The new Shudder Original series The creep types Releases its first trailer. It continues the found footage horror franchise crawl Featuring a 6-episode anthology following the story of the series' prolific serial killer (Mark Duplass), who hires his victims to film his life under horribly false pretenses. From the minds of the Duplass brothers' production company and writer Patrick Brice, the crawl The franchise began in 2014 with a struggling videographer, Aaron, accepting an innocent Craigslist ad. What ensues is a darkly funny and gradually deranged time with Duplass as the film's main antagonist.
Brice and Duplass continue their depiction of the quirky but deeply disturbed horror villain with their new series. Premiering November 15 on AMC+ and Tremble, The creep types Continue the serial killer's antics with 6 new types each named after the episode's chosen victim. You can see the trailer for The creep types Here:
What the creep types mean for horror fans
Peachfuzz is back
crawlThe killer captivated horror audiences on his debut in 2014, when he did an interpretive dance to his first victim with his wolf mask persona, known as Peachfuzz. The creep types Offers a deeper look into the mind of Joseph, who, in 2017 Climb 2Grows dissatisfied with his killings and experiences a midlife crisis of the deranged sort. With him years later, it will be interesting to see what he has become since his last screen appearance.
The 6-part horror anthology series gives star Duplass ample opportunity to dig deeper into the mind of a horror villain, whom he refers to as “The world's deadliest and most socially awkward serial killer"(by Joblo). He often shows a twisted sense of intimacy with his victims, making for a fascinating dynamic. Joseph will continue to deputize his victims in The creep types As a strange, but well-intentioned collector, who is gradually revealed as a danger when it is already too late to escape. For horror fans, this is an excellent opportunity to spend more time with a compelling and horrifying character.
Our trailer to take on the creep types
It's time to get closer to the villain
The crawl Franchise refreshed the horror genre with a killer that both entertained and terrified audiences with its intense eye contact, lack of personal space and oversharing. The franchise's found footage style brings us even closer to crawls captivating horror villain, and his Fursona, who will have much more darkly entertaining types in store for us with Schuder's upcoming anthology. The creep types Should make an interesting addition to the horror franchise, and could pave the way for even more projects.
Source: Tremble