WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Hellbound Season 2.
Hell Season 2 answered some questions, but introduced many more mysteries about angels, decrees, and the future of the world. After three years of waiting, Hell finally returned with a second season. Although the show included yet another time jump, it continued to follow the storyline created in Hell season 1. This includes the return of Jeong-ja, whose resurrection was shown at the end of the first season.
Jeong Jin-su returned to Hell Season 2 as well, although the character was recast. Jin-su's resurrection was one of the many problems Sodo had to deal with amid the war between the followers of the New Truth and Arrowhead. The government also played a major role in Season 2, in the form of Secretary Lee. The Netflix K-drama focused on the social and political aspects of what was happening in the world, meaning that a Many questions about angels and manifestations remain unresolved.
Is Jin-su an enforcer now?
Jin-su turned into a monster in the end
Hell The season 2 finale saw Jin-su's body slowly transforming into that of a giant creature that resembles the executioners. Jin-su had been having visions and executioners from the moment he was resurrected, which he assumed was happening to Jeong-ja as well, since she had also been brought back to life. However, while Jeong-ja never forgot who she was and spent “peaceful” times in Hell, Jin-su was in pain and suffering all the time. The former president of New Truth had several visions in which he watched key moments in his life from the perspective of other people.
Jeong-ja told Jin-su that he was a coward, which is why he was so afraid of facing his inner demons and could barely remember who he was after being resurrected. It can be assumed that this is the reason why Jin-su had so many visions and eventually turned into a creature, while Jeong-ja slowly regained all of her memories and knew she needed to be reunited with her children. If Jin-su is really an enforcer now, It can be theorized that all the executioners we saw in Hell were once human.
What exactly are angels in hell?
Hellbound still hasn't explained its biggest mystery
Two seasons later, Hell has not yet explained what angels are and where they come from. It's also unclear what "Inferno" is in the show. The religion created by Jin-su led to the realization that angels were condemning people to the Christian Hell because they were sinners who could not be forgiven. However, it has since been established that Jin-su only created this doctrine to deal with the fact that he was condemned to Hell when he was still a child. In the same way, the baby decree practically confirmed that angels were not punishing sinners.
So all the cards are still on the table as to what angels are and what their purpose is. Not even a sci-fi explanation involving different universes can be ruled out, especially since the horror K-drama constantly makes a point of how people come up with different interpretations for something they can't explain. Of course, angels may in fact be a supernatural phenomenon that cannot be explained in any way. HellThe story of isn't really about the angels and the decrees but rather about how the world reacts to them.
What really happens to people sent to hell?
Jin-su and Jeong-ja tried different things
Demonstrations have always been the most horrible scenes in the world. Helloften including much violence and screaming before the executioners finally burned their target alive. We can assume that these people actually died and weren't simply sent to another universe, since we actually see their bodies burn – but it's unclear what happens after that. The angels are sentencing people to “Hell,” but We don't know if this Hell should correspond to that of some religion or if it is something completely different.
The New Truth and most of the world believed that the Hell in question was Christian hell or something similar, which was linked to the idea that only sinners suffered decrees. However, we know that this is not the case. We also know that both Jin-su and Jeong-ja have memories of when they were dead, which means there appears to be a different plane of existence that the angels call “Hell.” There is also evidence that Hell Hell It's different for everyonesince Jeong-ja experienced something different from Jin-su.
Are decrees random in hell?
We don't know why these people were chosen
Although we know that the New Truth belief system was based on a lie that Jin-su invented, Hell has not yet repeated whether the decrees are random. For every adult who was condemned to Hell, any person from any of the groups in Hell would be able to find a justification for why that person was receiving a decree. However, once a baby was condemned to Hell just a few hours after being born, it became impossible to find any logical explanation for the angels' sentences.
Or are the decrees random in Hell or the angels have a purpose that is impossible to decipher. The fact that some people were brought back to life after the demonstration, including the baby, makes everything more complicated. This mystery is linked to the question of what angels and executors are. Hell Season 2 chose not to give any answers and arguably made the angels and decrees more difficult to understand. It remains to be seen whether the supernatural drama K plans to reveal the truth about angels.
What does Jeong-ja mean by “The world is ending?”
Hellbound Season 3 Could Be About the End of the World
As soon as Jeong-ja came back to life, she started seeing visions of the future and even predicted how some people would die. She also predicted that the world would end and warned Hye-jin about it. We don't know if Jeong-ja was being literal about how the world would endor if she could feel that the world would never be the same after what was happening. If Jeong-ja believes the world is ending, this could be the plot of a potential Hell season 3.
In retrospect, the appearance of the angels may have been the first sign that the world was about to end. Hell Season 3 could see how people would react to learning that the entire world was going to end for some reason, which would certainly lead to panic and add to the show's themes of how humans behave when faced with something they can't explain. Jeong-ja is without a doubt the most important character in Hell considering that her manifestation was what changed everything, then the fact that she believes the world is ending must be a big deal.
Why were some people resurrected in hell?
The baby, Jeong-ja and Jin-Su were all resurrected
Hell hasn't yet revealed why people are being condemned to Hell, but the show now has another mystery to solve – why were some people resurrected? The only three confirmed cases of resurrection in Hell were those of Jeong-ja, Jin-su and the baby, the last of which was actually the first case. While everyone, including the characters and the audience, assumed that the baby had been spared, she was killed by the executioners and sent to Hell. However, Hell season 2 revealed that the baby was immediately resurrected.
The baby was resurrected seconds after dying, while Jeong-ja and Jin-su only returned years later.
It is difficult to find an explanation that applies to all three Hell characters who were resurrected. Jeong-ja and the baby probably had no reason to face any punishment, while Jin-su had no problem killing and lying. However, if everyone was sent to Hell, there must be a reason why they were brought back. It's also interesting how the baby was resurrected seconds after dying, while Jeong-ja and Jin-su only returned years later.
Why did so many decrees happen at the same time at the end of season 2?
We have never seen so many angels appearing at the same time
Although the decrees have been going on non-stop for several years in HellThe season 2 finale saw countless angels appearing all over the country at the same time. Several people, including several New Truth and Arrowhead followers, received decrees shortly after Jin-su's transformation. One interpretation is that the angels were punishing the humans for the way they transformed the decrees into different religions and fought for them, but this is just speculation.
The number of decrees happening in Hell Season 2, Episode 6 could also be related to the end of the world prophecy shared by Jeong-ja. If countless people start being condemned to Hell and dying all over the world, humanity could soon face extinction because of the decrees. Regardless, the season 2 finale strongly suggested that HellThe story is not over and this large number of decrees will play an important role in a potential third season.
How will the world react to what happened to Jin-su?
The new truth and the arrowhead may not survive this
Jin-su's exposure and transformation had already had an impact on the world, but we didn't have much time at the end to see how society would react now that the leader of the country's most popular religion was gone. Although Jin-su was exposedThere may be those who continue to believe that decrees only happen to sinners. It's also unclear what will happen to the New Truth and Arrowhead organizations after everything that's happened.
Even Sodo's fate is left open after they try to surprise Hye-jin and kill Jeong-ja behind her back. Secretary Lee was trying to use the conflict between New Truth and Arrowhead for political gain, but now she too is condemned to Hell. Without clear leaders and with hundreds – perhaps thousands – of people condemned to Hell, chaos will likely continue to spread. In other words, Hell season 2 left the door open for the story to continue.