Hogwarts Legacy PS5 Pro PC comparison proves one thing about the new console

Hogwarts Legacy PS5 Pro PC comparison proves one thing about the new console

The announcement of the new PlayStation 5 Pro emphasized its advanced graphics capabilities, and someone has already compared it to the potential of a PC using Hogwarts legacy. Console gamers and PlayStation fans have expressed distaste at the PS5 Pro’s price point, and the industry has been quick to look at alternatives for upcoming and existing games. By viewing the capabilities of the PS5 Pro against a PC with the same game, the decision between the two options may not be so difficult.

The console vs. PC argument has been prominent in recent years, with pros and cons appealing to both sides depending on gaming preferences and style. The release of the PS5 Pro and the reaction to the hefty price tag of $699.99 USD may sway gamers in the direction of investing in PCs instead. Even with popular games getting support on the PS5 Pro, the PC gaming scene could convince the market with this visual comparison of Hogwarts legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy looks better on a PC than the PS5 Pro

PCs with updated CPUs and GPUs can outperform consoles

Reddit user R3KF4 Showed their version of ​​a stunning shot taken from Sony’s presentation of the PlayStation 5 Pro on the r/HarryPotterGame subreddit. The presentation used Hogwarts legacy As one of the examples of the graphic performance of the new console, and the images in this post have significant differences.

The original poster said, “Just for fun after watching the PS5 Pro reveal and seeing this beautiful scene from Hogwarts Legacy I wanted to recreate it and compare it to my PC.” The first image is from the presentation and the second is from the poster’s own PC rendering.

The drastic difference between the two images shows how a PC can match or even outperform the upcoming PS5 Pro’s advances. The comments in the Reddit thread seem to favor the PC version of the scene Hogwarts legacy Over the PS5 Pro version. User funny_magazine_1339 commented “PC version looks more lively,” referring to how much more color and warmth PC graphics contain.

Why Hogwarts Legacy looks better on PC

Reddit users weigh in on PS5 Pro specs

Hogwarts Legacy State of Play Confirmed PlayStation

Most users seem to be convinced that A PC is the better choice if players want to avoid the expensive price point of the PlayStation 5 Pro. However, the comparison raises a few questions about the image from the PS5 Pro announcement, as it is only a screenshot from the live stream and may not be the peak of the console’s potential.


The original poster mentioned how it was a “4K high image quality mode screenshot,” being the best they could get so far. User PhenomJW commented, “On a small, tiny phone screen, it’s hard to see much graphical difference. However, on a regular 50+ inch TV, the difference is insanely obvious.Full comparisons cannot be made until the console is released.

PCs can always be upgraded as graphics advance

Upgrading parts may be better than upgrading entire consoles

One big argument in the PC vs. console debate is the potential for PCs to constantly keep up with new parts as technology advances. The price of a PC setup, especially an updated one, may exceed the quoted price of the PS5 Pro, but it can always be changed and upgraded.

As new generations of consoles are released, Console players will need to buy new systems if they want to play new games. The investment in a PC is an advantage for anyone who wants the most high-end graphics and performance from their gaming experience.

For those in favor of consoles, affordability is the biggest advantage. Those who are unable to invest in a PC opt for a console that can play the same games as a PC can. The introduction of The PlayStation 5 Pro does not contain the affordability factorAnd this is the main reason that is driving console fans away from it.

Console generations tend to last for years, but there will always be advantages as companies follow technology trends. With how expensive Sony’s new upgraded console is, it faces the risk of loyal fans switching to an alternative device.

The comparison of graphics capabilities will not be absolute until the console releases on November 7, 2024. As of now, fans are still debating the value of Sony’s latest upgrade to an existing product, and question whether its high price point will be the future of the Industry. Even with Sony’s track record of supporting some of the best games on the PS5, it is slowly losing the battle.

With the outcry against Sony and its new console not being for everyone, The PC scene is more beneficial for gamers considering buying a new platform. PCs outperforming leading consoles and being a better investment in the long run establishes how gamers should consider alternative means to how they play their games.

By keeping the CPU and GPU of a PC with the latest advantages, those who want to have the best games with the highest quality graphics will not need a PlayStation 5 Pro. The Hogwarts legacy Comparison is just a sneak peek into the world of console versus PC performance, and it seems like the gaming scene is already miles in favor of the latter.

Source: Reddit/R3KF4, Playstation/YouTube

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