Harley Quinn gets new codename and redesign, as DC totally reinvents the Suicide Squad

Harley Quinn gets new codename and redesign, as DC totally reinvents the Suicide Squad

Spoilers for Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #4!There are more iterations of DC Comics Suicide Squad As fans can sometimes count, with Harley Quinn Being an iconic villain-turned-anti-hero who has been part of the team on and off for years now. Following the traditional tradition, Harley Quinn and two other staple members of the Suicide Squad have just been reinvented for the 19th century world of Gotham by GaslightGive them unique codenames and redesigns that would make their main continuity counterparts proud.


Rarely getting a uniform look as a team, Harley Quinn and the rest of the squad usually wear whatever spandex they arrived in, with the 2007 Suicide Squad: Capture the FlagBy John Ostrander and Javier Pina, they were briefly seen donning matching black and gray tactical suits designed for stealth, a one-and-done fashion statement that hasn't been seen since.

Gotham by Gaslight's new Suicide Squad lined up in mugshot photos

in Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #4A story in DC's Elseworlds continuity, An alternate Suicide Squad is introduced, showing the preliminary designs for Harley Quinn, Killer Croc and DeadshotHow they lived in the Victorian era.

Harley Quinn is the vaudeville villain in DC Comics' Gotham by Gaslight Continuity

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #4 - 2024 (Andy Diggle and Leandro Fernandez)

The new Gotham by Gaslight Suicide Squad is spoken by Lois Lane and Perry White in his office

Founded not by Amanda Waller but by Gotham by GaslightLex Luthor's latest Suicide Squad team is known by Lois Lane while investigating Luthor's shady business practices, as Lois believes that Luthor has recently recruited lackeys "direct from death row" as his own personal "squad of convicts." Show her editor, Perry White, Mugshots of the Vaudeville Villains, the Cajun Crocodile and the Dead Shot - Harley Quinn, Killer Croc and Deadshot, respectively - Lois explains that Luthor using the criminals to "rough up the competition" is something that needs to be taken seriously, even if she can't prove it yet.

Looking more in line with a traditional harlequin/circus clown than the slightly more theatrical jester costume Harley is known to wear, the vaudeville villainess' white skin, dripping mascara, wide smile and stylish hat sell this alternative Harley look well, with killer Croc 's more human-like crocodile attack give the Cajun-inspired villain a face that terrifies. Not to be outdone, Dead Shot features the most different redesign of the characters, as Floyd Lawton does not wear his usual tactical outfit, and instead, a top hat and a similar mustachioed face as his predecessor.

Suicide Squad's Killer Croc and Deadshot get new Gotham by Gaslight redesigns

Harley Quinn appeared with the Suicide Squad in DC Comics.

Although This issue only acts as a brief introduction to some of the Gotham by Gaslights new suicide squad, Their full costume redesigns and roster will likely be revealed in the next chapter of the epic Elseworlds sequel, in October. Until then, fans can only speculate about what new visual upgrades Harley Quinn And these Suicide Squad Will work with nothing to say about the unique Victorian era weapons and attitudes that the Vaudeville Villains, the Cajun Crocodile, the Dead Shot, and any other members who are eventually introduced will have when they inevitably cross paths with Batman.

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #4 is available from DC Comics.