Every planet in Star Wars has a unique government structure, and Padmé Amidala's role as Naboo's queen drives this fact home. Padmé was elected queen of her home planet as a young girl, masterfully navigating her people around a trade dispute that could have destroyed their civilization. At only 14, she led the Galactic Republic in a revolutionary vote to choose a new chancellor. Padmé exudes wisdom at every turn, even uniting the Naboo people with the amphibious Gungans against the attacking waves of battle droids.
The idea that a queen could be elected seems counterintuitive, but the humans living on the surface of Naboo have operated this way for centuries. After being elected, the monarch would have a team of trusted advisors to help them be an effective ruler. Along with the elected monarch, Naboo was governed by a group of ministers led by a general. Along with the Queen, the Naboo Royal Advisory Council worked to keep Naboo running smoothly.
The Naboo chose their queens to rule them
The planet of Naboo may have one of the strangest government systems in the world Star Wars. Their kings are usually teenage girls, because the people of Naboo believed that the young women possessed a childlike innocence as well as wisdom. Queens ruled for 4 years at a time, and they could seek re-election once after their first term ended.
Anyone can run for office, but the elected monarch is usually from the royal house of Naboo. During their campaign for monarch, the prospective queen would adopt a new name and appearance that she would use upon her inauguration. The new identity would protect her loved ones in the event of any political foul play, as well Create perfect camouflage for the young queen by surrounding her with handmaids who can adapt her figure in risky situations.
There were actually three more queens at the end of the prequels
After Padmé's time as queen comes to an end, she decides to pursue a career as a senator. The movies discuss this change briefly, but the inner workings of the Naboo government are shown in the novel Queen's shadow by EK Johnston, which follows Padmé and her handmaids through the process as well as the election of Naboo's next queen. Queen Jamilia followed in Padmé's footsteps, ruling for two years. During the Clone Wars, Queen Neutnee took the throne, followed by Queen Apielana, who saw Naboo through the end of the war and into the Imperial era.
Queen Apielana was elected at the age of 12, making her one of the youngest rulers of Naboo. Star Wars History. Despite this, she refused to be absorbed into Palpatine's empire and actively supported the Rebel Alliance whenever she could. Following the courageous lead of her predecessor, Padmé AmidalaQueen Apielana puts her people first.
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