How to beat Arlo in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

How to beat Arlo in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

In October 2024, Arlo is facing a tougher challenge than ever Pokémon GOMeaning you'll need the best counters to defeat Team Rocket Leader's latest lineup. Requiring you to defeat three powerful Shadow Pokemon in a row, thwarting this regular boss can net trainers some powerful rewards. The catch is that he changes his team constantly, but his second and third Pokemon can be one of three options each.

As when challenging Team Rocket Leaders in the past, Arlo cannot be tracked until you hit six Rocket Grants. This is because thwarting each grant rewards a mysterious component that merges to create a rocket radar. Just like using the right counters for Dynamax Beldum, it is possible to set the right team when considering the weaknesses of the boss.

Arlo's Team and Counters in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

Various Pokemon and weaknesses

Three of the best October 2024 counters to beat Arlo in Pokémon GO

To beat Arlo's lineup from October 2024 in Pokémon GOYou need counters for his team, which includes Anorith, Steelix and Gardevoir. As with past teams for the boss, the first Pokemon, Anorith, will always remain the same. Its second and third-party members can be challenging since they can be any of three potential Pokemon. By using the table below filled with weaknesses and counters for Arlo's team, you will have a much better chance of victory:







  • Dialga

  • Dusk Mane Necromaza

  • Empoleon

  • Kyogre

  • Metagrus

  • Rampardos

  • tyrant



  • Electric

  • Ice

  • psychic

  • Rock

  • Alakazam

  • Mewtwo

  • Magnesone

  • Raikou

  • Rampardos

  • tyrant



  • Electivire

  • Magnesone

  • Manectric

  • Raikou

  • Xurkitree

  • Zapdos

  • Zekram



  • Fighting

  • Fire

  • Earth

  • Water

  • Electivire

  • Magnesone

  • Manectric

  • Raikou

  • Xurkitree

  • Zapdos

  • Zekram



  • Downwings Necrosma

  • Dusk Mane Necrozma

  • Chandelier

  • squadron

  • Metagrus



  • Bubbles

  • Charizard

  • Heatran

  • Moltres

  • Rashiram



  • Konkeldurr

  • Lucario

  • Heracross

  • Machamp

  • Marshadov

  • Terracion

Be sure to also use moves of the same type as your counter Pokemon. This will give them a 20% stab (same type attack bonus).

Although Arlo's selection of multiple Pokemon for his last two party members can make him a bit unpredictable, you can exploit some common weaknesses by prioritizing specific counters first. For example, Anorith, Crobat and Gyarados all share a weakness to stone types.

So you can Throw a tyrant at your party first for guaranteed coverage. If you fight Arlo and realize you don't have the right team, like when you take on something in the Pokémon GO Raid boss plan, you can leave the battle to switch your team before trying again.


Rewards for beating Arlo in Pokémon GO

An exclusive egg and carrot

The rewards for beating Cliff in Pokémon GO in October 2024

As a reward for beating Arlo Pokémon GO, You can capture his Shadow Anorith for yourself, along with 1000 Stardust. You will also be rewarded with two of a handful of items from a special package. These items include an exclusive 12KM Strange Egg, four Revives, a Unova Stone, two Max Revives, two Max Potions or two Hyper Potions.

Strange Eggs are one of the best prizes since they are exclusive to defeating Rocket Bosses like Rocket Leader Cliff. The pool of hatches that can come from it are rare creatures like Larvitar, Varoom, Sandile, and Pawnyard. Just be sure to face Arlo with a team of the best counters like Metagross, Raikou and Blaziken in Pokémon GO; victory Should be yours.