Thor's cameo Deadpool and Wolverine has generated a lot of speculation, with the Disney+ documentary for the film's production revealing how this scene was filmed. At the time of Deadpool and WolverineBy the end of, the film offered a lot for audiences to discuss. The central focus of the multiverse in the film's story allowed it to not only focus on the present and future of the MCU, but also on Marvel's entire cinematic past, leading to many of the Deadpool and Wolverinethe biggest special appearances.
These special appearances, combined with Deadpool and WolverineMarvel's countless Easter eggs made the film a feast for fans to rewatch. Interestingly, one of the most discussed cameos was fleeting and has no real ties to the film's story, with many wondering why Thor was crying. Deadpool and Wolverine. A brief scene at TVA showed the God of Thunder tearfully bent over Deadpool's injured body, with many wondering if this was a hint at the future of the MCU or simply a unique humorous reference to the multiverse. After much speculation, Marvel revealed how this cameo was filmed.
An Actor in a Motion Capture Suit Filmed Deadpool and Wolverine's Thor Cameo
Chris Hemsworth wasn't on set during the production of Deadpool and Wolverine
This reveal came as part of Marvel Assembled: The Making of Deadpool & Wolverine. These documentaries have become common since Avengers: Endgamewith Disney+ allowing Marvel Studios to outline the production process for audiences interested in behind-the-scenes footage. In the documentary for Deadpool and Wolverine, a brief scene reveals how Thor's cameo was captured.
Hemsworth's likeness as Thor was simply composed by the other actor, allowing the Norse god to have a cameo. Deadpool and Wolverine...
Around 16 minutes Assembled: The Making of Deadpool & WolverineReynolds' Deadpool can be seen lying on the floor beneath another actor in a motion capture suit. This scene is evidently Thor's cameo in the film, with Reynolds being shown reaching out to touch the other actor's face. With this in mind, it is likely that - as always with mo-cap - Hemsworth's image as Thor was simply composited over the other actor in post-production, allowing the Norse god to have a cameo. Deadpool and Wolverine.
Hemsworth's composition was also revealed to have come from Thor: The Dark World. This became somewhat evident when watching Deadpool and Wolverinesince Thor's crying scene looked very similar to the scene from Thor 2 in which Loki fakes his own death. Hemsworth commented on the use of this footage in Deadpool and Wolverine shortly after the film's release, counting Comicbook.com what:
“It's really cool. You kind of forget about it and you're like, 'Oh, cool! I'm part of the team. They're talking about me! when I'm not in it. I mean, it's really cool to be a part of this whole world, and at any time each other... I think what makes it really cool is the interconnected nature of it.
As is evident, Thor's cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine was a mix of pre-recorded footage from Thor 2 and on-set motion capture work. Regardless of how it was filmed, Hemsworth's comments bring to light one of the best aspects of the MCU. With such a vast history of films to draw from and the progression of motion capture technology, the MCU has become extensive enough to allow Deadpool and Wolverine to blend seamlessly into the wider universe, creating a cameo-packed, Easter egg-infused story that connects Marvel's entire cinematic journey.