Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Fire & Blood, the book on which House of the Dragon is based.Dragon House has his own opinion about Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish, and they are destined to die under very similar circumstances. Dragon HouseThe timeline means it is different from Game of Thronesbut it inevitably still has many of the same character types and parallels between key figures, at least in a broad sense. It's easy to see the connection between Rhaenyra Targaryen and Daenerys, for example, as two Targaryen women who believe it is their birthright to rule, or Otto Hightower as a Tywin Lannister type, plotting to advance their own families and their position in the crown. .
One of the biggest character parallels comes with Littlefinger and Larys Strong, aka Clubfoot. They are both true players in the game of thrones, manipulating everyone who comes into contact with them, constantly thinking of various moves, and if they are breathing, there is a good chance they are lying. Of course, it was exactly this trait that led to Littlefinger. no more breathing, and will eventually also be responsible for Larys, who is close to King Aegon II Targaryen going to Dragon House season 3.
When will Larys Strong die in House Of The Dragon?
Larys Strong, like Littlefinger, is someone who survives and even thrives amidst chaos. Much like how Littlefinger helped start the War of the Five Kings and then live beyond it, not dying until the end of Game of Thrones In Season 7, Larys will also be able to make it through most of the Dance of Dragons intact after helping to ignite the fires of civil war, only falling at the final hurdle.
Based on when this happens in the story and the trajectory of the show, then Clubfoot will almost certainly die at the end of House of the Dragon Season 4, which is confirmed to be the show's last.
In George R.R. Martin Fire and BloodLarys dies as the war is essentially ending. Rhaenyra is dead and so is Aegon II. Aegon the Younger - son of Rhaenyra and Daemon - will become the new king, and only at that point is Larys killed. Based on when this happens in the story and the trajectory of the show, so clubfoot will almost certainly die by the end of Dragon House season 4which is confirmed to be the last of the show.
How Larys Strong will repeat Littlefinger's death
Larys and Littlefinger compare themselves in life, and also in death. This is partly why they are killed: their scheming methods, various conspiracies and machinations that hurt numerous others to advance their own ends, finally achieve them, and come back to bite them. No one would ever be able to trust them again, and killing them is a fitting punishment.
More specifically, Larys will also be sentenced and killed by a member of House Starkjust like Littlefinger was. It was Sansa Stark who decided that Lord Baelish should die, and Arya Stark who committed the murder. In Dragon Houseit will be Lord Cregan Stark who does both, fulfilling Ned Stark's rule that the man who passes sentence must brandish the sword.
Cregan arrives in King's Landing at the end of the war and spends about a week serving as Hand of the King to Aegon III. This mainly involves cleaning up the mess left by the Targaryen civil war and the death of Aegon II. The king was poisoned by his own men, with Larys suspected of orchestrating it (although he never confirms or denies this).
Cregan gives those involved the chance to join the Night's Watch or be killed; Larys chooses death, which isn't too surprising since a man like him would apparently be unsuited for the Wall.
Cregan gives those involved the chance to join the Night's Watch or be killed; Larys chooses death, which isn't too surprising since a man like him would apparently be unsuited for the Wall. His only request, which should also make for a good TV moment, is that his clubfoot be removed first and buried separately so he can finally get rid of it, something Cregan agrees to.
Why Larys Strong's death could surpass Littlefinger's
Littlefinger's death alone is a huge moment. It's very gratifying to see him finally get what he deserves; being backed into a corner that not even he can get out of. That it's the Starks who deliver this justice, after how much damage he's done to them, is also appropriate. But the way it got to that point over the course of Season 7 was, well, pretty terrible. The story of Winterfell that year deserves the same criticism reserved mainly for season 8, as the fake story of Sansa and Arya's rivalry is poorly written, confusing and illogical.
If done well, Larys' death could be a better moment in the Dragon House season 4. He may not be on Littlefinger's level, but he could get there over time, especially as his influence over King Aegon II grows. He's already despicable enough, and as more characters fall, he's only expected to become more loathsome. He is also, so far, one of the best-written characters in the series (the scenes with him and Aegon are a real highlight of the more controversial second season), and if he can follow through on that, he should have one of his best death scenes as well.