
2 |
Golett |
2 |
Sableye |
3 |
Froslass |
3 |
Alola Marowak |
3 |
Gengar |
Pokémon like Darkrai are your safest bet to come out of the fight against Ke Ke Ke Ke unscathed due to their pure Dark typing, making them resistant to any Ghost-type attacks. Not even the new Gigantamax Gengar could defeat them so easily. However, there are also the secondary types of some Rocket Grunt Pokémon with their own weaknesses that you can exploit.
For example, Golett is part Earth type, also making it weak to Water-type attacks from counters like Kyogre. Alolan Marowak is partially Fire-type, which means you can use Rock, Ground, and Water-type attacks from powerful counters like Rampardos, Kingler, Excadrill, and Rhyperior.
Make sure to use Dark or Ghost type attacks through Pokémon of the same type to get a 20% STAB (same type attack bonus)
Rewards for defeating Rocket Grunts in Pokémon GO
Encounter Pokémon Shadow, Stardust and more
How to defeat any Team Rocket Grunt in Pokemon GOdefeating Ke Ke Ke Ke will give you 500 Stardust as one of your rewards, followed by a encounter with the first Shadow Pokémon they usedso you can try to capture it yourself. With your current lineup, this means you'll be able to capture Shadow Drifloon, Duskull, or Gollett for your growing collection. You will also receive a Shadow Shard. They are especially useful because you can combine four of them into a Purified Gem, which can be used to subdue a Shadow Raid boss.
The last reward, a Mystery Component, is arguably the most important if you're trying to hunt down Rocket Leader bosses. This is because by earning six of them and combining them, you will create a Rocket Radar, which can direct you to stronger boss locations like Cliff or Giovanni. You may encounter bosses randomly, but that makes hunting a sure thing. Just remember to use mostly Dark-type Pokémon as counters when facing Ke Ke Ke Ke's lineup of Ghost-types in Pokemon GO during November 2024, and victory along with these rewards will be yours.