How many episodes will Secret Level Season 1 have and when will the rest be released?

How many episodes will Secret Level Season 1 have and when will the rest be released?

Prime Video's long-awaited anthology series finally debuted, but Secret levelThe first season is not over yet, with more episodes to come. The video game show features a variety of tales from various IPs, helping to flesh out its lore while also offering some new insights into each franchise. Naturally, some episodes shine more than others, but seeing so many interesting characters and environments being adapted for the television format was a breath of fresh air. Secret level follows the success of Prime Video Precipitationas the streaming service appears to be investing heavily in the video game adaptation market.

Given that they share the same creators, Secret levelNetflix connections Love, Death and Robots are clear to watch, although the Prime Video anthology series has less diverse animation styles. Still, the first eight episodes were predominantly good, with a few standout performers. The buzz about War Hammer 40,000stunning visuals along with new approach Pac-Man already got the internet talking, but There are still some big games to feature Secret level. As a result, viewers will naturally be curious to know how many episodes are left and when they will arrive, which the show has confirmed.

How many episodes are in secret level season 1

The first season will contain a total of 15 episodes

Keanu Reeves alongside a purple hooded alien in Secret Level
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

With eight episodes now available to watch, Secret level There are still seven episodes to go, bringing the first season's total count to 15. Each focuses on a completely different franchise, giving many games a chance to flourish; however, the “Playtime” episode will be a mash-up of several PlayStation IPs, which will debut in the next batch. So far, Secret level released episodes for Dungeons and Dragons, Sifu, New World: Aeternum, Unreal Tournament, War Hammer 40,000, Pac-Man, Cross-fireand Armored Core. While most of these episodes are combat-oriented, some focus more on characters or world-building.

The tastes of Sifu, Unreal Tournamentand war hammer 40k are all driven by action and violencebut they still have interesting narratives that make them stand out as some of the best episodes. In contrast, New World: Aeternum and Pac-Man contain surprisingly graphic scenes, but are much more about individuals or the environment surrounding the central characters. Some of the Secret levelVideo game adaptations have been incredibly faithful to the source material, while others have tried something completely new, leading to varying degrees of success, but the show still delivers a thrilling final seven episodes of the first season.

When will the first season of The Rest Of Secret Level be released?

The rest of the season will be released on December 17th

Happily, the remaining episodes of Secret level Season 1 will be released on December 17thjust a week after the first set. Given that each episode so far has been less than 20 minutes long, releasing the season in two batches rather than weekly or even daily episodes makes a lot of sense and gives viewers more freedom in terms of how they want to watch the show. Some people may choose to watch all 15 at once after they are all released, others may prefer to watch them one batch at a time, while some viewers may only watch the franchises they are interested in.

The outer worlds, Mega man, Exodus, CavingPlaystation, Concordiaand Honor of Kings will be the IPs adapted in the final set of Season 1 episodes, and they already have high standards to live up to.

Either way, the release schedule fits with the anthology nature of Secret leveland there won't be a long wait until the next seven stories debut. The outer worlds, Mega man, Exodus, CavingPlaystation, Concordiaand Honor of Kings will be the IPs adapted in the final set of Season 1 episodes, and they already have high standards to live up to. Assuming there are more hits than misses in relation to the next stories, Secret level will undoubtedly have been a huge success, suggesting that a second season may be inevitable, especially looking at Love, Death and Robots' history.

Franchise name

Episode name


Tale of the Implacable



Honor of Kings

The way of all things

Mega man

To start


Playtime: Greetings



The outer worlds

The company we keep