THE Harry Potter The TV show is getting closer and closer to becoming reality and releasing rumors about the remake suggests it will resolve a Marauders complaint in the films. While there has been no word on who could play the Golden Trio in the upcoming Harry Potter series, news about the adult cast is finally emerging. No actors have been officially announced, but Harry PotterCasting rumors reveal the direction the remake is taking with characters like Snape, Dumbledore, Hagrid and McGonagall. And Snape's latest update suggests the show may tackle film criticism.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Harry Potter show is considering I can destroy you stars Paapa Essiedu for the role of Severus Snape. This is great news for Harry Potter remake, although it has sparked discussion about whether the actor should be closer to Snape's description in the Harry Potter books - and about how he will be compared to the late Alan Rickman. Essiedu is more faithful to the book's description of Snape in one important respect, however, and Means good things for the Marauders in HBO's upcoming show.
Paapa Essiedu is much older to play Snape than Alan Rickman
Snape is in his early 30s in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Although Rickman has been touted as the perfect Snape the actor diverged from his Harry Potter character when he reached the age. Snape was just 31 years old when the Harry Potter open books, while Rickman was 54 in the Philosopher's Stone film. While the 20-year age difference didn't stop Rickman from excelling in the role, it was something viewers noticed - and it wasn't just his character that aged. Alongside Snape, all of the Marauders were older than they should have been, with stars like Gary Oldman and David Thewlis also being 10 years older than their characters.
In contrast, Essiedu is currently 34 years old, making him much closer to Snape's age when Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone start. In general, the Harry Potter the remake appears to be going for a younger cast, as the actors eyeing Hagrid, Dumbledore, and McGonagall are all younger than their characters and the original actors who played them. This is a questionable choice when it comes to teachers like McGonagall, but the trend works well for Snape of Essiedu. If the actor takes on the role, that means we'll finally have age-accurate Marauders.
Harry Potter's Snape Casting Rumor Means the Remake Is Addressing a Marauder Complaint
Although actors like Rickman, Oldman and Thewlis will forever be associated with their Harry Potter characters, the decision to age the Marauders in the films was still a nuisance. It received criticism, although not enough to tarnish its legacies. The actors captured their characters well, diverting attention from this book change. However, the Harry Potter the remake offers an opportunity to deliver more faithful and age-accurate iterations of the Marauders. Since Snape is the same age as them, Essiedu's potential casting suggests he will take advantage of this.
AND getting the Marauders' age correct is a good signas it will have a significant impact on his backstory. As many viewers expect the series to flesh out its story - potentially even warranting its own full episodes in the HBO remake - it's important that all ages line up as they should. It will also benefit the Harry Potter TV show otherwise, as there's a reason why the tragedy surrounding Harry's parents hits home so hard in the source material.
Why having age-accurate looters is so important to the Harry Potter TV show
It makes their lives and deaths that much more tragic
Getting the Marauders' ages right may seem like a small detail, but This will really make your narratives in Harry Potter Most Powerful TV Show. James and Lily's betrayal and death will be horribly tragic, no matter how it plays out or who plays the Marauders. However, part of what makes the Marauders' stories so devastating in the books is the fact that they are all very young when Voldemort destroys their lives. James and Lily have barely reached adulthood when they die, and spend much of their lives in a war-torn world.
Part of what makes the Marauders' stories so devastating in the books is the fact that they are all very young when Voldemort destroys their lives.
Even Sirius, Lupin, Snape, and Pettigrew die very young, and none of them have the chance to live a normal adult life. Sirius spends most of his youth in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit and dies shortly after escaping. The early years of Pettigrew's life are spent as a mouse - perhaps deservedly so - and Snape and Lupine are riddled with loss and sadness before they even turn 30. is something positive for Harry Potter TV program.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter