How Justin Bieber Helped Martha Stewart Revive Her Career After Prison

How Justin Bieber Helped Martha Stewart Revive Her Career After Prison

Contains Netflix spoilers Martha Documentary

Netflix's Martha Stewart Documentary, Simply Titled Martha, reveals a lot about the life and work of the American icon. Now 83, Stewart's rollercoaster story, which includes a period of incarceration, is legendary. In 2005, Stewart was sentenced to five months in prison and two years of supervised release after being found guilty of cheating the stock market. about a share sale. At the time, Martha Sewart described her prison sentence as a "horrible experience", but now, following Martha, she changed that view: "I I considered it a vacation, to tell you the truth."

Stewart's original fame and success came from a series of business ventures, which culminated in the writing of several best-selling bookspublishing your own Marrtha Stewart Living magazine and hosting two syndicated television programs: Martha Stewart Livingwhich ran from 1993 to 2004, and The Martha Stewart Show, which lasted from 2005 to 2012, after his release from prison. Stewart's celebrity in the 1990s led to New York Times magazine naming her as "the definitive American woman of our time."

Martha Stewart's appearance on Comedy Central's Justin Bieber Roast got her career back on track

Stewart became friends with Snoop Dogg

Stewart acknowledges, however, that the road back to success was not easy following his incarceration. He was helped to a great extent by a friendship she began with Canadian pop icon Justin Bieber after interviewing him for her magazine in the first wave of his fame. Upon his release, Bieber made a point of endorsing his products and participating in his social media campaigns, capitalizing on his position as a pop star and his influence with millennials and Gen Z, for whom Stewart's prison record was yet another badge of honor than a setback, to give the Stewart brand a new lease of life.

With her recipes and lifestyle products amplified on the Bieber platform, Stewart was introduced to an entirely new demographic, culminating in her appearance in 2015 at Bieber's the Comedy Central Justin Bieber Roast. The event marked Martha Stewart's public rebirth, but, more importantly, it introduced her to another, even more unlikely, celebrity with whom she would form a lasting professional and personal bond. Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart met that night.

Martha Stewart's friendship with Snoop Dogg began at Justin Bieber's Roast

Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart appeared on screen

Martha Stewart at the premiere of Martha

The Dogg/Stewart collaboration was unique and mutually beneficial. They appeared together on several shows, in which their personal chemistry shined through. The partnership formalized in "Martha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner", which debuted in 2016. Combining Snoop's laid-back West Coast persona with Stewart's orderly approach to cooking turned out to be a masterstroke and fully completed Stewart's public rehabilitation. Snoop also benefited, introducing him to an entirely new mainstream audience, who reveled in the duo's banter and mutual respect for each other despite their cultural differences.

It's clear that Martha Stewart's career recovery owes a lot to Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg. RJ Cutler, who directed Netflix Martha, fails, in Stewart's opinion, to give sufficient weight to these positive experiences in his documentary, according to NBC Newspreferring to focus on the period of incarceration. Always flirty, Stewart's final words to Bieber at his roast perhaps sum up their friendshipwhen she tells him what he should look for in a girlfriend: "...a playa in the boardroom and a freak in the bedroom. So, Justin, my last piece of advice is: call me.”

SOURCES:New York Times, NBC News

Martha is a heartfelt documentary that explores the life of lifestyle icon Martha Stewart. He chronicles his rise, dramatic challenges, and triumphant return, providing insight into his personal and professional journey through his own narration.