How Ma Petit's death changed Season 4 completely

How Ma Petit's death changed Season 4 completely

American Horror Story season 4, Freak showis arguably one of the more light-hearted seasons of the long-running horror anthology series, but Ma Petit's death shifted the season's tone dramatically. Freak show Was very highly rated and noted for a departure in theme from the previous three seasons, focusing more on family loyalty and together with the importance of finding the tribe. This tone was best exemplified by the character of Ma Petite - and it was brutally shattered by her death.

Drawing on true stories of real sideshows and circus performers, such as PT Barnum's "Greatest Show on Earth", Freak show followed Elsa Mars (long) as the leader of a similar sideshow; Mars was an aspiring actress who ended up transitioning to the circus, where she was a chanteuse. Although not always maternal to all of her 'freaks', Elsa took a shine to some of those under her care and showed a softer side to Ma Petit in particular. However, Me Petite's death signaled the shift in the season that it


Who killed Ma Petite in American Horror Story and why

Dell Toledo killed Ma Petit to appease Stanley

Ma Petite Horror Story Freak Show

Ma Petite's death was one of the most heart-wrenching moments in American Horror Story: Freak Show. Ma Petit was easy to trust because she took such good care of Elsa and the other performers during her time in Jupiter, Florida. This led her to Stanley (Dennis O'Hare) and Maggie (Emma Roberts), who conspired to capture and kill some of the freaks in order to sell them to a museum specializing in "morbid curiosities", similar to The Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, PA.

Ma Petite was initially targeted by Maggie, but she was unable to go through with killing such an innocent person. Instead, the job fell to strongman Del Toledo (Michael Chiklis), who struggled with his sexuality and had a violent temper. First, Dell targeted Amazon IV, but was unsuccessful; Since he was blackmailed, Del knew that coming to Stanley empty-handed was not an option, so he smothered Ma Petite, crushing her fragile body into a hug.


As Ma Petite's death in Freak shows effectively the entire season

Ma Petite's tragic end highlighted the season's themes

Actress Jyoti Amge, a 26-year-old Indian actress, holds the Guinness World Record for being the smallest living woman since 2011. Standing just over two feet tall, Amge's height is attributed to a condition known as achondroplasia. Her role in season 4 of American Horror Story Was very much the heart of Elsa Mars' show - Ma Petite worked closely with her, and she was often seen playing a small violin or being carried around by the other performers or Elsa. Often Elsa used to invite her to cook, and even though Ma Petite was certainly not a child, and had a completely immersed, feisty personality, she also possessed a childlike sense of wonder and innocence.

As heartbreaking as it was, the death of Ma Petite was very much the impetus for the fall of Elsa's family. Riddled with shame over his actions and self-inflicted wounds, Dell attempts suicide but is later shot to death by Elsa after she discovers that he has murdered Ma Petite. While many of these performers end up mutilated or killed through various interactions with Stanley and other predatory outside influences, Ma Petite's death set a precedent The real death of innocenceThat changed the tone of the season dramatically.

While always steeped in the horror genre, the more lighthearted aspects of American Horror Story: Freak Show When it became clear that no one was safe, that truly evil forces were at work, and the show reiterated that real monsters are often human, even those who could be trusted before.

Where Ma Petite ranks among important AHS deaths

Ma Petite's death was thematically important, but not the most plot-changing

While the killing of Jyoti Amge Freak show Character changed the tone of season 4, it's not the most important American Horror Story Death when it comes to those who significantly shifted the plot. There is no shortage of characters that die in Ahs. Some of these, such as those of Ma Petite in freak show, They are distressing and memorable, and can even reveal a lot about the thematic message behind their respective season. However, not all of the characters die in a way that impacts the narrative.

Ma Petite falls into the category of AHS Deaths that don't mark a specific shift in the plot. This is not to say that it does not have an impact, as much as the death of Myrtle Snow in AHS: Coven, Her passage inspires emotions that push other characters to act. however, When it comes to direct plot-shifting American Horror Story The most significant is after the death of Violet Harmon (Taissa Farmiga) in American Horror Story: Murder House - The first season of the show.

in American Horror Story Season 1, Episode 10, "Smoldering Children", it is revealed that the main character Violet Harmon actually died in the previous episode, and was a ghost for close to two weeks (unbeknownst to herself or her parents). It is only fellow spirit father (Evan Peters) who is able to reveal the truth to her, that she failed to survive a suicide attempt and that her body is deep in the bowels of the house and slowly decaying.

This moment significantly changed the course of the first season of american horror story, And is still considered one of the best twists in the show. The death of Ma Petite in AHS: Freak Show It could have been more emotional and tragic, but it didn't impact the narrative in quite the same way as Violet's in Murder house.