How death works in the swapping of the body

How death works in the swapping of the body

Warning: This article contains major spoilers for It's What's Inside.

After the group of friends starts swapping bodies in Netflix It's what's insideQuestions arise about how death works when characters are not in their bodies. The streaming platform's new Freaky Friday-like movie follows a group of friends who get together the night before a wedding and play a mafia-inspired game where they swap bodies and guess who's in each other's bodies. Although the movie is technically considered a horror-comedy, it also leans heavily into sci-fi. Since the movie features body-swapping technology and multiple body swaps in It's what's insideMany theoretical questions arise.

Like all great body-swapping movies, it's a big mystery how it all works. The movie gives a redundant explanation of how to switch from one body to the next. Beatrice, pretending to be Forbes, explains that brains are hard drives, and the body swapping machine transfers the files, aka memory and consciousness, from one to another. However, the technology is never explained in depth. moreover, Questions arise about what exactly happens when someone dies in another person's body. The movie gives very few direct answers but provides multiple context clues about how death works in the horror comedy.

Dennis and Maya's bodies are killed in What's Inside, but not the actual characters

Dennis and Maya's bodies die during Round 2 of the game

Nikki and Forbes look horrified at what's inside

During the second round of It's what's insideReuben is stuck in Denise's body, and Brooke is placed in Maya's body. The two go up to the roof and climb in. This allows Reuben to live out his fantasy of still being with Maya, as the two previously were in a relationship. Meanwhile, Brooke is more than happy to hook up with Reuben because, as established earlier in the movie, she's always had an awkward crush on him. They learn completely on the fence while making out.


Unfortunately for both, the balcony they were standing on and the railing fell apart. When the railing they are leaning on gives out, They fall to the ground, shocking everyone else. Reuben, in Dennis' body, is impaled by multiple spikes in one of the most shocking and darkly hilarious moments. Meanwhile, Brooke, in Dennis' body, dies by smacking into the pavement. This kills both of the bodies.

How Dennis and Maya stay alive in what's inside

Dennis and Maya live in the bodies of their friends

The in-universe rules surrounding the mental aspect of death in It's what's inside They are extremely confusing because of how Beatrice (parading as Forbes) described the body swap technology. If the brains are hard drives, there shouldn't be a problem with moving Dennis and Maya's consciousness into their old bodies or Reuben and Brooke's consciousness from the dead bodies. Hard drives can be functional even if a computer dies. Files from a broken hard drive can also be recovered. yet, It's what's inside Breaks the established rules.


After Reuben and Brooke die in Dennis and Maya's bodies, Beatrice explains unequivocally that Dennis and Maya cannot go back into their bodies. As such, the It's what's inside Characters panic and try to come up with a new plan. Maya and Dennis want to stay in Brooke and Cyrus' bodies, but only one of them gets their way. Beatrice allows Maya to remain in Brooke's body, likely because she did not have a part in teasing her and calling her crazy at the birthday party eight years earlier.

Final body swap results

















Meanwhile, Beatrice punishes Dennis for the events of the birthday party by stealing his money and sticking him in a new body. The only body he wanted to stay in was Cyrus, so the best way to punish him was to switch him to someone else. When choosing a body for him, the options are limited. She didn't want to punish Shelby or Brooke, so they got the bodies they wanted. That left Reuben, Forbes and Nikki. Beatrice wanted Nicky's body. Ultimately, the best way to punish Nikki and Dennis was to put them in Reuben and Forbes at the end of It's what's insiderespectively.

Are Reuben and Brook really dead?

Reuben and Brook are probably dead, but it's complicated

Reuben looks stressed at what's inside

According to Beatrice (pretending to be Forbes), Reuben and Brooke were truly dead once they died in Dennis and Brooke's bodies. There is no way to revive them or transfer their consciousness back into another body. however, This is a moment where it is crucial to consider the source. Beatrice arrives at the pre-wedding party with the intention of punishing all the people involved in her breakdown.

In the end, there is no way to really know whether Beatrice is telling the truth or not because she is an unreliable narrator with her own hidden agenda.

When she finds out Reuben has a role in the situation, Beatrice starts punishing him as well. Meanwhile, Brooke was also at the party where people called her crazy, and it's that inside she didn't understand her involvement or lack of it in tormenting Beatrice. Based on this fact, it's plausible that Beatrice tells the others that they're dead because she doesn't want to save the duo, and she doesn't want Dennis to have his body back. In the end, there is no way to really know whether Beatrice is telling the truth or not because she is an unreliable narrator with her own hidden agenda.