Mufasa: The Lion King explores Mufasa's youth and his rise to the throne of the bountiful kingdom of Milele, along with several of his special abilities, including his almost supernatural hearing. Through a current story told by Rafiki, Mufasa acts as a long flashback to Mufasa's childhood and coming of age. During this time, he is separated from his parents, taken in by Taka (the eventual Scar) and his family, and travels to Milele, the mythical kingdom that lies beyond the horizon. Along the way, he learns how to harness his supernatural ability to hear over great distances.
Throughout Mufasawhich is now in theaters, Mufasa demonstrates a number of real qualities, most specifically his unquestionable altruism and unwavering courage. However, his physical talents are equally important in his small group's ability to find Milele and survive the murderous group of Outsiders who pursue them across the varied geography of Africa. Its ability to sense its pursuers goes far beyond what a real-world lion is normally capable of, but it raises the question of how far a real lion can hear.
Mufasa's Hearing Ability Explained
The young lion has almost supernatural senses
Even as a cub, Mufasa displays an incredible ability to sense other animals from afar, as he appears to hear his parents' roars of pain when he is pulled out of the water by Taka and Eshe. Swept away many miles from his home, Mufasa is still able to sense his family, which appears to be more supernatural than just the physical ability to hear them. However, under Eshe's guidance, he eventually learns to hone his senses, calming his mind and focusing on information. He is able to hear very small, specific details over vast expanses.
Mufasa: The Lion King – Key Details |
Release date |
Director |
Budget |
RT Tomatometer Score |
Metacritic Score |
December 20, 2024 |
Barry Jenkins |
US$200 million |
55% |
56/100 |
Mufasa demonstrates his incredible hearing by discerning exactly what type of grazing animal is crossing the savanna at a distance that appears to be several kilometers and is, at the very least, out of sight. He is able to hear so accurately that he can judge animal species based on how the wind moves through their horns and the weight of their gait when their hooves hit the ground. He does it again when he identifies that the lionesses in Kiros' pride are the ones in front of the group of lions that are chasing them.
How far can a real lion hear?
In-ear construction allows for exceptionally accurate hearing
Mufasa's incredible hearing ability is certainly far beyond the capabilities of a real lion, but surprisingly it's not that far out of the realm of possibility. According to BBCthe average lion is able to hear the movements of prey from up to a kilometer away. Their ability to hear their prey cuts through thick grass and other vegetation, allowing them to begin chasing prey well before they come within scent range.
Lions' ability to hear so well is largely due to the physical characteristics of their ears. Lions are able to rotate their ears toward a sound, which helps them hone in on a much more accurate range of sound than an animal with stationary ears. This hearing is also useful when lions communicate over great distances. A lion's roar is among the loudest in the animal kingdom and can be heard up to five miles away by all animals, not just other lions. Mufasa's audition may seem extraordinary Mufasa: The Lion Kingbut it's just an exaggeration of the big cat's very real auditory auditory excellence.
Source: BBC