Using the best build for Rappa in Honkai: Star Trail can significantly improve the character's performance on the field, increasing the amount of damage he can deal and how well he can contribute to breaking enemies' weaknesses. Rappa is a new 5-star imaginary character on the Path of Erudite, meaning she specializes in hitting multiple opponents at once rather than directing all of her damage efforts towards a single target. Several of Rappa's leaks in Honkai: Star Trail 2.6 was later confirmed by developer HoYoverse, showing that she is best used as a main DPS in team compositions.
Rappa specializes in dealing Break DMG and Super Break DMG to opponents, similar to how Firefly and Boothill work, but with a wider range. As such, Rappa is great when working alongside Harmony Trailblazer and Ruan Mei, for example, who can boost the power of this damage type. It's not too complicated to build Rappa, but you need to get a few key points right to ensure it operates at peak performance. After gathering all of Rappa's materials in Honkai: Star Trail and updated it, be sure to work on building it.
Best light cones for Rappa in Honkai: Star Rail
Look for weapons that increase the shatter effect
The first thing you need to do is find a suitable weapon for the character to wield. The best light cone for Rappa is the Ninjutsu inscription - Dazzling Evilbreakeryour signature 5-star weapon. Ninjutsu Inscription - Dazzling Evilbreaker increases the user's breaking effect by an impressive 60%, and upon entering battle, the user regenerates 30 energy. Additionally, after using Ultimate, they gain Raiton. After using two Basic Attacks, the user's Action increases by 50% and Lightning is removed. Raiton can be upgraded by using an Ultimate once more.
The table below lists the best builds for Rappa in Honkai: Star Trailincluding stronger light cones, ideal stats, recommended gear, and more, according to Game8:
Best build for Rappa in Honkai: Star Rail |
light cone |
Set of relics and ornaments |
Statistical priority |
Skill priority |
Ninjutsu Subscription - Dazzling Evilbreaker is the best Cone of Light for Rappa because it gives her a huge boost in Break Effect, her main stat, and plays into her rotation – when using her Ultimate, her next Basic Attacks are buffed, meaning that she will be able to perform consecutive attacks with Forwarded Actions. The second best Light Cone for Rappa is the 4 star After The Harmony FalI. This Light Cone increases the user's Break effect by 28% and, after using their Ultimate, the equipped character gains an 8% increase in SPD for two turns in Honkai: Star Trail.
If you don't have access to Rappa's exclusive weapon or After The Harmony Fall, Eternal Calculus is a good 5-star Light Cone alternative to Rappaand it is F2P (free to play). This Light Cone grants a strong ATK buff and further ATK boosts based on how many enemies are hit. Eternal Calculus can also increase the user's SPD by Honkai: Star Trail.
One last Light Cone that Rappa could use is the 4-star Make The World Clamor. This weapon helps the user restore energy when entering combat and significantly increases their Ultimate DMG. The extra Energy at the start of the fight is the most attractive aspect of this Light Cone, as it allows Rappa to activate his Ultimate earlier than usual. The main goal is to improve your Break Effect stat when possible and if not, find Light Cones that increase your offensive presence on the field.
Best Relics, Ornaments, and Stats for Rappa in Honkai: Star Rail
Increase the breaking effect as much as possible
As a Break DMG DPS character, the best relic set for Rappa currently is Iron Cavalry Against the Scourgethe same set used in the construction of the Firefly in Honkai: Star Trail. With two pieces, this set grants the user a 16% Break Effect buff. With all four pieces and if their Break Effect is 150% or higher, the user ignores 10% of the target enemy's DEF when dealing Break DMG to them. When the user's Break Effect is 250% or higher, the Super Break DMG he deals to enemy targets additionally ignores 15% of the targets' DEF.
In addition to the relic set, you will need to equip Rappa with a suitable ornament set. The best ornament set for Rappa is Talia: Kingdom of Banditry. With both pieces, the user gains a 16% bonus to Break Effect, and if their SPD reaches or exceeds 145, they gain an extra 20% bonus to Break Effect. This, combined with his unique 5-star Cone of Light, is the best way to achieve the 250% breaking effect needed to activate the final effect of the Iron Cavalry Relic Against the Scourge Relic, set in Honkai: Star Trail.
When farming these relics and ornaments, you will want to prioritize some stats over others. The most important stats in Rappa's kit are Break Effect, SPD and ATK. If you can increase your Break Effect by up to 250%, even if only triggered in battle, this will fully activate your Relic. Rappa's SPD must be greater than 145 for the Ornament set effect to activate. Your ATK stat should be as high as possible, with 3,200 being recommended to maximize your conversion to Break DMG in Honkai: Star Trail.
Energy regeneration rate is also a valuable stat for Rappa as it can fuel his Ultimate.
Best team compositions for Rappa in Honkai: Star Rail
Rappa is an alternative to Firefly and Boothill
The best team compositions for Rappa are those focused on Break DMG. The 5-star Imaginary character is essentially a multi-target attacker alternative to Firefly and Boothill. As such, she is at her best when paired with Ruan Mei and the Harmony Trailblazer in Honkai: Star Trail. Lingsha's recent release has made her a great sustain healer for this type of team composition, mainly due to how widespread her healing is in addition to her Break Effect bonuses.
The table below lists team composition suggestions for Rappa:
Best team compositions for Rappa in Honkai: Star Rail |
Super Break DMG Premium Team |
Economic (F2P) Break DMG Team Comp |
In a F2P scenario, you may have to replace Ruan Mei with another support character, and Asta is always a great free option to employ. In place of Lingsha, you can perform Gallagher on Honkai: Star Trailwhich increases the Break DMG enemies receive, or Lynx, which can keep the team alive and clear debuffs affecting the party.
Tracking priority (skill) for Rappa in Honkai: Star Rail
Increase your most important skills first
When working on Rappa's skills, you may need to level some Traces before others. According to Game8, the most important ones in your kit are your Talent and your Ultimate. These abilities increase the power of the buffs from your enhanced Basic Attack and the Break Effect from your Sealform state, respectively. The next priority is your Skill, and the last one should be your Basic Attack.
Overall, building Rappa is not complex as its needs are simple. The most challenging aspect of her build may be achieving high stat numbers, but ensuring she can activate at least the first Break DMG effect from the Relic set should be enough to make her operate at a high DPS level. With due attention, Rappa can decimate enemies in Honkai: Star Trail and help you with the most difficult activities.
Source: Game8