Many spells have been changed in 2024 Dungeons and Dragons Player Handbooknotably including many of the healing spells. The improvements made to spell range and dice rolls make them better at lower and higher levels. It is a very necessary change, as healing in 5th edition D&D it was rarely worth it under the old rules.
However, along with the enthusiasm players have had for these new healing rules, there has been some apprehension about what this means for game balance. If Wizards of the Coast is improving healers, Could they also be planning to make the fights more dangerous? D&D at low levels it's already quite deadly, and if the new spell rules are anything to go by, it could be getting even deadlier.
D&D's 2024 Player's Handbook Has Big Advantages for Healing
Healing spells are now much more worthwhile
But first, the good news. Spells for healing and strengthening allies have been generally improved throughout the world. 2024 PHBincluding heal wounds and healing word. These are the basic healing spells for most support classes as they are available from the start and don't cost much to launch. healing word in particular, it's always been great for quickly bringing a downed ally back into the fight. Thanks to the new rules, both are now doubly effective, with twice as many dice to roll to restore hit points.
The jump from 1d4 to 2d4 stops healing wordand especially from 1d8 to 2d8 for heal woundsIt's monumental in the early levels. But these new rules also make upcasting these spells much more worthwhile, increasing in increments of 2 dice each time. Additionally, mass versions of these spells start at a higher die level than before.
Mass versions of these spells don't take advantage of upcasting as much, and their usefulness will depend on the size of the group.
There are some other notable changes like spare the dying gaining extra range and the addition of high-level spells like word of power strengthen. Overall, it seems like WotC is making a significant effort to make support healers and casters feel more powerful. Who played the 5th edition D&D You know how much healing can often seem like a waste of time. Provided a minimum number of hit points, especially at higher levels of play, and It was often better to try to defeat enemies as quickly as possible.
Monsters can hit harder in the 2025 Monster Manual
Changing the balance of TTRPG
With all that has been said, the Extra healing may simply have been needed to offset new threats. It's quite common for games to increase healing right when enemy damage is also increased, and with 2025 Monster Manual on the horizon, this could be exactly what is happening.
Not that 5th edition monsters were weak, but fights often felt easy once players got past the 10th level mark. Existing monsters generally did not have the power to face high-level players or his powers depended on chance to such an extent that they weren't much fun to command. D&D The designers have confirmed that high-level monsters will receive some buffs in the new book, and if they come in the form of damage, there could be a significant new counter to the updated healing.
What D&D combat would be like in 2025
Big hits can make fights faster
However, this may not necessarily be a bad thing. Combat in 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons was simultaneously one of its strengths and weaknesseswith countless options for players, but fights that can drag on for hours. WotC has been trying to make the tabletop game more accessible to new players, and these long struggles can be a huge hurdle for people trying to develop an interest.
Making both sides of fights stronger can be a great way to make combat rounds faster and more dynamic, but of course, this can cause players to die a lot. Thus, improvements to healing spells, so that party members can stay alive despite greater difficulties. Whether this is true or not will not be revealed until the Monster Manual will be released next year, but it will be exciting to see how new enemies change the flow of combat in Dungeons and Dragons.