How did Bill and Dwight settle the score?

How did Bill and Dwight settle the score?

Notice! This article contains SPOILERS for Tulsa King, season 2, episode 10.The end of King of Tulsa season two had some explosive twists in store and more than a few game-changing developments for Dwight Manfredi (Sylvester Stallone) and the gang. Dwight has dealt with an almost overwhelming number of problems throughout King of Tulsa season 2. He had enemies coming from three directions — Tulsa, Kansas City, and New York — and he also had personal issues to deal with, like his relationship with Tina (Tatiana Zappardino). The end of King of Tulsa season two resolved several of these issues, but also left some questions unanswered.

Each character in King of Tulsa season 2 had something to do with the season finale, and they will all certainly be impacted by it. From Dwight's newly legitimized business dealings to the fight he crushed with Cal Thresher (Neal McDonough) and Bill Bevilaqua (Frank Grillo), many King of Tulsa the characters have a bright future ahead of them. Some, however, have no future at all, like King of Tulsa Episode 10 of season 2 had a very surprising death: Chickie Invernizzi. That wasn't even the biggest twist of the episode, and they all need some explanation.

Dwight let Cal Thresher live in the Season 2 finale of Tulsa King

Dwight couldn't kill Cal, but he didn't want to either.

Cal Thresher has been one of Dwight's main enemies throughout King of Tulsa Season 2, but it didn't come to an end at the end of the season. Instead of killing him, Dwight simply took control of Cal's massive weed farm and let him live.. This was a particularly surprising choice given the damage Cal had done, from trying to rig Dwight's trial to directly attacking the wind farm. Dwight didn't seem to let Cal get away with everything he did, but the General had some reasons for letting Cal live.

Dwight told Tyson he didn't want to leave any more bodies in his wake. Cal seems to be proof that Dwight is turning over a new, more peaceful leaf.

The biggest reason Dwight let Cal live was simply because he couldn't safely kill him. Cal is a prominent businessman and millionaire in Oklahoma, and if he disappeared, people would notice and investigate.. Dwight probably let him go to avoid having the FBI or another law enforcement agency breathing down his neck. Beyond that, though, Dwight told Tyson that he no longer wanted to leave a trail of bodies in his wake. Cal seems to be proof that Dwight is turning over a new, more peaceful leaf.

Why Bill Bevilaqua Killed Chickie in Tulsa King's Season 2 Finale

Bill saw Dwight as a much better partner than Chickie

Chickie's gradual decline over the course of King of Tulsa finally came to an end, but his death came as a surprise. Chickie was sent to Tulsa by Vince to convince Dwight to join the Invernizzi crime family or kill him. After Dwight rejected his offer, Chickie approached Bill Bevilaqua and tried to get him to kill Dwight, but Bill killed Chickie.. The moment came out of nowhere, and even Bill's gun only hit the corner of the screen, which made Chickie's death quite surprising.

As sudden as Bill's decision to kill Chickie was, there was some build-up and logic behind it. Right after killing Chickie, Bill told Dwight "50%". This was a reference to his share of Cal Thresher's weed farm, meaning Bill killed Chickie to get half the weed farm instead of a quarter.. Bill also gave some clues about what he thought of Chickie. He knew that Chickie was no longer in charge of the Invernizzi family and probably saw Dwight as a safer person to partner with. This made the choice between killing Chickie or killing Dwight very easy for Bill.

Chickie's death completely changes the composition of King of TulsaIt's the underworld. Now, Vince is the undisputed leader of the Invernizzi crime family, which could spell doom for the New York mob.. As unhinged and ineffective as Chickie was, Vince is no smarter and has far less experience commanding a crowd. Chickie's name also carried weight with people like Bill Bevilaqua and Dwight, while Vince is mostly known as a jerk and a nuisance. It's hard to say exactly what will happen to the Invernizzi family, but Vince's leadership doesn't seem like an advantage.

Did Dwight really go legit? The gang's business explained

Dwight is a legitimate businessman now, but his past crimes will increase

Dwight Manfredi (Sylvester Stallone) smiling and wearing a white suit in Tulsa King Season 2, Episode 10

After Mitch Keller (Garrett Hedlund) debuts his commercial for the car dealership, Dwight has a gang meeting. During his speech, Dwight told everyone that the gang had gone legitimate and that everyone would get a share of the various profits. Dwight Wasn't Lying: All His Businesses Are Now Legit. Bred2Buck and Even Higher Plane were always legal, and he bought the wind farm with Med Hat money, not money he earned illegally. Even Cal Thresher's weed farm is legal, as he willingly gave Dwight ownership of it.

Even though Dwight and the gang have gone legit, that doesn't mean the future of King of Tulsa There will be no more gangster action. Dwight even committed some crimes to take control of all his businesses, and there's a chance they could catch up to him legally in the future. Bill Bevilaqua also appears to be only temporarily satiated and may try again for General in the future. The most compelling reason why Dwight may not be able to run a truly legitimate empire, however, is because of King of Tulsa Season 2, the biggest plot twist in episode 10.

Who kidnapped Dwight Manfedi in Tulsa King season 2?

Dwight appears to have been kidnapped by a secret government organization

Dwight Manfredi (Sylvester Stallone) looking dazed by a bright light in the finale of Tulsa King season 2, episode 10

The final minutes of King of Tulsa season two saw Dwight Manfredi kidnapped by a shadowy SWAT team at Margaret Devereaux's (Dana Delany) home. The strike force then took him to an undefined location and sat him at an interrogation table, where an unidentified man told Dwight "You work for us now." It's unclear who exactly the group that kidnapped Dwight was, but it appears they are some sort of secret government organization.. There were some clues King of Tulsa Season 2, Episode 10, which suggested the US government wanted Dwight's abilities for something sinister.

It appears that Dwight Manfredi is about to be used by a less-than-legal government agency, although to what end remains to be seen.

The FBI agent assigned to Dwight's case said they needed to provide "DC headquarters" with all the information they had on the General just days before Dwight was kidnapped. This suggests that the group was linked in some way to the US government, but their work appears to be completely off the record.. All of his agents didn't wear uniforms or any kind of identification, and wherever they took Dwight didn't look like a prison or jail. It appears that Dwight Manfredi is about to be used by a less-than-legal government agency, although to what end remains to be seen.

What the End of Tulsa King Season 2 Really Means

The past is always updated, but it's still worth trying to be a better person

King of Tulsa has been delivering a pretty consistent message since the beginning, and the season 2 finale only made that message stronger. Since being released from prison, Dwight has been trying and fighting to atone for his past mistakes. He made a lot of progress in King of Tulsa Season 2, how he made up with Tina and how he let Joanne live with him, but he also went through a lot of setbacks, like Tina's return to New York. The end of King of Tulsa season two proves that Dwight can try to right his wrongs, but he can't run away from the past.

Tulsa King Season 2 Release Schedule

Episode #




September 15th

"Back in the saddle"


September 22

"Kansas City Blues"


September 29th

"Oklahoma v. Manfredi"


October 6

"Heroes and Villains"


October 13

"Tiling at Windmills"


October 20th



October 27th

"Life Support"


November 3

"Under new management"


November 10th



November 17th


Perhaps the most thematically important part of King of Tulsa The end of season 2 was Dwight saying he had gone legit. Once he finally left his gangster ways behind (at least for the most part), he was dragged back into it. Just as he finally has the chance to put his violence behind him, a shadowy group kidnaps him and apparently plans to use him for something highly illegal. No matter what Dwight does, he can't escape his violent criminal tendencies..

Dwight benefited from trying to be a better man, and Tulsa King shows he made the right choice.

The end of King of Tulsa season two wasn't entirely hopeless, however. While Dwight can't escape his past, that doesn't mean he can't face it head on. King of Tulsa shows that although it is extremely difficult to come to terms with the past, it is not impossible and it is worth trying. Most of the positive things Dwight got at the end of King of Tulsa season two was because of his growing mercy and patience. He got rid of Chickie by being generous to Bill and took control of the weed farm by showing mercy to Cal. Dwight benefited from trying to be a better man, and King of Tulsa shows that he made the right choice.

How Tulsa King's Season 2 Finale Sets Up Season 3

Sylvester Stallone and the cast of Tulsa King

However King of Tulsa season two is over, Dwight Manfredi's story is not, and the show has done a lot of preparation for King of Tulsa season 3. The next season has not yet been officially confirmed by Paramount, but Sylvester Stallone has confirmed that it is in development. Happily, King of Tulsa The final scene of Season 2 perfectly set up the upcoming season, and Season 3 should have a lot to work with. King of Tulsa Season 3 will almost certainly show what kind of work Dwight has to do for his mysterious kidnappers and how that work will affect his newly legitimized business..

Not only did the ending set up Season 3, it also set up King of Tulsa spin-offs. Before dying, Chickie mentioned that Dwight and Bill could "franchise" their gangs to other states, such as Nebraska, Iowa, and Arkansas. It wasn't a bad idea from Chickie and could serve as the premise for a King of Tulsa spin-off show. ONE King of Tulsa The New Orleans-set spin-off has already been teased by writer Terrence Winter, and seeing who Dwight chooses to tackle his first "franchise" and the challenges they face in a new city could easily be its own show.

There are also several other loose ends King of Tulsa season three will have to address. Dwight's disagreement with Tina, for example, deserves to be further explored. Likewise, Bill Bevilaqua may have made peace with Dwight for now, but there's no guarantee the peace will last. Bill could easily come after Dwight again, which could set up another compelling gang war in King of Tulsa season 3. There are many paths into another season of King of Tulsa could explore, and the Season 2 finale set them up beautifully.