The idea of being a student in the past of the wizarding world drew me in Hogwarts legacy The way that it drew in many other players. One of the highlights of the promotional content of the game was the tours of the common room of each house. I loved every design, and even though I thought it would be easy to decide what to combine beforehand, I had a hard time choosing a house after getting a glimpse of what each one had to offer. I was excited to be a Hogwarts student, but that wasn't the point of the game, unfortunately.
Hogwarts legacy Did you join Hogwarts in your fifth year. It turns out that your magical potential appeared late, because you have the rare ability to use Ancient Magic. However, because there was a student in the past like you, but who misused their ability, you need to prove that you are worthy of ancient magic, and this leads to you having to stop a nefarious plot before the bad guys can do irreparable Damage to the world, affecting muggles and wizards alike.
I wasn't looking to be a hero in the Hogwarts legacy
I just wanted to be a student
I like being a hero in video games, and I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing questlines and fouling evil plots. Of course, being an anti-hero and unexpected savior is also fun, which can be done in Hogwarts legacy If you decide to go down the dark wizard path and learn a few curses.
The problem is that I didn't want it when I played Hogwarts legacy Because I didn't seek to be a hero This time. I wanted to experience being a student at Hogwarts, and the experience ends up being disappointing in the game, because there simply isn't a lot of depth to the elements.
It's nice to have a storyline Hogwarts legacy And a sense of purpose, and I thought it was done well enough and interesting to play through. However, there was a lot of disappointment that I felt during the game when it came to the student part of being at Hogwarts.
Although you play as a student who is new to Hogwarts, the aspect is not exactly fleshed out, and I felt like I barely spent time in school or being a student. Considering it's your first year too, it doesn't make sense that you get to run around all the time chasing bad guys.
You don't spend a lot of time at Hogwarts
Unless you're hunting collectibles
You are new to Hogwarts, and you are new to the world of magic. However, you barely spend time at Hogwarts as a student. A lot of your time at school is spent looking for collectibles like field guide pages, solving puzzles, doing side quests or working with the goblins.
Because you spend minimal time doing activities as a student, It almost feels pointless to be a student.
I know it is Important to deal with the threats that come from anyone tapping into the power of Isidora's reservoirs And use this power for their own purpose, which would be disastrous for both the world of magic and the normal world. However, it certainly could have been at least a little more put into the school aspect of the game.
Because you spend minimal time doing activities as a student, It almost feels pointless to be a student Instead of a complete wizard working on a case that could threaten the lives of innocents. Then, you wouldn't need to go to classes only when it's convenient because you need to learn certain spells to progress through the game.
Besides that, you spend time at Hogwarts interacting with the portraits of the keepers and taking their trials to prove that you won't turn into the next Isidora. But again, that's not exactly part of the normal student experience.
This also leads to some decisions not feeling as important as they could have been. I feel this most with house choices in Hogwarts legacy. Sure, you can choose which house you want to join, but Which doesn't feel like it changes much apart from the exclusive search What every house has.
Besides, you hardly spend time in your dorm or in your common room. Even interacting with other students in your house is basically non-existent unless they are one of the main companion NPCs, or you do a side quest for them. Besides that, you are almost isolated in that you never need to interact with students.
Hogwarts Legacy 2 needs to improve the school aspect
Being a student should be equal to being a hero
It is possible to balance being a student and a hero, and other games can achieve this balance, such as these Persona Series. There needs to be more of a social simulator aspect added to the sequelAssuming one will be made, because I felt strange playing as a student, but rarely being in school.
In the end, Hogwarts feels like a backdrop rather than a living, breathing environment. For players like me who were most looking forward to being a Hogwarts student when anticipating the game, the reality of the game was disappointing and quite sad.
It is also So much potential for school activities That ends up being garbage. We have a few moments that involve sneaking around the school to grab things or get into places we shouldn't, but that could have been a bigger part of the game, and even turned into a minigame revolving around causing a little mischief.
It is also upsetting that there is no form of relationship meter with other students that allows you to become better friends or even enemies with others. They don't need to be the main features of the game, but they should be included to make it feel more realistic.
There is a lot that I enjoy Hogwarts legacy And the way it makes me feel like a hero. I just wish that being a hero wasn't the only thing I felt like when I was hoping to feel more like a wizard student. If there is a sequel, I want to see more emphasis on the school part of the game, and more reasons to interact with other students. There was so much potential in this game, and I enjoyed it overall, but that doesn't take away the sting of not being able to feel like a student at Hogwarts legacy.
Source: Hogwarts Legacy / YouTube