How to beat Black Long Boss in Black Myth: Wukong

How to beat Black Long Boss in Black Myth: Wukong

Four secret bosses of Yaoguai King can be found in Black Myth: WukongIncluding Black Long, a terrifying guy warrior who can be a tough opponent to beat. Black Long, with two maces enhanced with lightning, is a huge challenge compared to some of the main story bosses. However, you need a special item to access the action at all when exploring Chapter 2.

Reaching Black Long will take some backtracking through areas you've likely already explored. Do not be afraid to make some armor or a stronger stick in Black Myth: Wukong Use materials found in later chapters. You'll need all the spells, spirits and curiosity you can find to have a chance against this secret boss once you unlock the path to it.


Where to find black long

Unlock a hidden path with a special number

Black Myth Wukong path to Black Long boss fight by sand waterfall

The entrance to Black Long's host arena Near the Rockcrest Flat Keeper ShrineA fast travel point discovered in Chapter 2. Located within the Frit Cliff area, this area has a cascading waterfall of sand up a flight of stone steps that blocks the path to Black Long. You have to defeat another boss found in this story chapter to unlock the path forward.

After taking down the king of flowing sand boss, Go to the Valley of Despair and challenge the first Prince of Flowing Sands boss in a cave near the Keeper Shrine in this area. Don't take out the boss' allies too quickly Since you need the enemy to do something for you. You have to Bait the boss in striking the cave wall With a lot of carved designs to make a crack to a hidden cave.

If you've already beaten the Prince of Flowing Sands boss, you can unlock the Secret Cave using the spirit skill of the Wandering Way boss from Chapter 1 in Black Myth: Wukong.

Inside the cave, you can find a hidden chest containing the Loong Scales, a secret item used to unlock various Yaoguai King boss fights. This includes Black Long, so go back to the sand waterfall from earlier and examine it with the scales to reveal a hidden path. The moment you go through a door past the sands, a short cutscene will play where you challenge Black Long in a small arena.

How to prepare for black long

Be ready for lightning attacks and shock

Black Myth: Wukong Black Long Secret Boss death animation from defeat cutscene

Like some other long bosses, black long Uses lightning attacks that cause shock status Against you. The shock condition Causes you to take more damage from attacksSo you never want to be affected by this if you can help it.

You will want to upgrade your gourd in Black Myth: Wukong To have ways to cure shock if Black Long inflicts it on you. The drinks and soaks you apply to your gourd can be adjusted to cure status conditions, but sometimes at the sacrifice of less overall health restoration. Alternatively, you can also use Shock Quelling Powder to eliminate Shock if it is ever applied.

Shock Quelling Powder can be bought in the Bitter Lake Precept Corridor shop for 180 will each, so if you have the currency to spend, pick up a few of the Eliminating Medicines.

Try to Take down optional bosses For extra wishes and spirit transformations that could be useful for the Black Long fight. Turning into a former enemy allows you to protect your regular health, as damage in a transformation only reduces how long your shape-shifting lasts. The will you gain can be used to craft better equipment to boost your overall defense or attacking power needed to rival Black Long's.


Talking to the NPC Xu Dog will allow you to make medicines Black Myth: Wukong Which can also help you prepare for the boss. For example, Celestial Medicines crafted with Mind Cores help give you permanent character buffs, which may include an eternal increase in your shock resistance.

How to defeat Black Long

Dodge AoE attacks at all times

Despite the physically intimidating presence of Black Long, the real danger comes from the Bursts of AoE lightning created by the host's two masses. Imbued with thunder, the masses often hit the ground and create huge rings of elemental damage that travel from the host. The rings are scattered throughout the boss arena and can be challenging to avoid if you do Just dodge each attack.

As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator PowerPyxYou want to Stay aggressive Over the fight. Black Long doesn't have much health, but his attacks do a ton of damage if they hit you directly. Try to Summon clones or spirit allies To help raise the damage or stun you can build quickly as you fight.

Black long stroke list



How to compete

Hammer strike

Black Long slams one of his maces into the ground, creating a ring of lightning that travels in a ring across the arena.

Get behind the boss to avoid being hit with a dodge. Then, dodge the ring of electricity as it comes close to you.

Blitz War Cry

Raising his arms, Black Long clashed his maces together three times, creating a large AoE of lighting each time his weapons hit each other.

The AoE from each time the mobs hit each other only occurs in front of the boss, so get behind it to avoid this attack.

Electric war drums

Black Lung gathers electricity in a roar before slamming his hammers into the ground six to seven times. Each time, it creates a large AoE ring of lightning that travels throughout the entire arena.

Jump on one of the rocks in the arena to get above the attack, and hit back when the boss recovers.

The boss will use its Electric War Drums attack twice, once when it loses about 33% of its health and again when it loses about 66%. This move is perhaps the deadliest in Black Long's arsenal, as each ring it creates is close to one another and extremely difficult to dodge in sequence. Black Long will perform a final, larger slam after this attack, so be ready to dodge with slightly delayed timing.

Rewards for defeating Black Long

Choose a special curio for your efforts

Black Myth Wukong opens a special reward chest after defeating the Black Loong secret boss

Eventually, you can find a way to take down Black Long to claim these incredibly rare rewards:

  • 1,579 Will
  • Opinion Corps
  • Long Pearl (Used as a material to make strong stuffs)
  • Thunderbone (used as a material to make strong stuffs)
  • Tridacna pendant curio
  • 2x refined iron sand

The Tridacna pendant is a powerful curio in this game Slightly reduces the cooldown on all your spells. This should allow you to cast Immobilize and other powerful magic more often, which will be a huge help against other secret Yaoguai King bosses. Feel free to spend the Will and Mind Core you get on powerful upgrades that reflect your growth after you manage to beat Black Long in Black Myth: Wukong.

Source: PowerPyx/YouTube


August 20, 2024


Game science


Game science


B for adults 17+ // blood, violence