Guy Pearce's Prometheus Defense Explains Biggest Problem With Ridley Scott's $403M Alien Prequel

Guy Pearce's Prometheus Defense Explains Biggest Problem With Ridley Scott's 3M Alien Prequel

Ridley Scott Prometheus is one of the most polarizing films in the Foreigner saga, and Guy Pearce's fair and balanced assessment of the film perfectly sums up what went wrong with it. There was a lot of expectation around Prometheus when it arrived in 2012. It's been 15 years since the last film in Foreigner series was released (non-canon Predator crossovers notwithstanding), and this marked Scott's return to the franchise for the first time since the original 1979 classic. It's a prequel set before all the previous films, filling in the origin story of the xenomorphs.

Pearce played a key role Prometheus like Peter Weyland, the billionaire founder and CEO of Weyland Corp. Recently, Pearce defended Prometheus after years of complaints and criticism from various corners of the fanbase - and he may have hit the nail on the head as to why it was so divisive. Pearce said this, while thinking Prometheus is a “bright”Overall, he understands why it wasn't for everyone. “If you don't understand what's happening in the first five minutes,” Pearce said: “then you're lost for the rest of the movie.

Guy Pearce is right: Prometheus' shocking introduction is key to understanding the entire film

Engineers are Prometheus' biggest mystery

In the opening scene of Prometheusan oval spaceship drops one of the Engineers onto the top of a cliff. The Engineer starts drinking a strange black goo, which breaks down his DNA. The Engineer launches himself into the newly formed waters of Earth, which create humanity and the rest of life on Earth. It's a visually stunning sequence, but it doesn't always make sense to first-time viewers. It's not 100% clear if the Engineer is creating life on Earth and the film is about the origins of the human race.

Pearce said he understood what was going on because he had “the benefit of listening to Ridley” explains the significance of the opening scene during pre-production. Not everyone in the audience was able to sit with the director and hear his interpretation of the confusing opening not everyone in the audience understood what it was about. The crux of the plot is that the Engineers are returning to Earth to annihilate the human race because they are disappointed with what humanity has become. If this message doesn't arrive, the film doesn't work.

Prometheus's reputation has improved because it is easier to obtain with multiple views

Prometheus is being reevaluated

An elderly Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce) in Prometheus

In recent years, Prometheus has been reappraised as an underrated film. It has been gaining new fans as audiences come back and revisit it. It certainly has its flaws – the characters make a lot of stupid decisions – but These flaws are made up for by Scott's breathtaking visuals and powerful message that humanity does not deserve the gifts it has been given.. It's no wonder that Prometheus is being re-evaluated, because it takes a few views to finally make sense.

2012's Prometheus is the fifth film in the Alien franchise and was directed by Ridley Scott. Starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba and Guy Pearce, the film acts as a direct prequel to 1979's Alien.

Execution time

124 minutes


Jon Spaihts, Damon Lindelof