Peter Parker's first solo MCU film, Spider-Man: HomecomingDidn't show the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man getting his powers, unlike any Spider-Man film that came before. Tom Holland debuted as Peter Parker in 2016 Captain America: Civil Wartook on the coveted role previously played by both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. Sony's previous adaptations of Marvel Comics' web-slinging superhero always showed the teenager's initial reaction to gaining his abilities, but Marvel Studios abandoned this storyline, introducing Peter Parker into the MCU timeline several months after he acquired his powers.
When Tom Holland was announced to be appearing in a then-upcoming MCU release as Peter Parker, many speculated that Spider-Man's origin story would be retold. However, his appearance in Captain America: Civil War Seeing the teenage genius already showing off his web-slinging abilities, and Spider-Man: Homecoming He just wrote that a spider bit him. This is again revisited during Spider-Man: No Way HomeWhen Peter suggests that he has only had one normal week since his fateful bite. There is, however, a clear reason that Marvel Studios chose to ignore this part of Spider-Man's MCU story.
How did Tom Holland's Spider-Man get his powers?
In a conversation between Parker and Ned Leeds Spider-Man: Homecoming, Parker confirmed that he was bitten by a spider, resulting in him gaining spider-like abilities. This was reiterated in Spider-Man: No Way HomeAlthough this event is never actually seen in the MCU.
In Marvel Comics, Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider at a science fair, which leads to him gaining the abilities of a spider: enhanced agility, stamina, lightning-fast reflexes, the ability to climb walls and ceilings, and a known precognition Like "spider-sense." His genius also leads to him developing technology that allows him to spin synthetic webs from his wrists like a spider spinning silk.
Why the MCU is ignoring Peter Parker's Spider-Man origin
With Tom Holland's character already Spider-Man when he appeared in Captain America: Civil WarIt seemed like the MCU was happy to move on from Peter's origin story this time around. That's exactly what they did Spider-Man: HomecomingBuilding from the events of his previous appearance instead of going back. but later, Key moments from Parker's beginnings would be on full display in the trilogy.
In this book With Great Power: How Spider-Man Conquered Hollywood During the Golden Age of Comic Book Blockbusters By author Sean O'Connell, director Jon Watts balked at not showing Spider-Man's origin, including the iconic spider bite. "It was just so nice to skip past it and just deal more with the repercussions ... and just explore it from someone else's perspective to find out about it and have a lot of questions."
Despite being reluctant to tell his origin story, Holland's Spider-Man was just that during the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home. In doing so, The new Spider-Man trilogy became a giant origin story for the character And a perfect jumping off point for Peter Parker's future. in Spider-Man: No Way Home - The Art of the Movie Book Jon Watts talks about this exact idea. "But in the end, you know, it was nice to be able to have everything together in, in its essence, the simple story of Spider-Man. We just really all our time to tell the first issue of "Spider- Man" - the origin story.
Showing Spider-Man's origins again would be a waste of time
Although many expected Marvel Studios to adapt Spider-Man's origin story again for his new home in the MCU, it is perhaps a better choice that this part of Peter Parker's story was avoided. Die-hard Spider-Man fans (and even more casual audiences) are already familiar with Spider-Man's famous and age-old origin story, so it simply didn't need to be retold for the MCU.
Retelling the story would have detracted from the seamless introduction of Spider-Man into the MCU.
what's more, Parker's origin story has been told twice in a decadeWith 2002s Spider-Man and 2012s The Amazing Spider-Man Both detailing the spider's bite. Retelling the story would have detracted from the seamless introduction of Spider-Man into the MCU. It would have been a waste of time to retrace those steps, especially since there are many Spider-Man stories that have never been told in live-action, such as Spider-Man being recruited as an Avenger in his MCU debut.
A more refreshing narrative is expanded on in Spider-Man: HomecomingAs Parker came to terms with going back to school after fighting Earth's Mightiest Heroes, it makes sense that the web-slinger's origin story was brushed over, allowing Tom Holland to portray a version of the hero with more gravitas and believability, and usher in a new era for Spider-Man.
An upcoming Disney+ cartoon gives Tom Holland's Spider-Man an origin
Although the main MCU continuity may never reveal the details of Peter Parker's origins as Spider-Man, the story will still be told during Marvel Studios' upcoming animated series, Your friendly neighborhood Spider-ManInitially titled Spider-Man: Freshman Year. Although this version of Peter Parker will be a variant, the series will explore Parker's early high school days and the beginning of his career as Spider-Man.
Join Peter Parker in Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is a series of Spider-Man-related Marvel Comics characters, including Norman and Harry Osborn, Otto Octavius, Amadeus Cho and Matt Murdock. Spider-Man: Homecoming Set the precedent for the live-action Peter Parker, however Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man will tell a story that many have been waiting to see.
Why Spider-Man's Second MCU Arc Could Show More About His Origin Story
Spider-Man: No Way Homes ending closes with Peter in many ways being put back to square one, as a lone vigilante who has been forgotten by his remaining loved ones. As such, it probably means the story of Spider-Man 4 will see a return to the hero's roots of sorts, with a more grounded adventure for the iconic Marvel character.
With that in mind, the chances of at least some allusions to Spider-Man's MCU origin story are actually more likely in Spider-Man 4 As they were in the original movie trilogy. That's because, while the MCU trilogy wanted to establish itself as its own distinctive iteration of Spider-Man, No way home Marked a point where the series was able to more openly celebrate the character's history, which could allow further installments to detail events that previous movies like Spider-Man: Homecoming Be careful not to miss.