Harley Quinn Blocks New DC Series, But Its Disgusting Premise Infuriated the Internet

Harley Quinn Blocks New DC Series, But Its Disgusting Premise Infuriated the Internet

Harley Quinn Fans are officially divided, with some celebrating and others recoiling at the details of the announcement of the new DC series starring the Gotham City siren. Although the series is still months away from its release, it may have already earned the title of the most controversial comic book of 2025.

...'Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly' is the perfect series to debut a line of “scratch and sniff” copper...

As part of DC's latest batch of solicitations, the publisher has announced a new series starring everyone's favorite Gotham City siren. But before fans start celebrating, they might want to hold their breath – literally – while The premise of this comic revolves around farts, specifically Harley's. And no, that wasn't a typo.

Harley Quinn Fartacular Silent Butt Deadly #1 main cover

Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Ass #1, written by Joanne Starer and illustrated by Ted Brandt and Ro Stein, is scheduled for release on March 26, 2026. The narrative promises to focus on the Gotham Siren releasing unprecedented amounts of gas. Although you may be wondering, "Okay, but what's the plot?"– well, that seems to be the plot. Needless to say, more than a few fans are disgusted by this toot-centric direction DC is taking with Harley.

Harley Quinn gets a new fart-centric series in March

Cover card variant B by Amanda Conner for Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Ass #1 (2025)

Cover B Amanda Conner Card Stock Variant Harley Quinn Fartacular Silent Butt Deadly #1

While synopses in comics can often be vague, that's not the case. Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Ass #1. The synopsis makes it pretty clear - complete with at least ten gas-related puns and over 180 words (an unusually long word count for a synopsis) - that this comic will focus on the gas expulsions of the sometimes villainous, sometimes antihero Gotham City siren. For those doubting how prominent the farts will be, thinking it might be a rare joke, think again. As the synopsis explicitly warns, “If you are grossed out by farts, then this comic is not for you.” while promising “the highest gas concentration per page (GPP) ever committed to printing.”

I've been bottling up all my worst bubble guts for the last 32 years, and it all led to this epic expulsion! Your nose will never be the same! You will choke, you will cry, you will feel things you have never felt before! This beautiful publication is a celebration of all things past, pre-scented and toot-ure. Sequential art's place in the annals of history is about to change with the release of Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly, a graphic novel that promises to have the highest concentration of gas per page (GPP) ever printed. Emphasis on commitment, because everyone who worked on this comic is going to be thrown into Dr. Fartley's House for No-Good Gassy Gals 'n' Guys. Read the comic book that Abraham Lincoln called joy from fart to end moments before he died! WARNING: We're not kidding. If you are grossed out by farts, then this comic is not for you (and that's perfectly fine!...although I am judging you!). Unless you want to test your feelings... in that case, this comic is for you.

Harley Quinn's new cover art lives up to the series' 'Silent Butt Deadly' title

C card stock variant of Ben Caldwell's cover for Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Ass #1 (2025)

Cover C Ben Caldwell Card Stock Variant Harley Quinn Fartacular Silent Butt Deadly #1

For those torn between being intrigued or disgusted by this upcoming comic book series, the cover art released for Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Ass Number 1 can help you make up your mind. The main cover, created by Ted Brandt and Ro Stein, features Harley takes center stage as she lifts her leg in high heels and leaves a ripwith the gas depicted in a toxic green hue that spreads across a stadium. According to the "Deadly Silent Butt" theme, the dancers surrounding Harley are shown in various states of distress, most appearing to be fighting for their lives, while one appears to have succumbed to the noxious fumes.

But the gaseous theme doesn't stop with Brandt and Stein's cover. A variant cover by Amanda Conner continues the fart theme and possibly even teases the series' villain. Harley is shown on her knees about to pass out and surrounded by green gas, as a blonde woman appears behind her, holding two cans of beans as it rains beans around Harley. Given that beans are notorious for causing gas - famously referenced in the nursery rhyme, “beans, beans, the magic fruit, the more you eat, the more you touch”- it's possible Harley is dealing with bean-induced toots in the series. Additionally, a variant cover by Ben Caldwell recreates Michelangelo's 'The Creation of Adam' with Harley saying: "Pull my finger" an action that typically leads to the release of a toot. ​​​​​​

Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Ass #1 Gets WILD Reactions From Fans

Card variant of cover B by David Nakayama for Harley Quinn #44 (2024)

Harley Quinn #44 variant covers new costume

Despite the release date being three months away, this comic has already provoked an exceptionally strong response from Harley's fanbase. Although some consider it a silly and even childish comedy, others are outraged by its premise, expressing shock and disappointment with the direction DC is taking with Harley. While many fans recognize that the mermaid is undeniably quirky, they feel this leads her "peculiarity" too far - if it can still be called peculiar. However, the humor didn't come from the comics themselves, but from fan reactions.

On platforms like Reddit, X, League of Comic Geeks and Tumblr, discussions are buzzing with fans sharing witty comments. One recurring joke stood out from the rest, with users suggesting that Harley Quinn Fartacular: Deadly Silent Butt is the perfect series to debut a line of “scratch and sniff” covers. This wild and undeniably hilarious idea highlights how, whether fans love or hate the concept, it's already generating humor and conversation. In fact, this Harley Quinn comic may already be positioning itself as one of the most talked about comics of the year – even before 2025 begins.

Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly #1 is available March 26, 2025, from DC Comics!