How to beat Giovanni in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

How to beat Giovanni in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

The leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni, returns Pokémon GO In October 2024 with a team of Shadow Pokémon you can beat for some rare rewards. Some familiar faces return to Giovanni's side this month, making it a little easier to assemble a team that counters them again. By looking at different types of match-ups, you should be able to defeat Giovanni once more with your powerful group of Pokemon.

you Can't face Giovanni until you complete an active Team GO Rocket Special Research. This involves getting a super rocket radar to track down the mysterious leader once the research is finished. Anyone can complete the special research by defeating Team Rocket Grants and other organization leaders, such as Cliff or Arlo in Pokémon GO.

Team Rocket Boss Giovanni Lineup and Counters (October 2024)

Recognize which Pokemon are best against Giovanni

Like any Team Rocket battle, Giovanni's fight is split in three waves Starting With his signature Pokemon Persian. Unlike many Pokémon GOs raid boss Pokemon, the creatures that Giovanni uses are all Shadow Pokemon. The dark reflections of normal pocket monsters are slightly stronger than their counterparts, which makes Giovanni's team much stronger than you would expect.


For the second wave, Giovanni Chooses one of three possible PokemonWhat is impossible to predict during the battle. Giovanni will either send Honchkrow, Kangaskhan, or Kingdra to fight whichever Pokemon you chose to use for this part of the fight. Finally, the last wave sees Giovanni using a shadow version of the Psychic-type Legendary Pokemon, Cresselia, from the Sinnoh region.

Each of the Pokemon has a unique type that influences which Pokemon counters them. When considering which team to bring, you might want to think about the Pokemon to adapt to Giovanni's team:




type weaknesses

Best counters


(shadow) Persian



  • Lucario

  • Bubbles

  • Terracion

  • Hariyama

  • Machamp


(Shadow) Handscrove

dark / flying

Electric, fairy, ice, rock

  • Rampardos

  • tyrant

  • Magnesone

  • repairer

  • Electivire


(Shadow) Congo



  • Lucario

  • Konkeldurr

  • Terracion

  • Hariyama

  • Heracross


(Shadow) Kingdra

Water / Dragon

Dragon, fairy

  • Garchomp

  • Rayquaza

  • Dragonite

  • Salamence

  • Gardevoir


(Shadow) Cresselia


bug, dark, ghost

Your focus should be to Take out Giovanni's shields as fast as you can while Persian is out. Giovanni's signature Pokemon isn't particularly strong, so take advantage of this time to Fill up your Pokémon's Charge Move For the next waves. Although the second wave of Pokemon is hard to predict, you can at least plan ahead for Cresselia, whose legendary status makes them the hardest opponent on Giovanni's team.

Rewards for beating Rocket Leader Giovanni (October 2024)

Gain access to a rare Legendary Pokemon

Pokémon GO Giovanni Team Rocket Leader Analysis with Shadow Pokémon

Defeat Giovanni in October 2024 is part of the "Wonderland: Taken Over" Special research quests alongside other encounters like Shadow Groudon. Even though you don't get the full rewards of the quest from taking down the Team Rocket leader, you still win Three number bundles Guaranteed to have at least Four Max Revives or Four Max Potions. Some other item bundles may include:

  • 4x revives
  • 4x Max Potions
  • 4x Max Revives
  • 4x Hyper Potions
  • 1x Unova Stone

Revives and potions are great items for future battles, especially if you plan on tackling one of the many raid bosses that appear in October 2024. However, the Unova Stone is perhaps the most valuable reward you can get from Giovanni, as it helps you evolve sure sure Pokemon from the Unova region. For example, creatures like Electric can evolve into Electross, Lampent into Chandelure, and so on.

Unfortunately, Giovanni doesn't drop any eggs, unlike some other battles you may participate in. Even if you have a free egg slot in your inventory, don't expect the Team Rocket leader to hand over any free Pokemon except his Shadows.

you Always get 5,000 Stardust for defeating GiovanniBut the main draw of your victory comes from a special interaction with Shadow Cresselia. This legendary Pokemon can be caught after you win, allowing you to get one of the hardest Pokemon to catch in the game. This is the main reason why you should try to beat Giovanni in October 2024 in Pokémon GOAnd in future months when he inevitably returns.