Includes SPOILERS for the Season 2 finale of House of the Dragon and MASSIVE SPOILERS for Fire & Blood, the show's source material.
Although the next season is still years away, theories and predictions for Dragon House the 3rd season can now be made. Dragon House is based on Fire and Blooda companion book to George R.R. Martin's book A Song of Ice and Fire novels that examine the reigns of various Targaryen rulers. Given the nature of the book as a world historical text, television writers took significant creative liberties in its adaptation, interpreting the material as how events could actually have happened, with historical biases in mind.
Dragon House the season 2 finale left audiences with a divisive response, with a significant portion of the viewer base feeling cheated out of the promised action or feeling that the show strayed too far from the source material; It will be interesting to see how the third season proceeds. Based on the content of Fire and Blood and the direction the show seems to be taking, theories and predictions can be made, from very simple ideas to more bizarre ideas.
Daemon will become the three-eyed raven
Daemon's body can be recovered by green men
Starting with one of the strangest but not impossible theories is Daemon becoming the Three-Eyed Raven. The season 2 finale saw Daemon witness Aegon's Dream, the prophetic vision that essentially began Aegon's Conquest and the Targaryen dynasty in Westeros. Brynden Rivers is the name of the Three-Eyed Raven audience that is in Game of Throneswhich is essentially confirmed by Daemon's vision in season 2, showing young Brynden with a raven flying out of him.
However, in Game of Thrones 8th season, Bran Stark suggests there were multiple Three-Eyed Ravens over the centuries. Daemon's fate in Fire and Blood is left ambiguous after his climactic duel with Aemond, and Season 2 showed Daemon seeing a Green Man in Harrenhal. Given that Daemon and Aemond fight above the God's Eye, the theory would imply that a Green Man retrieves Daemon's body, takes him beneath the weirwood tree, and he becomes the Three-Eyed Raven until Brynden takes control.
Alicent and Rhaenyra will explore a romantic relationship
Alicent and Rhaenyra have had romantic undertones since season one
Another totally original idea for Dragon House it would be a romantic bond between Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen. Season 2 made an effort to give the two scenes together in secret meetings in King's Landing and Dragonstone, where the two women discussed their roles in the unfolding war. Season 3 won't have to force the pair to team up, as they will meet under the roof of the Red Keep after Rhaenyra captures King's Landing.
Alicent and Rhaenyra's romantic feelings are hinted at in the final scene of Season 2, where Alicent suggests that Rhaenyra runs away with her. Fans have been speculating about romantic undertones in their friendship since the first season, but it remains to be seen how far this will be taken in the series. Rhaenyra and Mysaria had a romantic scene in Season 2, confirming for the first time Rhaenyra's interest in women, which is an original idea for the series.
Otto Hightower is imprisoned by House Beesbury (and Daeron will save him)
Who captured Otto and why?
Otto Hightower disappeared in Dragon House season 2 after he was fired as Hand of the King in episode 3. He presumably returned to the Reach to reunite the Tyrells, but Alicent expresses concern after not hearing from him in the season finale. THE The Season 2 Finale Confirms He Was Captured and Arrested somewhere. Given House Beesbury's loyalty to the Blacks and their role in the Battle of Honeywine, one of the Dragon House In the next battles, Otto could be imprisoned in Honeyholt Castle.
This would leave room for Daeron Targaryen, third son of Viserys and Alicent, to save him on the back of his dragon Tessarion. Tessarion was briefly teased in the Season 2 finale montage, flying alongside Hightower's army marching from the south. Saving Otto may be how Daeron earned his nickname “The Bold” in the TV series.
Aegon's dragon Sunfyre won't actually be dead
Larys proclaimed Sunfyre dead in Season 2
Aegon II and Sunfyre suffered major blows in Season 2's Battle of Rook's Rest, with the king's beautiful golden dragon torn to pieces by Meleys and burned to a crisp by Vhagar. At the end of Season 2, Larys Strong suggests that Sunfyre is dead, which would create several inconsistencies with the books, such as Sunfyre has a huge role to play in many important events coming up. So it wouldn't be too surprising for Aegon's season three arc to see him return to his dragon.
In the book, Sunfyre remains at Rook's Rest with a camp of soldiers who defend him while he heals. A force on Rhaenyra's side eventually attempts to attack him, but the wounded dragon manages to resist against all odds, eventually returning to Aegon later in the story. Aegon himself may not be well-liked, but Sunfyre is a fan favorite who could steal the show if he returns.
Rhaena will finally claim sheep stealing
Rhaena was shown in front of the Sheepstealer in the season 2 finale
Dragon House The Season 2 finale all but confirmed that Rhaena would claim the wild dragon Sheepstealer, and the Season 3 premiere could confirm that by seeing her arrive in King's Landing to help Rhaenyra retake the capital. If Rhaena claims Sheepstealer, It seems likely that book character Nettles would not be cast in the serieswith its two arcs essentially combined. It's an interesting choice that should have larger narrative implications.
If Rhaena claims Sheepstealer, Rhaenyra's position would be significantly strengthened during the war, especially since Baela is also already riding Moondancer. Rhaenyra would have two loyal dragonriders that she doesn't really have at this point in the books, making it difficult to imagine the Greens tipping the scales in her favor at any point. It would also be strange for Rhaena to have spent three episodes chasing Sheepstealer and then not claim him.
Rhaenyra will change further to become a cruel tyrant
"The Red Sowing" Hints at Rhaenyra's Arc
One of the criticisms of Dragon House So far, the series has tilted too much in Rhaenyra's favor, making her a hero she isn't in the book. An interesting aspect of her character in the novel is that she has moments of cruelty and is explicitly not a better or more just ruler than Aegon II, despite being the rightful heir. The second season showed glimpses of his potential for cruelty and indifference in "The Red Sowing", but season three could push it further in that direction.
In the book, Rhaenyra's return to King's Landing is not as welcoming as she had hoped. Larys turns most of the population against her, which will be interesting to see given how season two built up Rhaenyra as the supportive ruler. It's possible that Rhaenyra will begin to act more vengeful after discovering that Aegon has already fled the city.feeling that Alicent lied to her and betrayed her with her promise at the end of season 2.
Hugh's wife will be killed (causing him to betray the blacks)
Hugh's wife may have been in Tumbleton during the battle
Is it possible Dragon House season three won't come until the First Battle of Tumbleton, but the seeds should certainly be planted for the Two Traitors. Ulf already seems like a character who will quickly change sides when money, status, or other forms of power are offered to him, but Hugh is made to seem like a man of genuine character and nobility. Hugh has already suffered the loss of his daughter and many have predicted that his wife will be the next to go.
Hugh's wife mentions Tumbleton in season 2which could lead to her being present in the next battle, causing him to change sides midway. Hugh saw his wife killed by the Black forces, causing him to attack Vermithor, eliminating a portion of Rhaenyra's army. It's also possible that season three will see division sown between him and Rhaenyra when Daemon returns to her side, as the Rogue Prince probably won't be too thrilled with dragon riders of humble origins.
Criston Cole will become more likable
Criston Cole could have become more likable shortly before he died
Another event that could happen at the end of season 3 is the death of Criston Cole. The season 2 finale foreshadowed this moment by suggesting that he would not return to Alicent, and by expressing that he is likely marching to his death. He is easily the most hated character in the series by fanswhat it means Dragon House could try to influence the public in the typical Game of Thrones fashion making him do something noble in his final days.
Given that Criston Cole is marching towards Harrenhal to face the Blacks, it's difficult to say what that could be. If he continues to reflect on his mistakes and continues to be the more sensible one between him and Aemond, he might win over some audiences before his inevitable death.
Ulf will cause Jacaerys to die in his throat
Ulf and Jace's rivalry was established in Season 2
Dragon House the final episodes of season 2 created a Interesting rivalry between Jacaerys and the Dragonseeds, with him nervous about his claim to the throne. Jace dies in the Battle of the Gulch in the book, and it is portrayed as an Icarus-like death, where he goes beyond his capabilities as a warrior, causing him to be killed by crossbow bolts. Directly or indirectly, it would be interesting if this was caused by Ulf.
Continuing her season 2 trend, Rhaenyra could request that Jace not participate in the Battle of the Maw, sending her expendable dragon riders in his place. Ulf could then provoke Jacaerys into mounting Vermax and trying to claim some glory. for himself in the naval conflict. Alternatively, Ulf could betray him directly in combat, similar to Aemond and Aegon in Rook's Rest in Dragon House season 2.