It seems that from the moment Hogwarts Legacy was released in February 2023, every gamer is thinking about when the sequel will be released and how it will improve the solid foundation of the game. Although theories and desired features have been circulated online, fans are waiting for Warner Bros. confirm that a sequel is indeed on the way.
Fortunately, Warner Bros. announced that Hogwarts Legacy 2 It’s important for him and his strategy going forward. This isn't particularly surprising considering the huge success of the first game, but it's definitely good news for fans. However, one worrying detail that has emerged is that want to connect the next Hogwarts Legacy 2 for HBO's Harry Potter showand this can result in a rushed final product.
May end up being rushed in development
It makes perfect sense why Warner Bros. want to link the long-awaited Hogwarts Legacy sequence with the next Harry Potter HBO showwhich has already generated controversy due to how much JK Rowling is involved with the subject. Not only was it Hogwarts Legacy the best-selling game of 2023, but it continues to be a success, with rumors of a Definitive Edition sparking even more enthusiasm for it. Additionally, other production companies have enjoyed great success, albeit in decline, with connected universes. Naturally, Warner Bros. Want a slice of that pie.
Running Hogwarts Legacy 2 just creating a connected universe could end up losing Warner Bros. even more money.
However, not only is this absurd Hogwarts Legacy 2 crossover seems redundant, since the Harry Potter universe has been connected from the beginning, with characters appearing in Hogwarts Legacy which are directly related to those in the books, but can end up being harmful in general. Of course, Warner Bros. is in trouble with its various properties, especially since the Suicide Squad game lost US$200 million and MultiVersus it also proved to be a commercial failure. However, running Hogwarts Legacy 2 just creating a connected universe could end up losing even more money.
Hogwarts Legacy 2 needs a lot of development time to be perfect
It has the potential to be amazing
The original Hogwarts Legacy was in production for about five years and was Avalanche Software's first open-world RPG. It took a lot of time in the oven to ensure it met the expectations of the Harry Potter fan base, as well as catering to casual gamers as well. Fortunately, the review was incredibly good, proving that the effort was well spent. Since its launch in February 2023, Avalanche has been relatively quiet, releasing a few small updates but little else. However, rumors began to circulate about a Definitive Edition of Hogwarts Legacywhich is adding around 15 hours of new story content.
It is important to highlight that this Definitive Edition is reportedly being developed with help from Rocksteady, the developers of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and the Arkham games. Naturally, this will give Avalanche more resources and assistance, which will reduce development time. Without considering, Hogwarts Legacy: Definitive Edition will still consume significant resources and personnel from Avalanche Software's core teamwhich will no doubt delay any significant production on the sequel.
Even though Rocksteady is the main developer of Definitive Editionwhich seems highly unlikely, the Avalanche would still have some level of involvement as it is an expansion to their game. This would also decrease the time that could be spent on Hogwarts Legacy sequence. So with so much time potentially spent creating this DLC It's hard to see how Hogwarts Legacy 2 could be done in time for the Harry Potter HBO show coming in 2026.
Hogwarts Legacy 2 should not become the next Cyberpunk 2077
If rushed too soon, it may be released broken
There is a pretty funny video on YouTube posted on the official website Hogwarts Legacy channel that shows some of the bugs the team found during the game's development. It's a humorous look at video game production and the kinds of things that are readily fixed before release day. However, it now looks like a potential warning about what could happen to Hogwarts Legacy 2 if Warner Bros. want it to be released in time for the Harry Potter HBO program.
What absolutely no one wants is for the game to be rushed and end up like someone else Cyberpunk 2077 disaster. While it's possible that Avalanche has been working tirelessly on the sequel since the first game's release and that rumors of Definitive Edition are unfounded, it still seems like a relatively short turnaround time considering the development time of the first game. Naturally, the Avalanche have learned many lessons and will likely build on many of the foundations laid by Hogwarts Legacyvery similar to how Tears of the Kingdom was built from Breath of Nature.
However, there is still a good chance that Warner Bros., now under pressure due to a series of failed video games, will press Hogwarts Legacy 2 leaving too early and further ruining the brand's reputation. We can only hope that this is not the case and that Warner Bros. Hogwarts Legacy 2 the time needed to breathe and develop into a game much better than its predecessor. However, as much as everyone would like Hogwarts Legacy 2 to be successful, Warner Bros.' track record. of releasing games before they are ready is only increasing.
Source: Hogwarts Legacy/YouTube, Variety