Hell, we're finally fixing one of gaming's worst trends

Hell, we're finally fixing one of gaming's worst trends

Hell is us is the surreal new title from developer Rogue Factor, and it's looking to shake up the gaming industry, potentially in the same ways BOTW And Alden ring has for their respective genres. While Rogue Factor has previously only developed strategy games set in the Warhammer universe, it flexes its talents a bit by jumping into the third-person action genre with Hell is us. While the trailers certainly did a good job of showing off its weird vibes and atmosphere, a gameplay deep dive like it's fixing one of gaming's worst trends.

Hell is us is shaping up to be one of the hardest games on PS5 and other platforms when it launches in 2025, namely thanks to its tricky puzzles and challenging combat. However, there is another element of its gameplay design that will make it a little harder for casual fans to jump in, and that is its approach to exploration. Hell is us is finally doing away with the worst aspects of typical exploration-focused games By removing one simple gameplay mechanic.

Hell is us will not hold the player's hands

The developer wants to return to the 90s gaming difficulty

Hell is us was one of many games revealed during the September 2024 State of the Game, and luckily, excited fans received even more information during an extended gameplay trailer with the game's creative director and art director, Jonathan Jacques-Belletete. It was revealed that Hell is us was developed to have no handholding, with Jaques-Belletete talking about how they were inspired by 90s games and their lack of handholding or "silver plating."

They wanted to put players “back in the driver's seat of [their] experience,” and avoid the trappings of modern games in which everything is handed to the player. Fans should not expect minimaps, quest markers or anything that will lead the player in an obvious directionLike the whole game is designed around figuring things out naturally rather than guessing

For example, in the gameplay deep dive, they show how the player locates a person who informs them that an APK is nearby that can take them to where they want to go, but first, they need to go through the forest. The man also instructs them that he set up wind chimes to help guide his children through the forest, so the player should follow them as well.

This approach to game design isn't particularly novel or new, however It feels incredibly refreshing in today's landscape of characters shouting out loud what needs to be done, or quest markers literally guiding the player the entire way. Other developers tried to follow the same method by reducing the HUD or giving players the option to move on and off helpful hints, but Hell is us Go one step further. If players want to get through in his harsh world, they need to pay attention, take notes and figure things out, as Jacques-Belletete explains:

"You have to open your eyes, open your ears to what NPCs are telling you, and you will find your way, and you will discover things, and you will truly own your discoveries and the great joy that comes with it."

There's a real joy to be found in figuring things out on your own, without online guides or in-game hints, and Hell is us Really aims to deliver that. Of course, a lack of handholding in games has quite a negative stigma around it, especially since it can make certain games feel completely unapproachable. however, Some of the best open-world RPGs have significantly reduced handholding to allow players to enjoy the art of exploration.And it seems like Hell is us Want to join that community.

Puzzles In Hell Is Us will not have helpful hints

Fans do not need to worry about the protagonist talking to himself

The player solving a wheel puzzle in Hell Is Us.

Another area where Hell is us Deviates from the traditional handholding gameplay mechanics used in other games is its complex puzzle designs. One of the biggest issues with modern gaming is the constant talking out loud when the player gets stuck with a riddle. This was just one of the criticisms of God of War: RagnarokFor example, how Atreus would shout helpful hints about a puzzle, essentially telling the player exactly how to do it.

Another area where Hell Is Us deviates from the traditional handholding gameplay mechanics used in other games is the complex puzzle designs.

Hell is us Is avoiding that completely, like Players will have to navigate the space in which the puzzle is located to find useful clues or solutions. For example, they could use a very small drone to scan the wall, translating mysterious text to give a clue in which order a puzzle needs to be lined up. Jaques-Belletete discusses this at length in the Deep Dive extended gameplay trailer, explaining:

"There's not going to be any artificial kind of ways that are going to help him or tell him what to do. Remy's not going to start talking to himself, or ie talking to the player, with little clues or whatever. It's really up to you to figure it out [the puzzles] out."

This will undoubtedly turn a lot of players off Hell is usEspecially as getting stuck on a puzzle is easily one of the most frustrating things in video games. however, Hell is us Aims to give the player everything they need in the puzzle space, ensuring that players don't really get stuck if they're actively exploring their environment. It's all part of the game's attempt to get people to rethink how they approach and enter games Hell is us With an adventurer's mind.

A lack of hints will make us feel special

It's a unique feature in an era of approachable gaming

The player exploring a village at night in hell is us.

finally, A complete lack of handholding will make playing Hell is us Not just a unique experience, but an incredibly special experienceAs, just as Jaques-Belletete explains, it is about recapturing the joy that comes with discovering without any help. This is a completely new IP and world with characters and ideas that have not been explored elsewhere, so to discover it all naturally and meet the many interesting secrets will feel like a rare opportunity. There is something incredibly exciting about this prospect, especially considering how unique and gorgeous it is Hell is ours Semi-open world looks.


Hell is us Won't be for everyone, and the lack of handholding will put many off playing it, but it also doesn't seem like it will make the game particularly obtuse. The examples given in the gameplay deep dive seem fairly self-explanatory, like finding a character to get a clue or follow some obvious visual indicators to get to the correct place. This is not to say that Hell is us Did a poor job of removing handholding, but pretty much that It is guiding the player in other, slightly less obvious ways, which should still make it an approachable experience..

It is time that developers start taking off the training wheels and use all the modern techniques used to make exploration feel more natural and realistic to create a more satisfying experience. This started in earnest with the likes of BOTW And Alden ringHowever Hell is us is taking it one step further, which is incredibly refreshing to see. Here's hoping that Hell is us Starts a trend of less handheld games and does not end up becoming the exception.

Source: YouTube/Playstation