GTA 6's story may be setting up Rockstar's most emotional moment yet

GTA 6's story may be setting up Rockstar's most emotional moment yet

Grand Theft Auto 6 Plans to introduce two protagonists in the story; Lucia and Jason. It has a distinct bunny and dress feel To the snippets of videos that have been shown, predict a tight bond between the couple. If the two characters are as close as it is suspected, Rockstar have set themselves up for a more memorable and emotional moment of treachery than any of the games included.

Rockstar Games has a running theme of betrayal in its video games from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to Red Dead Redemption 2. Each game has a slightly different take on how the betrayal unfolds and how personal it is for the protagonist. Grand Theft Auto 6 had the opportunity to use what worked best in each game to create a masterfully crafted betrayal storyline that will beat the game With more emotional weight than any Rockstar production.

The friendship of GTA: Vice City

Tommy Vercetti trusted Lance Vance

Tommy, Mike and Lance argue about a failed bomb detonation at the Tabrush Cafe

Their business relationship may have been somewhat one-sided, with Tommy Vercetti doing most of the heavy lifting, but Tommy still led Lance Vance to the top alongside him. This made Lance's selling out of Tommy in the end hit that much harder. Lance's inability to accept being under someone else led to his reckless betrayal, and He suffered consequences for that. What made the betrayal worse was their couple's relationship.


Since Lucia and Jason are pretty much confirmed to be a coupleThey are likely to have a stronger bond than Tommy and Lance. Rockstar can use the close relationship between the couple as the clincher for a betrayal between them. It's hard to imagine from what is known that Lucia or Jason would turn on each other, but with Rockstar's expertise in crafting spectacular character arcs, this inclusion would make the dramatic angle of the game's crisis point.

The hard choice of Grand Theft Auto 5

The player is given the option on the fate of their character

Michael, Trevor and Franklin posed in front of the Los Santos Golf Club.

In the finale of Grand Theft Auto 5Franklin Clinton is given the option of betraying either Trevor Phillips or Michael De Santa, or he can choose to join them on a suicide mission. The third option is general Considered the canon ending of the gameBut with the choice to kill one of the other main protagonists of the story, it gives the player the agency to completely change the ending of the game in a quite substantial way.

GTA 6 Could certainly use choice in a betrayal storyline. It is not yet known exactly how Lucia and Jason will be playable, but if it is similar to GTA 5Where the player can switch whenever they want but still have missions for each character individually, Rockstar can Give Lucia or Jason the choice of betraying the other. This would allow players to have some differences at the end of the story and also feel like they are not forced to demolish a possible powerhouse duo.

The inevitability of Red Dead Redemption

The game can only end one way

John Marston faces a group of agents facing his death

Red Dead Redemption Has one of these Most famous final scenes in video game history. John Martson's last stand against the Fed after doing their bidding was the most unexpected and foreshadowed event in the game. After wiping out the remnants of the van der Linde gang, John hoped to live out his days on his ranch with his wife and son. The peaceful life was not meant to be, and John knew it. The game tells the player every step of the way that John was also on the list who needed to go along with his former band mates.


What made it so hard-hitting was its foreshadowing. If GTA 6 Is going to follow the same themes of betrayal as almost all his other games and use Lucia and Jason to portray it, the player needs to be told that it will happen without them realizing it. As one of the pair turns on the other, the player should look back after the dust settles and say to himself that A traitor in the duo was inevitable.

The emotional weight of Red Dead Redemption 2

The band's slow decline is unparalleled

Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 riding a horse with an explosion in the background.

Of all Rockstar's games to date, None of them has a more powerful story than that of Arthur Morgan And the won der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption 2. When Dutch Van der Linde's paranoia escalates and Micha Bell's manipulations through his service to the feds cause the gang to rot from the inside out, Arthur tries to keep the gang together. The betrayal of Arthur's companions is expected, but still affects the player as they desperately try to maintain some cohesion in the gang. It is a powerful lesson for GTA 6 to learn from RDR2.

GTA 6s possible betrayal narrative would not have the same effect if it occurred in the same slow-burn way as RDR2But how it affects the other relationships around the two protagonists would surely pull on the heartstrings. See how crushing the dismantling of a long-standing right, even more so if they are love interests, can evoke the same feelings the players have as they saw Arthur's attempts at unity was completely destroyed by a toxic influence in his group.

Rockstar's Teams of Betrayal are important to every game

There is more realism when treachery is involved

Custom image by Bruno Yonezawa

Betrayal can be seen in almost every Rockstar game, even if it's not a big story hit like it is in GTA 5, RDR2, RDR And Vice City. San Andres Big Smoke betrays CJ due to blackmailing and his own desire for power. GTA 4S Niko Bellic is betrayed in different ways by both Karen Daniels and Dmitry Raskalov. Without some sort of grand betrayal, it's not really a Rockstar game.


This implies that Grand Theft Auto 6 Will have a big plot point revolving around betrayal somewhere in the game. If Rockstar draws from their previous games, they have the opportunity to hit the players with the hardest, most emotional, both unexpected and inevitable betrayal GTA History. Nothing would be more heart-wrenching than the Bonnie or Clyde-like protagonists Turned on each other at the 11th hour.

Source: Rockstar Games / YouTube