Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Introduced viewers to Yaddle, the first new member of Yoda's mysterious species to appear on screen. Yoda made his debut in the 1980s The empire strikes backAnd it was always clear that George Lucas intended to keep his origins a secret; Lucasfilm even went so far as to make the entire print run for a trading card showing Yoda-like beings worshiping an idolProbably at Lucas' insistence. But all this changed in 1999, when viewers were happy to see a new member of Yoda's race on the screen.
Jedi Master Yaddle is a member of the Jedi Council, which immediately singled her out as one of the wisest of the Jedi. Although Yadle originally had a line of dialogue in the scene where Anakin Skywalker stood before the Council, it was unfortunately cut, and the nature was never revealed. After all, Kanon has done a great job of fleshing out Yadle's story ever since, and she played a particularly important role in the Tales of the Jedi Animated series.
How old was Idle by the Phantom Menace?
Yoda's species clearly have unusually long lives; Yoda himself was 900 years old when he died in Return of the Jedi. Yadle was only a young girl compared to Yoda, A beautiful 477 years old in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. After all, she was a long-serving and well-respected member of the Jedi Council, with experience both as a teacher and in the field.
Everything we know about Yaddle's story
Yadle's origin is as mysterious as Yoda's. A scholar by nature, she nevertheless served on the front lines during the High Republic Era, the golden age of the Jedi and the Republic. She is known to have trained several Padawans over the centuriesIncluding fellow council member Oppo Rancisis and Jaro Tapal – which technically makes her Grandmaster of Cal Kestis. The few glimpses we saw of Idol in action emphasized both her wisdom and her power.
Star Wars novels with Yaddle |
Cataclysm by Lydia Kang |
Out of the shadows By Justina Ireland |
The living force by John Jackson Miller |
Yaddle's force powers explained
According to the Star Wars: Alien Archive"noble"Is known for being very kind and quiet, but on the other hand possesses some of the most deadly powers." She is one of the few Jedi who have mastered an ancient Force power called Morichrowhich allows a Jedi to slow down an opponent's bodily functions almost to the point of death. This power was so rare that during the High Republic era, it was generally considered a myth - suggesting that it was an ability that Yadle chose not to pass on to her students.
Yadle was exceptionally sensitive to the will of the Force, aware of its subtle guidance and willing to follow wherever it led - including in grave danger. She demonstrated normal Jedi Force powers, including the Jedi mind trick and telekinesis, and like Yoda she learned the lightsaber form Ataro. This form requires the use of the Force to boost a being's natural speed and agility, and it was the perfect form to compensate for Yaddle's small size.
Yadle's death shortly after The Phantom Menace
Yaddle made her debut in The Phantom MenaceBut was mysteriously absent from the Jedi Council scenes in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. There were initial reports that she had simply disappeared, following the will of the Force in the shadows, but the tragic truth was eventually revealed in Tales of the Jedi. Yadle sensed something strange about Count Doku's reaction to the resurgence of the Sith The Phantom Menaceand followed him to a meeting with Darth Sidious. She bluntly confronted the couple.
Sidious apprentice Darth Maul died on Naboo, and he was looking for a replacement. It is traditional for a Sith Acolyte to prove himself by killing a Jedi in combat and claiming the Kyber Crystal from the fallen Jedi's lightsaber as their own, "bleeding" it red. Palpatine chooses Yadle as Doku's Sith victim, and the two duel to the death. Yadle put up a furious fight, but she was ultimately overpowered, and Count Doku killed her.
Yoda would not learn of Yadle's death until shortly before Luke Skywalker's arrival on Dagobah, decades later. As told in Cavan Scott and Ibraim Roberson's Star Wars: Yoda #10, he entered the Dagoba Cave - a powerful dark side nexus - to prepare for the task before him. There, Yoda experienced a vision of Dooku, and learned that he had killed Yadle shortly after The Phantom Menace. As Doku's first mentor, Yoda blames himself.