Trigger warning! This article contains discussions of abuse.
Harry kept a secret in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book that left Dolores Umbridge even worse than in the films. Umbridge has long been considered the true villain of Harry Potter as his sickeningly sweet cruelty had a more profound impact on readers and viewers than even Lord Voldemort. Actress Imelda Staunton did spectacular justice to the role, becoming as despicable as the toad-like character found on the page. However, some subtle changes in the Harry Potter the films diminished the overall effect of Dolores Umbridge.
Node Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film, Umbridge presented Harry with her Black Quill during his first detention with her. When Harry wrote lines with this particular quill ("I must not tell lies"), magically wrote on the page without the need for any ink. Of course, the difference here was that the Black Quill, sometimes called the Blood Quill, uses the writer's own blood. Each stroke of Harry's quill resulted in a cut on the back of his hand.– a much crueler punishment than typical lines. It was practically the same thing in Harry Potter book, although the ongoing impact was slightly different.
Harry Potter kept Umbridge's abuse a secret in The Order of the Phoenix (even from Ron and Hermione)
Harry couldn't share what was happening to him
In the film, Harry tries to stop Ron and Hermione from seeing his injured hand, but Hermione immediately criticizes him. Node Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book, on the other hand, he kept Umbridge's cruel treatment a secret for much longer. When Ron and Hermione asked him what he had done in detention, he couldn't say more than "lines." For the rest of that week, when Harry returned to Umbride's office every night, his friends made comments about how the lines weren't that bad and that he was lucky.
Harry was able to keep this secret because the marks left by the Black Feather healed immediately on the skin. Order of the Phoenix book. It was only after several days of Harry that the damage became so severe that the skin could no longer heal. It was only then that Umbridge considered the question of having "sunk" effectively, although she still demanded that Harry come back another night to actually take home the lesson. It was then that Ron realized what was happening. He was horrifiednot only in Umbridge's treatment, but also Harry kept this secret for so long.
Harry Not Wanting To Tell is a painfully accurate depiction of abuse
Abuse and secrets go hand in hand
Harry himself didn't know why he lied to Hermione and Ron about what Umbridge was doing to him in detention, and this is perhaps the most impactful and disturbing part. He didn't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction of telling Dumbledore about McGonagall, but it was only his fear and shock at this abuse that kept him silent with his friends. He just couldn't bring himself to tell them and usually chose not to think about it. Reading Harry's internal dialogue on this subject, it's as if he has completely dissociated himself from the abuse. This makes Ron and Hermione's comments about their detention not "so bad"even more painful.
Umbridge knew that what happened in her office would stay there, counting on Harry's fear and pride to keep him silent.
Although Harry kept this secret for longer than Harry Potter books is just a subtle difference, it significantly impacts the overall story. It's a painfully accurate description of abuse since Abusers typically know their victims will remain silent. Not only was Umbridge physically hurting Harry, but the resulting self-inflicted isolation that typically follows such treatment is another kind of pain entirely. This terrible woman probably knew this very well - Umbridge knew that what happened in her office would stay there, counting on Harry's fear and pride to keep him silent.
The Harry Potter films made light of Umbridge's abuse of Harry
The Harry Potter books made Harry a more unique target
Harry's friends learning the truth subtly lessened the impact of Umbridge's abuse on Harry Potter movies, but that's not the only way movies have done it. Shortly after Harry's detention scene Staunton's on-screen character began using Black Quills on other students as well. It soon became common knowledge that Umbridge used such means as punishment, and at the height of her power, she had entire classrooms writing bloody lines at once. This is, without a doubt, terrible. However, the Black Feather is a dark secret in the Harry Potter Books made everything feel so much worse.
Node Order of the Phoenix book, the only other person Harry noticed with a bleeding hand was Fred and George's friend Lee Jordan. Furthermore, it is unknown exactly how many students Umbridge punished in this way. If anyone went through what Harry and Lee went through, they kept it to themselves– which is the point, anyway. Regardless, Harry seemed to be Umbridge's main target, which makes sense considering her "lies"That was why she was at Hogwarts to begin with. By spreading her cruelty to so many students, the Harry Potter the films lessened the suffering Harry faced in isolation.