How old is Callum Drift In Red One by Dwayne Johnson

How old is Callum Drift In Red One by Dwayne Johnson

Notice! This post contains SPOILERS for Red OneOne of the main protagonists RedDwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Callum Drift is much older than the average human. Acting as head of security at the North Pole and first line of defense for Santa Claus (JK Simmons), Drift had already been in the role for some time before facing the sinister operation that was the kidnapping of Saint Nicholas. To that end, there's one scene in particular that helps define exactly how old Callum Drift is in the new Christmas action film.

In RedJohnson's Callum Drift has no choice but to work with tracker and bounty hunter Jack O'Malley (Chris Evans) to locate and rescue Santa Claus, a "naughty level 4 lister." As the pair struggle to work together and become partners, Drift begins to recover from his previous disillusionment with the Christmas season due to each year's growing list of pranks (explaining his request to retire before Santa's kidnapping). ). To that end, it was also revealed how long Drift has been the security guard at the North Pole, a major tease about the character's real age. Red.

Callum Drift is over 500 years old in red

Santa's head of security for 542 years

As Drift and O'Malley investigate Santa's kidnapping and search for clues in Redthe duo is captured and imprisoned in a dungeon after trying to invade the domains of Santa Claus' estranged adopted brother, Krampus (Kristofer Hivju). This gives Callum and Jack a chance to talk before facing Krampus himself, and Drift reveals that he has been the commander-in-chief of the ELF (Enforcement, Logistics, and Fortification) for 542 years. Naturally, the revelation that Drift has been on the job for ages is quite surprising to Jack, as is the fact that this year was supposed to be his last.

If Drift has been Santa's security chief for 542 years, it stands to reason that he didn't start the job the year he was born. To this end, can you imagine that The Red Callum Drift is really close to turning 600although this is just a guess. Callum's age is never fully specified beyond this revelation about his years of service to Santa, a job he decides to continue until the end of Redhaving regained hope in humanity and the Christmas spirit.

How Callum Drift is so old at Red One

"Do I look human to you?"

An edited image of Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans looking shocked in Red One.
Custom image by Max Ruscinski

Red confirms that there are mythological monsters and creatures of all kinds, such as Santa Claus, Krampus, Gryla, The Headless Horseman and more. Likewise, the North Pole employs real elves and trolls in its operations, and talking polar bears and penguins are part of Drift's security forces. That said, it's never been confirmed what exactly Johnson's character is, other than the confirmation to Jack that Drift is not a traditional human.. Whatever it is, it's clear that Drift has some sort of delayed aging, with an impressive lifespan as a mythological member of the North Pole. To that end, he will likely have centuries more to go beyond the events of Red.

Red is now showing in theaters.