Hardcore fans rejoice - the new Star Wars series perfectly weaves itself into the aftermath of Return of the Jedi

Hardcore fans rejoice - the new Star Wars series perfectly weaves itself into the aftermath of Return of the Jedi

Warning! This post contains spoilers for Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising #2Star Wars Last post -Return of the Jedi Series has perfectly woven itself into the already known events after the battle of Endor. While there is certainly still room for stories to be told during the year between the second Death Star's destruction and the Empire's final defeat on Jakku, some key figures and events have been established thanks to the novels and games. how so Marvel's new and canonical series Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising has impressively slotted itself into the established canonReferring to the past Star Wars Pretty good.

right off the bat, Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising #2 From Alex Segura, Leonard Kirk and Rachel Rosenberg connected with EA's canonical campaign story. Battlefront IISpecifically Luke Skywalker's post-Endor mission to the planet Pillio, being guided by the Force to retrieve an old Jedi star compass that was kept in one of Palpatine's secret observatories. It also reveals that Luke faces off with the Acolytes of the Next Right after his encounter with Inferno Squadron's Del Meeko as seen in the 2017 game:

Likewise, the new issue is also related to Palpatine's posthumous plans for the Empire known as Operation Cinder, which was first mentioned in 2015's. Shattered Empire Series by ​​Greg Rucka and Marco Chechhetto, the first post-RoTJ series in the current canon.

Insurgency Rising ties in incredibly well with events seen in the Aftermath novels and Battlefront II

The Battle of Endor is just the beginning

so too, Key Imperial figures such as Yupe Tashu, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and the red-capped Gallius Rax are all featured in the new seriesConnecting to the events of the Aftermath Trilogy of novels by Chuck Wendig. In established canon, Rae Sloane was a prominent Imperial leader who was instrumental in marshaling the fractured Empire together, at least until the Battle of Jakku. After an Imperial surrender, Sloane and Brendol Hooks took the bulk of their forces into the Unknown Regions, eventually reforming as the First Order under the rule of Supreme Leader Snoke as seen in the sequel era.

Additionally, Gallius Rax was a protégé of Palpatine himself, tasked with ensuring the Emperor's Great Contingency was carried through the Empire in the event of his death. Born on Jakku, one of Rax's primary directives was to protect Palpatine's secret observatory on the desert world and to create the Imperial Shadow Council. Rax died during the Battle of Jakku which he helped orchestrate, though he ensured that the Empire would live on to become the First Order. As such, his and Sloane's presence in uprising rising Makes perfect sense (and is a most welcome surprise).

Governor Adelhard's Iron Blockade was a problem for the Rebels (and the Empire)

A dangerous mix of loyalty, denial and despair

Rae Sloane and Rax discuss Adelhard in Insurgency Rising #2

what makes uprising rising So fascinating is how these events are woven into what is already established in this Star Wars Time. This is especially true with General Adelhard and his iron blockade around the Anot sector. Thanks to Insurgency Rising #2It is revealed that Adelhard is not aligned with the protocols of Operation: Cinder like the rest of the Empire.. When Sloane and Rax discuss his actions, they confirm that Adelhard lives in a state of true denial due to his extreme loyalty, refusing to accept that the Empire has just suffered its greatest loss in its entire history.


Instead, Governor Adelhard acts desperately as the old regime continues, trying to maintain a status quo that no longer exists. As such, it's very exciting that Adelhard basically went rogue with the events of Operation Cinder, Luke's attempts to learn more about the Jedi, and the overall journey to the Battle of Jakku.. He has truly become a great dangerReturn of the JediOne both the rebellion and the rest of the empire look eager to bring to an end the issues to come.

Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising #2 is now on sale from Marvel Comics.

The third film released and the sixth film chronologically in the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is a sci-fi epic adventure film that follows the adventures of Luke, Leia, Han and friends as they battle the Empire. After a narrow escape but crushing defeat at the hands of the Empire, the Rebel Alliance learns that a new Death Star has been constructed above the moon of Endor. As the war reaches its conclusion, the heroes will team up with the inhabitants of the forest planet and prepare for a final showdown with Darth Vander and the Galactic Empire.