Guinan's speech to Captain Riker during Star Trek: The Next Generation "The best of both worlds" was incredibly impressive.
Riker showed his abilities as a captain during the episode, but missed a permanent command opportunity due to Picard's rescue of the Borg.
Guinan's speech was meant to hedge the series bets on a potential shift for Ricker to captain if Patrick Stewart did not renew his contract.
Despite being wasted, Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) talks to Captain Riker (Jonathan Frakes) in Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" was an incredible moment. "The Best of Both Worlds" is often considered to be the best two-part episode of TNG And one of the best Star Trek Episodes in television history. Thanks to moments like the Battle of Wolf 359 and Captain Picard's (Patrick Stewart) capture by the Borg, his storyline has had major implications for the entire franchise, from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to Star Trek: Picard.
"The Best of Both Worlds" featured one of the Borg's most prominent appearances Star Trek And Starfleet's first big battle with them. This episode was also a huge turning point for the character of Picard, whose transformation into Locutus irrevocably changed his life. It also featured some major shifts for Picard's first officer, Will Riker, especially after Picard was taken and Riker took command of the USS Enterprise-D. Riker's struggle to manage while grappling with Picard's loss led to some of the episode's most poignant momentsIncluding an intense meeting with Guinan after Picard's initial capture.
Why Guinan's Speech to Captain Riker in Star Trek: TNG's Borg Part 2 Is Incredible
Guinan delivers one of the most moving speeches of the episode
Guinan's speech to Captain Riker during "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" is arguably one of her most impressive scenes in the entire show. After appearing during a moment where Riker seemed uncertain, Guinan wasted no time in telling the newly minted captain exactly where he stood and what to do. Not only did Guinan convey a bleak outlook for the crew, telling Ricker, "They expect to be dead in the next day or so"But Her powerful statement about letting Picard go to save everyone hit harder than possibly any other line in the episode.
Guinan: Did he ever tell you why we were so close?
Ricker: No.
Guinan: Well, let me just say that our relationship is beyond friendship, beyond family. And I will let him go. And you must do the same. There can only be one captain.
Ricker: It's not that simple. This was his crew. He wrote the book on this ship.
Guinan: If the Borg know everything he knows, it's time to throw the book away. You have to let him go, Ricker. This is the only way to beat him. The only way to save him. And this is your chair now. Captain.
Guinan is ultimately proven correct through the rest of the episode, however The words that come from you have even more impact than they would from someone elseGiven her history with the Borg in general and Captain Picard in particular. Riker's resistance to letting Picard go is understandable, but Guinan's statements galvanized him and served as the justification for his actions during the rest of the episode. With counselor Troy (Marina Siritis), Guinan was the best character to give Riker this speech, and Star Trek: TNG Used her character to great advantage in the episode.
Why it's too bad for Captain Riker that Picard was rescued
Riker may be captain of the Enterprise-D
Given how incredible Guinan's speech was, it's almost too bad that the crew ends up rescuing Picard after all. Of course, it's good that Picard returned, considering what a popular character he was. However, Riker demonstrated his abilities as a captain perfectly in "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II," proving that he could easily continue in the role if Picard was lost to the Borg. Picard resuming command ultimately cost Riker a more distinguished careerEven though he was happy to have his captaincy back and was consistently turned down other command promotions on TNG.
Interestingly, Guinan's speech is likely a result of Star Trek: The next generation Hedging his bets on whether Patrick Stewart's contract would be renewed as series lead. "The Best of Both Worlds" was a season finale/season opener combo, and TNGs early seasons were marked with uncertainty about contracts and renewals. If Stewart did not return, Guinan's speech would have served as the final mission statement and catalyst for Captain Ricker if he stepped into the position permanently. As it is, this scene is still an underrated part of a great episode that deserves more appreciation.