How does Star Wars Outlaws tie into the comics?

How does Star Wars Outlaws tie into the comics?

Star Wars Outlaws Follows an entirely new character in Kay Vess, with a largely original ensemble and story. yet, Massive Entertainment has worked with Lucasfilm to draw from a large pool of others Star Wars Media To really embed it between The empire strikes back And Return of the Jedi. Before that was the Shadows of the Empire multimedia event to bridge the gap between films, but since Disney acquired the franchise and made most of the "Expanded Universe"Non-canon stories, consider them"Legends", a new story filling the gap is being told by Marvel's Star Wars comics.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Star Wars Outlaws and the Marvel Comics, War of the Bounty Hunters, Crimson Reign, and Hidden Empire.]

Kay's story takes her across the Outer Rim, dealing with some of the most despicable criminal organizations the galaxy has ever seen. After the events of The empire strikes backThe Rebel Alliance is gaining power and, therefore, has a significant amount of the Empire's attention. Therefore, many parties see this as an opportunity for a great power grab, which has led to a significant increase in criminal activity across the galaxy.


Crimson Dawn's growing influence was the focus of a recent comic arc

and is referenced in Star Wars Outlaws

One of the main syndicates Kay Vess finds herself working with is the ruthless Crimson DawnA syndicate that works mostly in the shadows with agents across the galaxy and serves as a successor to Darth Maul's Shadow Collective, and during the reign of the Empire, Kira took full control. While the group was introduced in 2018 Solo: A Star Wars Story, Due to the movie's underperformance at the box office, Crimson Dawn has not been seen in the movies since, with the comics telling its story in the years before its appearance in Star Wars Outlaws.

in 2021 War of the bounty hunters Comic arc, Qi'ra and the rest of Crimson Dawn stole Han Solo frozen in carbonite from Boba Fett and tried to sell him off at an auction. Many accepted, prior to Star Wars Outlaws' report that the game would cover these events, as Solo's transportation in Carbonite to Jabba's Palace was used as part of the game's first trailer. However, when Kay arrives at Jabba's palace, Solo has already been shown, meaning that the entire arc has taken place before Star Wars Outlaws' History began.


on the auction, It was revealed that Crimson Dawn had placed spies in every major faction across the galaxyAnd sometime after players finish the main questline on Kijimi, ND-5 informs Kay that he and Jaylen are there. ND-5 also suggests that Crimson Dawn may have been behind the current Syndicate War, which is confirmed in the comics.

Sliro's true identity is from the comics

Zerk Bash also first appeared in the comics

During the final act of Star Wars OutlawsIt is revealed that the main antagonist of the game, Sliro, is none other than Director Barsha of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). During a conversation with Darth Vader. With this revelation came the revelation that Zrek Bash was a front for the Empire, and Sliro was able to use the organization to infiltrate the criminal underworld and gather intelligence on those opposed to the Empire.


The director Barsha first appeared in the Crimson rule Comics - which continued the story of Crimson Dawn after War of the bounty hunters - but his real appearance was obscured by shadows, making the reveal in Star Wars Outlaws The first time fans saw his face. Zerek Besh also first appeared in 2022 Hidden Empire comic run, which showed Qi'ra further manipulating the Syndicates into war with one another, with the ultimate goal of bringing down the Empire.

When does Star Wars Outlaws take place in relation to the comics?

The fate of some characters suggests that it may be running parallel

As previously said, it is clear that War of the bounty hunters takes place earlier Star Wars Outlaws. Still, the appearance of director Barsha and Zerk Besh in the later comics suggests that The game can be taken along with the events of Crimson rule And before the end of Hidden Empire. This is due to Sliro's fate at the end of the game and probably the more Syndicate. Sliro dies at the hands of ND-5 at Jaylen's command, and while Jaylen is able to momentarily gain control of Zrek Besh, he is later defeated as well.

Considering Darth Vader's disdain for Sliro and the Zerek Besh operation, which he considers a "Failure"Why didn't he bring him any rebels, with Key who stole Sliro's databank and those led by Zrek Bash being defeated, This was to shut down the syndicate operationDespite Sliro arguing that it was "The most groundbreaking intelligence network the Empire has ever seen"and"Accomplished more in weeks than the entire Imperial Army ever did."

Star Wars Outlaws Can stand on its own with its largely self-contained narrative due to seeing the galaxy through the eyes of Kay Vess, who is relatively inexperienced with the syndicates and working on such a scale, having only pulled off smaller heists and cons on Canto Bight previously . . However, the ties to the comics, along with the more overt references to the movies, certainly help enrich its story for those who want to dive deeper into the lore.