Futurama is just one of Matt Groening's popular animated shows, and here's how the sci-fi sitcom relates to the other two, namely The Simpsons And Disappointment. The Simpsons one of the most iconic TV shows of all time, Futurama has been hailed as one of the best sci-fi comedies of all time. Disappointment This is Groening's last animated series.which makes them an interesting trilogy. However, the most interesting thing is that all three shows are connected through Futuramaand here's how.
Bye The Simpsons seemed to work forever, this cannot be said about Futurama And Disappointmentboth had much shorter and more difficult runs. Futurama has been canceled several timesand it was canceled by Fox and Comedy Central before Hulu brought it back to life for its eleventh season. Meanwhile, Disappointment ended after Netflix released season 5 and the show is currently completed. However, Disappointment he still manages to live on in other Matt Groening shows, as seen in Futurama season 12 finale Disappointment Easter Egg.
Disillusionment Confirmed to Exist in the Futurama Multiverse
In the season 12 episode "Otherwise"
Futurama season 12, episode 10, "Otherwise" shows the Planet Express crew interacting with a multiverse sea that shows glimpses of other universes existing within Futurama multiverse. The episode confirms that tons Futurama The episodes actually take place in different parallel universes, although there is one interesting addition. Futurama The Multiverse also shows image of a dreamland castleiconic place from Disappointment. This confirms that Disappointment actually takes place in its own universe somewhere in Futurama Multiverse, which means the two shows are canon to each other in a sense.
Futurama and Disenchantment Character Crossovers and Biggest Easter Eggs
Both shows had a lot
Futurama And Disappointment intersected in several important ways, and here is a full analysis of the largest of them.
Disappointment Season 1 Episode 10 “Dreamland Waterfall”
Although there were several Easter eggs before this, the first major crossover occurred in Disappointment episode "Dreamland Falls". In the episode Lucy looks into the time globe and sees Fry, Bender and Farnsworth in the time machine.. This is a reference to the episode "The Late Philip J. Fry", in which the trio are trapped in a time machine that only moves forward, forcing them to travel to the edge of the universe and back to where they originally came from. .
Disappointment Season 1 Episode 19 “The Electric Princess”
In The Electric Princess, the street in Steamland is called "Farnsworth Avenue."This coupled with the fact that the character finds a box full of Professor Farnsworth's wires implies that he may have interacted with Disappointment during one of his time travels, or that one of his ancestors was also an important inventor.
Futurama Season 11 Episode 8 “I Know What You Did Next Christmas”
The episode "I Know What You Did Next Christmas" returned the favor by being a sequel to "The Late Philip J. Fry". In the episode Futurama the gang sees briefly Disappointment cast paying for the setup from "Dreamland Falls."
Futurama Season 12 Episode 10 “Otherwise”
Final crossover between Futurama And Disappointment it's the aforementioned "Otherwise" cameo that highlights that Disappointment exists in Futurama multiverse rather than in the overall timeline.
Do The Simpsons also exist in the Futurama multiverse?
It makes sense after the disappointment is revealed
If Disappointment exists in Futurama multiverse, it makes sense to do the same with Matt Groening's other show: The Simpsons. While it would make sense to simply say that both shows share a timeline, one Futurama history complicates everything.
Futurama and The Simpsons Crossover Explained
The Simsorama canon - Futurama or The Simpsons?
Before Hulu brought it Futurama We'll be back for a few more seasons, Futurama And The Simpsons there was actually a crossover episode. In "Simpsoram", the Planet Express crew travels through time and meets the Simpsons in modern-day Springfield. Simpsorama is not just an Easter egg, but characters interacting with each other, and they clearly exist in a common timeline. However, Futurama also seemed to confirm that this and Disappointment shared a timeline before changing anything, meaning future episodes may revisit her connection to The Simpsons. So, the question of whether The Simpsorama is canon still remains unanswered.
Futurama appears to exist as a TV show in the Simpsons universe
The Simpsons exists as a TV show in the Futurama universe
The Simpsons Season 35, Episode 9 "The Killer Boat" created a bizarre controversy with Futuramaimplying that Futurama exists like a TV show inside The Simpsons Universe. In the episode, a character who is a fan Futurama appears, implying that The Simpsons characters are watching Futurama TV show. However, Futurama did something like thisat several points in the show it was said that The Simpsons is a popular TV show in its universe. Thus, both TV shows share a common timeline, but also exist as a TV show in the other's universe.
Does The Simpsons and Disappointment have a shared universe?
Or do The Simpsons exist in the Futurama universe?
Another theory is that The Simpsons And Disappointment share the universe. It is quite possible that Disappointment The Universe Seen Within Futurama"Else" also contains the world The Simpsonswith the two shows sharing a common timeline. It's possible that Disappointment could have happened before the events The Simpsonsbut it's also possible that it could have happened after: "I Know What You Did Next Christmas", implying that Bender's accidental creation of the Second Middle Ages contains the story Disappointment.
How the name "Gunderson" links Futurama, Disenchantment and The Simpsons
A subtle joke creates a continuous story
Steamland City is a technologically advanced area in the world. DisappointmentThe town is home to two residents named Skye and Alva Gunderson. Fans Futurama recognizes the connection here, How a product called Gundersons Nuts appears on the showhe may be related to the Gundersons of Steamland from Disappointment. On top of that, Gil Gunderson is an unsuccessful salesman in The Simpsons. So if Disappointment really happens between The Simpsons And FuturamaIt's entirely possible that this could be a success story for Gil.
The Simpsons, Futurama, and Disenchantment Timeline Works Like a Trilogy
They explore the past, present and future
Although how these shows are connected is still a mystery. The Simpsons, FuturamaAnd Disappointment make quite an interesting trilogy. While all three shows have similar artistic styles and tones, each show takes place in the past, present, and future, allowing viewers to see Matt Groening's perspective on each time period. Plus, each show tells its own story. The Simpsons focusing on traditional sitcoms, Futurama focusing on conceptual science fiction, and Disappointment focusing on an epic overarching narrative.