How to beat a cliff in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

How to beat a cliff in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

Rocket Leader Cliff is back in Pokémon GO For October 2024, and trainers will need to know the weaknesses of his team and the best counters to win. One of the three Rocket Leaders working under Giovanni, this tricky boss has a three-party team of powerful Shadow Pokemon you can defeat for useful rewards. The challenge facing Cliff comes in the fact that, along with his lineup changing constantly, his second and third Pokemon are randomly set to be one of three options every time you meet him.

For example, when you are ready to hit Sierra in Pokémon GOYou can only find Cliff after defeating six Rocket Grants. Defeating one grant rewards a mysterious component, six of which you put together to form a rocket radar. He makes for a tough opponent as you can expect from a boss like this, but using counters to exploit his weaknesses will make this battle much easier.

Cliff's Team and Counters in Pokémon GO (October 2024)

Target their multiple weaknesses

Galarian Darmanitan, Metagross and Lucario, some of ​​the best counters to beat Cliff in Pokemon GO in October 2024

to hit cliff in Pokémon GOYou'll need to use counters for his latest team in October 2024, which comprises a variety of Shadow Pokemon like Lilleep, Kingdra and Tyranitar. Lileep is guaranteed to be among his team as the first Pokemon to be sent out, but Cliff's remaining two will be one of three options, whichever one he chooses is seemingly generated randomly. To get you prepared, consult the table below and discover the weaknesses of all of Cliff's Pokemon along with the ideal counters to use against them:







  • Metagrus

  • Lucario

  • Galarian Darmanitan

  • Pheromosa



  • Garchomp

  • Dragonite

  • Togekiss

  • Higrigon



  • Kyogre

  • Galarian Darmanitan

  • Decidueye

  • Zarod



  • Electric

  • Ice

  • Rock

  • Steel

  • Water

  • Metagrus

  • Xurkitree

  • Galarian Darmanitan

  • Rampardos



  • Water

  • Fighting

  • Bug

  • Steel

  • Fairy

  • Earth

  • Grass

  • Lucario

  • Metagrus

  • Kyogre

  • Togekiss



  • Dusk Mane Necrozma

  • Pheromosa

  • Galarian Darmanitan

  • Lucario



  • tyrant

  • Galarian Darmanitan

  • Togekiss

  • Garchomp

Use Pokemon with moves that are the same as its type for a STAB (same type attack bonus)

Using such a variety of Pokemon of different types, Cliff's variety of Pokemon has some common weaknesses that you can use for a wide coverage. Take Lileep, for example, which has ice as one of its weaknesses. By adding an ice type like Galarian Darmanitan to your team, you'll be set to take on Lileep, Marowak, Aerodactyl, and Cradily. If you start the battle with Cliff, and he uses a team for which you are not prepared, leave the battle, switch your team and start again, just as you can do with those in this month. Pokémon GO Raid boss plan.


Rewards for beating cliffs in Pokémon GO

Stardust, a shadow Lilleep encounter and more

The rewards for beating Cliff in Pokémon GO in October 2024

A combination of 1000 Stardust And these Chance to capture Shadow Lileep Are guaranteed rewards for beating Cliff in Pokémon GO. Then you'll get two random items between four Revives, two Max Revives, four Hyper Potions, two Max Potions, a Unova Stone, and a Strange Egg.

To make the most of beating a rocket leader, you'll want the 12KM Strange Egg since they're unique to the boss battles. Make sure you have an open egg slot to make room for it. As long as you don't forget to use counters like Galarian Darmanitan, Lucario, and Metagross, you'll be able to beat Cliff and his October 2024 team in Pokémon GO with no issues.