The relationship between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker is essential to Star Warsbut they had a slight age gap during the prequel trilogy. Although audiences were already familiar with Anakin before the prequels were released, George Lucas' second film Star Wars The trilogy introduced everyone to his childhood crush and future wife, Padmé Amidala, played by Natalie Portman in all three Star Wars previous films. One of the things audiences noticed was that Padmé's age and Anakin's age were very different, but a romance still blossomed.
The Queen of Naboo met Anakin during a trip to Tatooine, and it didn't take long for Anakin to fall in love with her. This passion didn't stop there, as Anakin was still in love with Padmé when they crossed paths again a decade later. Padmé and Anakin's tragic love story is at the heart of the prequelseven though the execution of the arc and the chemistry between Portman and Hayden Christensen didn't always work, and many aspects of Padmé's character didn't make sense. But, one aspect of the relationship that is often discussed is Padmé's age compared to Anakin.
How old is Padmé compared to Anakin in the prequels?
Padmé was born in 46 BBY (before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth occurred in 41 BBY, so Padmé was five years older than him. They didn't meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menacewhich occurred in 32 BBY. This makes Padmé 14 years old during the events of the film, while Anakin Skywalker was only nine years old.. At this stage, Anakin's crush on the girl he thought was an angel was quite harmless and unrequited by Padmé.
Anakin and Padmé reunited a decade later, in 22 BBY, during Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. This time jump made Padmé a very mature 24-year-old, while Anakin was still a Jedi Padawan and a teenager at 19.. They get married at the end of the film, forcing them to spend the next three years secretly loving each other, until Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. When the prequels began their story in 19 BBY, Padmé was 27 years old, while Anakin was 22 years old.
Padmé and Anakin's Significant Events |
Date |
Padmé's birth |
46 BBY |
Anakin's birth |
41 BBY |
Padmé and Anakin meet |
32 BBY |
Padmé and Anakin's wedding |
22 BBY |
Padmé's death |
19 BBY |
How old were Padmé and Anakin when they got married?
At the end of Attack of the ClonesAnakin and Padmé escaped Geonosis thanks to a Jedi strike team and the Grand Army of the Republic. Although the Jedi High Council believed that Anakin was merely escorting the Queen back to her home, the two were actually getting married at Varykino, a lake retreat on Naboo. Given that the events of Attack of the Clones took place in 22 BBY, Padmé's age was 24 and Anakin's age was 19 at the time of their marriage. While Skywalker was on his way to the Dark Side, Palpatine's promise to save Amidala from death was what swayed him.
How old was Padmé when she died in Revenge of the Sith?
The age difference between Anakin and Padmé was ultimately irrelevant, since Padmé's death at the end of the Star Wars prequels ended his story at just 27 years old. She spent her final moments giving birth to Luke and Leia before losing the will to live. Anakin thought learning about the Dark Side might help save Padmé, but his turn ended up being what made her give up on life.
Padmé's death at the end of Revenge of the Sith caused quite a controversy after the film. According to the film, she died of a broken heart upon discovering that Anakin had completely transformed into a Sith. Thus, despite being clinically healthy, she dies because she “loses the will to live”. Padmé's death may have been necessary for the Star Wars prequels, but how she died seems like an unfortunate plot error.
How old would Padmé be in the original Star Wars trilogy?
If Padmé had survived to see her children grow up through the Dark Times and enter the Age of Rebellion, she would have been 46 when 19-year-old Luke Skywalker shot down the Death Star with the help of Leia Organa and Han Solo. There is no doubt that Padmé would have been an active part of this effort, with a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith having shown how Padmé was one of the senators to form what would become the Rebel Alliance. Senators such as Bail Organa and Mon Mothma were also present.
Padmé would have been 49 years old when Luke confronted Darth Vader and discovered the truth about his fatheralthough if Padmé were alive, it's likely Luke would have known this truth long before. Luke and Leia's mother would then have been 50 years old when Palpatine was finally defeated and the Galactic Empire began to crumble. If she had still been alive at that time, it is very likely that she would have been a prominent figure in the rise of the New Republic, given how much she was respected during her career in the Republic Senate.
Of course, many things would have been different if Padmé had survived to see the events of the original trilogy. She was such an influential character in the Skywalker saga that it's hard to imagine all the things that could have changed if she had survived, especially Darth Vader himself. Much of his anger and loyalty to Palpatine had to do with the fact that Padmé had died, and Vader still clung to the hope that he could somehow bring her back, or at least take out his anger on the galaxy. Padmé may have changed that.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the age difference between Padmé and Anakin, especially considering how young they were when they met. Amidala and Skywalker didn't let their five-year age difference slow them down, and Anakin was unfortunately allowed to make up the age gap after Amidala's unfortunate passing. Despite controversy over their ages, Padmé and Anakin's relationship was one of the most deeply tragic love stories of all time. Star Wars.