MaxxineThe long-awaited sequel to Xhas finally been released, and here's how long after Ty West's original slasher the film takes place. Although Maxxine is the third film in T. West's X Franchise, its successor Pearl was an X Prequel, with Maxxine Being the first proper sequel to X. Maxxine Still goes original X Movie protagonist Maxine Minks, although this time in a completely new place and era. So, here is when Maxxine is set compared to 2022s X As well as everything that happened between the two slasher films.
After the original X The movie was released, many fans were eager to see what happened to Maxine Minks after she escaped the farm massacre of the original X. While the second X film, PearlGiven more context to the titular killer, the release of Maxxine Promised to finally follow the tense cliffhanger, showing what Maxine got up to while continuing to pursue her acting career. While it is the same character, Maxine Minks is a completely different person by this time Maxxine Rolled aroundSome years have passed between X and its sequel.
Maxxine was established in 1985
Creating the 1980s aesthetic film
X was an homage to the slasher movies of the 1970s, with its setting and tone clearly inspired by classics like The Texas chain saw massacre. However, it was clear that Maxxine went in a completely different direction than the release of the first trailer, with it inspired by the video nasties of the 1980s. Maxxine is set in Hollywood in 1985, picking up a few years after Maxine escapes the farm massacre in X. A lot has changed in the world of X Since the original filmConfirm the events of the third film.
Maxxine takes place 6 years after X
Well after Maxine's farm escape
2022 S X took place in 1979, that is Maxxine Takes place six years after the events of the original film. Rather than picking up right after Maxine left Howard and Pearl's farm, the sequel instead jumps into the future, with Maxine having established a life for herself in Hollywood. This allows Maxxine To leave behind the 1970s vibe of the original film in favor of the neon lights and music of the 1980s, creating a completely different tone for the sequel.
Despite the time jump, news of the massacre at Howard and Pearl's farm is still at large, with Maxine having to hide her role in the killings. Not similar PearlWhich could act as a completely standalone film because it is an X earlier, X is essential viewing for Maxxines history. The fact that much of Maxxines story centers around Maxine being threatened By someone with information about her role in XThe six year gap story didn't do much for Maxine, adding to the tension of Ti West's story.
Everything that happened to Mia Goth's character between X and Max
A lot happened in between the films
A lot happened to Mia Gott's Maxine Minks between the events of X And MaxxineAnd here's a full breakdown of it all. After escaping the massacre at Howard and Pearl's farm, Maxine moved to Hollywood in an attempt to pursue her acting career. Once there, Maxine befriends aspiring actress Amber James and mature video store employee Leon, with her talking to them about her acting struggles.
In the six years since XMaxine constantly tried to get acting jobsAlthough not too much profit. Maxxine Makes it clear that she has consistently auditioned for parts, with her staying determined despite her professional failures. However, this all changes at the beginning of MaxxineWith her landing a major role in the in-universe film The Puritan II. This is what allows Maxine's film career to finally take off, even though it comes at a bad time for the character.
During the six year gap between films, Maxine's religious father found out about her time at Howard and Pearl's farm. He tracks her down to Hollywood and hires a private investigator, Kevin Bacon's John Labat, to learn even more about her. In the background of MaxxineMaxine's father has also managed to form a cult centered around fighting back against the sexual and demonic influence they believe has overtaken Hollywood, leading to the end of Maxxine. much of Maxxines The story is concerned with what happened between films, with the six years as vital.