How Superman became the most beloved hero of the earth

How Superman became the most beloved hero of the earth

Warning! Contains spoilers for Action comics #1069!

DC Comics has promised to reveal a pivotal tale in the early history of SupermanWhich helps explain why he developed a reputation as Earth's greatest superhero and protector. An upcoming issue of the long-running Action comics Series is Set to definitively explain how the man of style developed into a beloved worldwide icon.

Action comics #1069 - Written by Gail Simone, with art by Rainbow Rowell - Earth finds itself in danger, and the only way it will survive an alien invasion is if Earth's champion can defeat the trials the alien invaders face.

Of course, Superman ends up being the champion, and it's this act of bravery that ends up winning him the hearts of the world. Overall, the story adds valuable new context to Superman study, immediately establishing it as a pivotal piece of the character's canon.

DC establishes a crucial early victory for Superman as Earth's champion

Action comics #1069 - Written by Gail Simone; Art by Rainbow Rowell, Eddie Barrows and Sian Tormey

Superman can be seen flying through the skies of Metropolis in an image drawn by Alex Ross at DC Comics

In Gail Simone Action comics #1069 story, as Superman completes trial after trial, the entire ordeal is broadcast to Earth. That means everyone on the plan Can recognize that the only man standing between their planet is conquered is the Man of Steel. If nothing else, this is a pretty quick and easy way to become one of the most beloved superheroes of all time. This story carves a place for itself in Superman history by answering lingering questions that many DC fans have had over the decades.


The biggest uncertainty about Superman's popularity was the actual scale of it. While Superman has saved the universe multiple times, from villains including Darkseid and The Batman Who Laughs, the average person across the gauntlet doesn't necessarily know who those people are. In many cases, they won't even know the planet was in danger to begin with. It's not like they announced on the news that the Anti-Monitor is coming to destroy the planet, to give one example. After this new adventure perfectly, and simply, explains why every regular civilian on earth seems to be a fan of Superman.

Everyone on Earth knows that Superman is fighting for them

This makes him humanity's greatest hero

in Action comics #1069, aliens came to Earth and issued a public statement that if a champion of Earth could defeat their challenges, they would take over the planet. Everyone on earth became aware of the situation, and unlike other situations, the action was reported all over the world. This is the biggest change in Superman history, and it's critical. In every other situation, even if the average person knows that the Anti-Monitor was defeated and did not destroy the world, they still do not know what role Superman specifically played in the battle.

Cat Grant said it best when she reported on this event, "Superman is not fighting alone, Earth is fighting with him."

This story fully explains why almost everyone would love Superman. It's one thing to simply be Telling that Superman saved the world, it's another To witness firsthand just the kind of pain and danger he goes through to save the world. Cat Grant said it best when she reported on this event, "Superman is not fighting alone, Earth is fighting with him." It shows that this one moment is all it took for Superman's reputation to be cemented as Earth's greatest hero throughout the world.

Action comics #1069 Will be available September 25, 2024 from DC Comics.