How Harry Potter survived the killing curse in the Deadly Hallows

How Harry Potter survived the killing curse in the Deadly Hallows

How Harry Potter came back to life and survived Avada Kedavra in the forest at the end of Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Can be confusing even for hardcore fans of the books and films. Themes of love, emotions and heart are woven into the "science" behind how certain spells work - including Avada Kedavra, The killing curse. Family and eternal love are the driving force behind Harry's survival and Voldemort's subsequent defeat. However, as these themes translate into Harry surviving the Harry Potter Killing curse requires a little more explanation.

Harry Potter used unforgivable curses himself, like many other characters, however Voldemort's Killing Curse was the franchise's most infamous use of Avada Kedavra. However, as Harry Potter came back to live in Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Confused many fans. While it was unexplained in the films, HBO's upcoming Harry Potter Reboot TV series means the mystery may eventually be explained on screen. Here is a breakdown of what he survived, and what Abda Kdbrah Did not kill Harry Potter in the final battle.

Harry Potter's history with the killing curse

Harry survived Avada Kedavra multiple times

Voldemort tries to kill Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter became the target of these Harry Potter Killing curse several times before surviving Avada Kedavra in the forest. On Halloween night in 1981, Lord Voldemort ventured to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry. James Potter was killed trying to save his wife and child. Lily Potter shields her baby son when Voldemort unleashes the killing curse, causing it to bounce back and disintegrate his physical body. Harry survived but was left with a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead and a nickname: "The Boy Who Lived."

Voldemort used the Unforgivable Curse, Avada Kedavra, At least three more times on his sworn enemy. The Dark Lord killed Cedric Diggory using the Killing Curse during the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Harry watched in horror as a bright green light flashed before his eyes, his friend's lifeless body hitting the ground before the boy who lived had time to blink. After taking Harry's blood, Voldemort ordered him to a duel. Voldemort used the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse before turning to the Killing Curse.

Voldemort used these Harry Potter Killing Curse again in the Forbidden Forest and then again during the final duel

Harry, at this point, magically outgunned and nowhere near strong enough to face He Who Must Not Be Named head-on, found a distraction during the duel and was able to use the portkey to return to Hogwarts with Cedric's body. Voldemort used the Killing Curse again in the Forbidden Forest and then again during the final duel that saw the Dark Lord fall once and for all.

The Harry Potter Unforgivable Curses

Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra)

Instant death

Crucio (Cruciatus Curse)

Inflicts excruciating pain

Imperius (Imperius Curse)

Take control of another body

Harry's encounter with the Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest resulted in a lot of confusion. However, there are basically two main reasons for the change Harry Potter canon that explain why he didn't die at Voldemort's hands as an adult.

The story of Avada Kedavra

The curse causes instant death

Hogwarts Legacy's Sebastian about to cast Avada Kedavra.

The Curse of Avada Kedavra is one of three unforgivable curses and is an unlocking curse that causes instant, painless death. There are no visible injuries; It often appears as a green flash of light before the person dies. The first known use of the curse came during the Middle Ages Like a spell created by dark witches and wizards who wanted to find a way to end a duel quickly. However, in 1717, the Ministry of Magic quickly banned the three unforgivable curses due to their dark nature.

Any wizard who uses the Avada Kedavra (translated from the Aramaic dialect to mean "Let the thing be destroyed") receives a life sentence in Azkaban. Only the darkest wizards ever attempted the three unforgivable curses. This changed in the First Wizarding War when Bartemius Crouch Senior legalized the curses when used against Death Eaters to help win the war. However, This was only used in wartime, and the curses were banned once again when the war was won.

There were still Dark Wizards who used the Avada Kedavra, however, with the most notable example being when Voldemort used it to kill Lily and James Potter and tried to kill baby Harry Potter on October 31, 1981. Life. On August 1, 1997, he took over the Ministry of Magic and made the Awake Kedavar legal to use again. By no witch or wizard. He even taught them at Hogwarts until the Second Wizarding War.

The Elder Wand enabled Harry Potter to survive Avada Kedavra

The Deadly Hallows protected Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts

The Deadly Hallows in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

One of the reasons Harry lived after being hit by the Killing curse in The Deadly Hallows is his master of the senior level. There was a belief that getting the Deathly Hallows would give the wearer some immortality, which is how Harry survived Avada Kedavra in the forest. The Deathly Hallows are directly connected to the legend of The Tales of Bydel the Bard. In the tale, the Peverell brothers tricked Death, who in return offered them "gifts" intended to corrupt them and lead to their deaths.

The rewards included the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. Harry notably possessed all three items that made up the Deadly Hallows when Voldemort tried to kill him the night of the Battle of Hogwarts, which is partly how Harry survived Avada Kedavra in the forest. He received the Cloak of Invisibility from his father, James, and received the Resurrection Stone from Dumbledore after it was hidden in a golden snitch.


Although it is unclear whether there is any truth to the "Lord of Death" being immortal, The Elder Wand will resist harming its master - which, through a circular series of events, was Harry.

Draco was the previous owner of the Elder Wand, but Harry successfully disarmed him, making Harry the new master even while the Elder Wand was technically in Voldemort's possession. His mastery of the Elder Wand explains why Voldemort failed to kill Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts, but it is also another explanation for why Harry survived the Harry Potter Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest.

Harry's protection against Lord Voldemort

Lily's sacrifice continued to protect Harry long into adolescence

Lily's sacrifice is partly how Harry survived Avada Kdavra in the forest. When Lily sacrificed herself to save Harry in Godric's Hollow, he was protected by magic's strongest defense: love. Dumbledore explained to Harry at a young age how Lily's love lived on and served as a protection against the Killing Curse. Harry remained protected when he moved in with the Dursleys because, as sisters, Lily and Petunia shared the same blood.

Dumbledore knew this, which is why he chose the family to take care of Harry after he became an orphan and insisted that Harry return to the Dursley family every summer despite their ill treatment of him. Lily's protection still encompassed Harry when he started at Hogwarts.


Voldemort cannot touch Harry; If he tried, he would be a victim of serious pain - as proven in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The love protection spell lifted when Harry was 17 in Harry Potter and the Deadly HallowsSo he was hastily removed from the Dursleys' house. However, Lily's protective charm is unwittingly extended by Voldemort himself, who ends up spelling his doom with the Killing Curse. This is another reason why Harry Potter came back to life.

Lily's protection in Voldemort's blood saved Harry

Sharing DNA with Harry meant Voldemort couldn't kill him so easily

Harry and Voldemort with the Elder Wand between them

When Lord Voldemort returned Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireHe used Harry's blood, which is also partly how Harry survived Avada Kadavar in the forest. At first, it seemed that the love protection was canceled when Voldemort used Harry's blood since he could now touch Harry without experiencing pain. However, Lily's protection simply took a new form when he created a body from Harry's blood. As Dumbledore explained, “His body keeps her victim alive, and while that enchantment survives, so do you."

Lily's love spell is still in effect. Harry is sent to Limbo, where he encounters Dumbledore.

When Voldemort hit Harry with Avada Kedavra in the forest, it destroyed the Horcruxes that resided in Harry but left the boy alive. Since Voldemort is still alive, Lily's love spell is still in effect. Harry is sent to Limbo, where he meets Dumbledore. He was given a choice to die and finally rest, or to return home, and he chose the latter. Nagini remained as the last of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes until Neville destroyed her with the Sword of Gryffindor. With no Horcruxes remaining as Voldemort's primary defenses, this left the Dark Lord vulnerable.

Harry returns from Limbo and faces Voldemort one last time. Just as his mother did for him in Godric's Hollow, Harry sacrifices himself for his friends and loved ones by standing in front of his enemies unarmed. This puts a new protection spell around those at Hogwarts. Harry then reveals the truth about being the master of the Elder Wand.

Since the Elder Wand would not cast the Killing Curse on its owner, the spell rebounded, killing Voldemort in the process. The result of the climax Harry Potter This event would not have been possible without Lily Potter and her love for her son.

How Harry Potter came back to life in Deadly Hallows

Harry Potter is the "Master of Death"

The Resurrection Stone comes from the Snitch in Harry Potter

While many wondered how Harry survived Avada Kedavra in the forest, how Harry comes back to life afterward is an equally pressing question. of all Harry Potter Characters killed off in The Deadly HallowsOnly Harry himself successfully returned to life after being hit with the Killing Curse (for a second time). The main reason for this is quite obvious: Harry was the master of all three titular Deathly Hallows.

Harry's mastery of all three Hallows makes him the "Lord of Death." It seems as if the possession of all three Deadly Hallows gives Harry the power to choose to die (as evidenced by his conversation with Dumbledore in Limbo). Interestingly, Dumbledore's Deathly Hallows The role of explaining this to Harry Ken potentially adds another layer to the "Lord of the Dead" idea - as Dumbledore, too, once owned all three Hallows, and seemingly chose the manner of his own death by asking Snape to be the one to Kill him.


Harry can come back to life not only because he has the Resurrection Stone (and the other Hallows), but also because of his choices. Harry chooses to sacrifice himself and face Voldemort unarmed, and allows himself to be killed, just as he wants to return to life. Voldemort's choices about the Deathly Hallows ultimately lead to his death, whereas Harry's choices about the Hallows are what enable him to return to life and survive the Killing Curse in Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows.

Did Harry survive the Killing Curse just using plot armor?

The reasons Harry keeps surviving Avada Cadavera feel shaky

The killing curse was recounted in the Fantastic animals series, which may prove that the rules around it should be considered trivial at best, a bit of a raid as Harry survived Avada Kedavra in the forest. A lot of factors were involved in Harry surviving Avada Kedavra. Whether it's his mother's protection or the fact that he has all the Deadly Hallows, there's almost too much narrative padding to ensure Harry's survival.

If anything, the logic behind What Hari survived Avada Kdavra in Deathly Hallows Seems more like an over-statement. It is an argument that Harry's survival in The Deadly Hallows is pure deus ex machina or plot armor. While not technically a deus ex machina since the plot has laid the groundwork for Harry's survival before it happens, there are definite plot holes when it comes to why Avada Kedavra Didn't kill Harry Potter. First, Lily Potter is probably not the only mother to stand between a dark wizard and her children.

Voldemort's first reign of terror included breaking into wizarding domains and killing all who refused to join him.

Given the fact that Voldemort's first reign of terror included breaking into wizarding domains and killing all who refused to join him and their children. Harry is probably not the only baby to face the Dark Lord's wrath. That's why it's surprising that there aren't more Avada Kdabra-Proof wizard kids walk around with lightning bolt-shaped scars.

In addition, Harry's possession of all the Deathly Hallows, and the Hallows themselves, really only came about in the last two chapters of the Harry Potter Film series. While Lily's love shoot isn't technically a deus ex machina, Deathly Hallows certainly comes close to being one. There is no prep work leading up to the story of The Tales of Bydel the BardAlthough there is more in the novels than in the movies, something that the new HBO series can hopefully rectify.

At some point, it seems like the Elder Wand and the rest of the Deadly Hallows were thrown in at the end to make absolutely sure that Harry survives. If one thinks about it too long, the reasons why Harry survives the killing curse in Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows are incredibly convoluted, so much so that one would be forgiven for thinking the plot armor is finally behind it.

Who did not survive the killing curse?

Harry is the only character to survive Avada Kedavra

Dumbledore's army gathers at the Hog's head in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

The Killing Curse is only survived by Harry himself in both books and movies, and Voldemort and his followers have many more victims. The victims of the battle at Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows There were many, and other main characters like Albus Dumbledore were hit with Avada Kedavra Before the final installment. Mad-Eye Moody was struck by the Killing Curse while transporting Harry to safety, courtesy of Voldemort early in The Deadly Hallows.


Additionally, Voldemort used the curse to kill tons of Gringotts employees and Death Eaters in a fit of rage after the trio escaped Malfoy Manor. Peter Pettigrew used the Killing Curse on Cedric Diggory in the graveyard during Goblet of fire. The Battle at Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Saw tons of major character deaths, and although not explicitly stated, victims like Lupin, Tonks, and Fred Weasley were presumably hit by the Unforgivable Curse.

The Harry Potter TV series can explain how Harry survived Avada Kedavra

The rebooted Harry Potter can finally solve the mystery

Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley from the original Harry Potter film series

Unfortunately, the film series did not really describe in full how Harry survived Avada Kdavra in the forest. However, HBO Max and Warner Bros. are producing a new one Harry Potter TV series, and it will chronicle one book per season. This is exciting news for many reasons, but mainly that the long-form series will allow more time to tell Harry's story, hopefully including characters that the film series missed and things like Voldemort's full backstory or character arcs that were next ..

The films didn't have enough time to include exposition about how Harry survived Avada Kedavra in the forest, but it seemed like a plot hole for those unfamiliar with the novels. Themes of love and Lily's protection are integral to the series, which explains much of how Harry is able to endure despite everything that is thrown at him. While the films touched on this special kind of magic, the Harry Potter TV shows will have more room to breathe and explain in detail some of the biggest mysteries of the franchise Left in his wake.