Her death, Betelgeuse's marriage, powers and revenge plan explained

Her death, Betelgeuse's marriage, powers and revenge plan explained

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024).

As one of the two new antagonists in Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceDelores intrigues viewers, raising questions about her background, abilities, and revenge plan. After 36 years of waiting for Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceThe sequel hit the big screens with overwhelmingly positive reviews. The story feels fresh, while the visuals look perfect for a Tim Burton movie. The long-awaited sequel expands on the existing knowledge of the netherworld in a way that feels fulfilling and exciting.

In addition, the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Characters include a strong mix of new and returning characters. While the old letters bring charm and nostalgia, The new characters offer exciting story arcs that will keep viewers engaged until the end. One of the best additions to the bunch is Betelgeuse's demonic, soul-sucking ex-wife, who makes it her goal to get revenge.

Who plays Delores in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Model and actor Monica Bellucci plays Delores

in Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceActor-model Monica Bellucci plays Betelgeuse's ex-wife, Delores. Although she did not appear in the first movie, Delores' finger appeared in Beetlejuice When the "ghost with the most" pulls a wedding ring from a dismembered finger to give Lydia for their wedding. He tells Lydia, "I'm telling you, honey, she meant nothing to me...nothing at all.” It is unclear whether Bellucci's hand played the fingers, but it seems probable that it was a prop.

She went on to star in two of the most iconic film franchises of all time, The matrix And James Bond.

Before these Beetlejuice Sequel, Monica Bellucci has already carved a long and incredibly successful career. Her path began with studying law at university, which she supported by modeling. Her career took off in 1988, leading her to Milan. Three years later, she made her acting debut with the Italian TV movie Vita Coi Figli.

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Her career continued to grow when she made her Hollywood film debut in the 1992 movie Bram Stoker's Draculain which she played Dracula's bride. in 1997, Monica Bellucci was nominated for Most Promising Actress at the 1997 César Awards - the French equivalent of the Oscars - for her role in The apartment. Since then, she has gone on to star in two of the most iconic film franchises of all time, The matrix And James Bond. Finally, she became a well-known model and actor in France, Italy and the United States.

Delores' origins before dying and her marriage to Betelgeuse explained

Delores has a cryptic background with a soul-sucking death cult

Michael Keaton as Betelgeuse in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

The movie Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Can't directly confirm when and where Delores and Betelgeuse lived, but the two movies combined provide fairly concrete answers. The section with their flashbacks is spoken in Italian, implying that they lived in Italy. Betelgeuse confirms he lived during a plague in the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Dialogue, which hit Italy through the pandemic and a series of ​​epidemics from the 1300s to the 1600s. In the first movie, he stated that he lived through the Black Plague. Combining the quotes and the place, The flashback of Delores and Betelgeuse's meeting probably took place between 1346 and 1353.


The pair met on a cold, starless night when he robbed the grave of a plague-stricken individual. She appeared in a black dress with a corset and an intricately designed black plague doctor mask. Despite his hardened heart, they immediately fell in love and got married. At their wedding, they drank each other's blood, bit off the heads of chickens and sacrificed a goat - which Betelgeuse hilariously describes as traditional. Unknown to him, Delores was involved in a soul-sucking death cult, which would cause their deaths in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

How Delores died and why she poisoned Betelgeuse

Delores and Betelgeuse killed each other

Delores looks angry with her hair blowing behind her in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

After their wedding, Delores and Betelgeuse return to the bedroom for a steamy romp. The couple had sex and then drank together. However, Delores spiked his drink with poison so that he would die. In order to gain immortality, she must take his life and suck his soul. Whether this is true or simply a myth of her cult is unclear. However, in the world of BeetlejuiceThe possibility of immortality seems more likely than not. Either way, she wouldn't have the chance to find out.


Once he realized what she had done, Betelgeuse revealed himself with an ax and chopped her into tiny piecesWhich is why she was spoiled when she was first introduced Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Somehow, after her death, the pieces of her body were placed in boxes in the lost and found section of the netherworld, where she pieced herself back together to "Tragedy" by Bee Gees of the Beetlejuice Beetlejuices soundtrack.

Delores' soul-sucking powers in Beetlejuice 2 explained

The soul-sucking powers in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice are mysterious

Monica Bellucci in Beetlejuice 2

One of the most intriguing aspects of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is the unexplained powers of Delores. Her ability to suck out the souls of others is A Odd piece of world-building that could have benefited from more development. The only known fact is that she gained the ability before Beetlejuice killed her, and it happened in relation to her cult. Unfortunately, because the audience never gets to see the group, it is unclear if she is the only one with this power or if others possess the soul-sucking abilities. This mystery adds a layer of intrigue to Delores' character.

Delores' Beetlejuice 2 Story Explained: Why She Travels the Afterlife to Get Revenge Against Betelgeuse

Delores is determined to get revenge on her killer

When talking with ColliderMonica Bellucci described her character as "... full of rage and despair and obsessed with revenge."This description perfectly captures Delores' intense rage against her ex-husband Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. She is the epitome of a shy woman, Followed Betelgeuse around the netherworld with a singular goal - punish him for killing her. After all, if it wasn't for him, she would still be alive. Her determination for revenge is palpable but sadly underexplored by the end of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

If her magic still worked in the netherworld, she could follow Betelgeuse to gain an immortal life instead of being stuck in the afterlife.

A second possible explanation for Delores pursuing her ex-husband across the netherworld in Beetlejuice 2 lies within the titular ghost's voiceover statements during the flashback. Betelgeuse said she could have immortality if she took the ghost's life and soul. He never clarifies whether this would only work for Delores during life. If her magic still worked in the netherworld, she could follow Betelgeuse to gain an immortal life instead of being stuck in the afterlife. This would explain the drive with which she pursues the "spirit with the most" in it Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

Source: Collider