Anakin Skywalker's age has been a contentious topic when discussing the Star Wars Prequels, especially how old he was in the first two films. First introduced as Darth Vader in George Lucas' first Star Wars movie (later retitled A new hope), Anakin Skywalker is one of the franchise's most enduring characters. He is a major figure in both the original trilogy and the prequels, and his legacy runs into the sequel era.
Chronologically, Anakin first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace And finally published in Return of the Jedi. He lived a long and eventful life, fighting in the Clone Wars, becoming the youngest member ever to join the Jedi Council, and co-ruling the galaxy as a Dark Lord of the Sith. Here's how old Anakin Skywalker is in each Star Wars Movie and TV show.
Anakin Skywalker was nine years old in The Phantom Menace
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Anakin Skywalker was born in 41 BB ("Before the Battle of Ivin," the event around which the whole Star Wars timeline is oriented). This means he is 9 years old when he joins the Jedi Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceUnusually old to be recruited to the Jedi. He took an immediate interest in Padmé Amidala, and sensed through the Force that they would one day marry—even if he didn't know it was forbidden under the Jedi Code at that early age.
Anakin Skywalker was 19 years old in Attack of the Clones
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The prequel trilogy fast forwards by a decade, meaning Anakin Skywalker was 19 years old Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones - which might help explain why he's so clumsy at romance. Anakin marries Padmé at the end of the movie. According to Mike Chen's canon novel brotherhoodAnakin became a Jedi Knight a few weeks later, with the Jedi Council viewing his experiences on Geonosis as sufficient to pass the Jedi Trials.
The Clone Wars took three years
22 BB to 19 BB
As the Jedi general of the 501st Legion, Anakin played a pivotal role during the Clone Wars, which lasted for three years, as depicted in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Starting out as a 19-year-old general, Anakin grew immensely during this time, when He spent the ages of 20, 21 and 22 not only leading his men into battle, but also teaching his own Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Having so much responsibility helped to mold Anakin into a brave, loyal and caring leader who was famous across the galaxy.
The formative years for Anakin helped him become the hero that he was during his descent into darkness. The young man Anakin was at 19 was very different from what he was at 22, due to how fighting in this war shaped him. After all, his young age made his bravery and leadership extremely impressive, for which he was often praised at the time.
Anakin Skywalker was 22 years old in Revenge of the Sith
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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Pick up the movies back at the end of the Clone Wars, when every battle he's fought begins to culminate. Anakin Skywalker is 22 years old At this point in the timeline, a critical moment in his life when he falls to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader. His fall is a result of years of trauma, manipulation and fear, turning what had been his greatest strengths during the war against himself.
Darth Vader was 32 in the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ TV show
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Obi-Wan Kenobi is next in the Star Wars timeline, taking place exactly ten years after Obi-Wan left his first apprentice for dead on the lava fields of Mustafar. This means Darth Vader is 32 inches Obi-Wan Kenobi (His master, in contrast, is 48). The age difference did not work in Darth Vader's favor, however, as he ultimately lost another duel with Obi-Wan.
Darth Vader was 41 years old in Rogue One and A New Hope
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The Star Wars Movies fast forward again to the end of the Dark Times of the Empire's reign. Both Rogue One: A Star Wars Story And A new hope are set when Darth Vader is 41 years old, With the Dark Lord of the Sith facing Obi-Wan for the last time. He had no idea the boy he almost shot down during the Battle of Yavin was his son.
Darth Vader is 44 years old in The Empire Strikes Back
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When Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star, he fired the shot that started the Galactic Civil War. The Star Wars The original trilogy jumps ahead again, with the conflict raging for another three years. This means Darth Vader is 44 When he confronts Luke on Bespin in The empire strikes backAttempting to seduce his son to the dark side.
Darth Vader was 45 when he died in Return of the Jedi
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Return of the Jedi It's a year away The empire strikes backWith Darth Vader facing his son for the last time. Luke's faith in his father leads to his redemption, with Anakin turning against Palpatine in the end. The greatest hero of Star Wars Was bought out when he was only 45 years old, finally found peace in the force.
Anakin appeared in Ahsoka when he would have been 52 years old
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Anakin's death, however, did not deter his spirit from living on. Although the timeline of the Ahsoka Series is not quite clear, it takes place a few years later The Mandalorian (9 Abi), which means that Anakin would have been 52 years old when he appeared to Ahsoka in the world between worlds. Despite this, Anakin looks like he did when Ahsoka last saw him, just before the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. Anakin's appearance could very well mean that his Star Wars History is far from over, which is absolutely thrilling.