Star Wars It gradually showed more and more of Luke's new Jedi Order after Empire, and a survivor of Order 66 was much more instrumental to that than most fans realize. Previous Jedi were completely decimated by the Jedi Purge, even the likes of Luke Skywalker. Luke began picking up the pieces some 24 years after the Purge, collecting Jedi history and knowledge to restart the Jedi Order - and he did, on an ancient Jedi library world.
Luke established a new Jedi Temple on Ossus and began teaching students the ways of the Jedi. The young Jedi learned a little from his masters, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, but not enough to start an entire new Order. Star Wars Canon, however, has shown us that it was actually another Order 66 survivor who contributed a great deal of knowledge to Luke and his new Jedi Order.
Luke Skywalker discovered a huge cache of Jedi knowledge
The Remains of the Jedi Archives
As Luke Skywalker rebuilt the Jedi Order, he searched the galaxy for Jedi artifacts and knowledge, becoming an archaeologist of sorts. In 6 ABY, Two years after Endor, Luke discovered a gigantic cache of knowledge, a large section of the Coruscant Jedi Temple Archives. which had been preserved in a cave. However, this was not random and was placed there on purpose by a familiar but secondary character: Jocasta Nu.
After Order 66, the Jedi Librarian of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the ClonesJocasta Nu, began her own retention of Jedi information under the Empire. As seen in Darth Vader #7 by Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli, Nu continually risked his life to recover more and more Jedi knowledge and tradition under the Empire's rule, storing it in a cave on an unknown planet. This included holocrons, data tapes, artifacts, training devices, and more, all the equipment needed to restart the Jedi Order.
Nu worked with an academic named Gar, who helped her maintain her cave system. Together, they intended to start a new Jedi school in secret, even before Luke Skywalker had the idea. Jocasta Nu somehow survived Order 66, saw the destruction of the Jedi Order, and decided to make a difference. Unfortunately, she was killed before this could come to fruition, but her efforts were not in vain as her cache of knowledge became the property of Luke Skywalker 25 years later.
How much did Jocasta Nu influence Luke's Jedi Order?
The value of holocrons
This means that Jocasta Nu's efforts to preserve the teachings of the Jedi Order have become completely instrumental to Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Order. Based on canonical sources such as The Rise of Kylo Ren by Charles Soule and Will Sliney, and Star Wars (2020) by Soule and Marco Castiello, holocrons were extremely important to Luke's efforts. This also makes sense considering what even a single holocron could contain within itself.
Holocrons were digital storage devices that could only be activated through the Force and contained vast riches of Jedi (or Sith) knowledge. Holocrons can include entire lessons, training sessions, books, and more, all useful for training in the Jedi arts. Luke and his students can be seen on several occasions accessing holocrons for the teachings of the Jedi of oldmaking the new Jedi Order feel connected to the old one in a meaningful way, all thanks to Jocasta Nu's preservation efforts.
What happened to Jocasta Nu?
The End of the Jedi Librarian
As previously mentioned, Jocasta Nu met an untimely end before her Jedi school could come to fruition. Not long after Order 66, she went on a fateful mission back to the Jedi Temple Archives to retrieve a list of Force-sensitive children she could bring to the school.. At the Archives, she was met by the Grand Inquisitor and Darth Vader, who engaged her in a fierce battle.
Jocasta Nu tried (and successfully) used a few different Jedi artifacts against the Dark Siders and eventually escaped the temple, where she was attacked by the Coruscant Guard. Cornered after a long fight, Nu tried to end her own life, but was saved by Vader with the Force. She then reveals to the clone troopers that Vader was in fact Anakin Skywalker, forcing the Sith Lord to kill all the clones and Jocasta Nu - and putting an end to a legendary and important story. Star Wars figure.