Green Lantern's new enemy is scarier than the entire Sinestro Corps put together

Green Lantern's new enemy is scarier than the entire Sinestro Corps put together


  • Sinestro may be terrifying, but the Star Shroud is a scary Green Lantern villain targeting John Stewart's family.

  • The Star Shroud, formerly Varron, breaks away from the Radiant Dead to focus on tormenting Stewart's loved ones.

  • While Green Lantern battles Olgrun, Shirley Stewart must rely on help from a construction modeled after her deceased daughter.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern: War Journal #10!Sinestro might be one of the scariest Green Lantern Villains, but the hero's latest threat is even more terrifying. With John Stewart on the far side of the DC Universe, an evil force has come to Earth to make the Emerald Knight suffer by attacking the man Stewart loves more than anything.

in Green Lantern: War Journal #10 By Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Montos, John Stewart's mother, Shirley Stewart, is reading one night when her safe house is invaded by the remains of Varron, a Green Lantern turned member of the Radiant Dead. Warron takes the guys of Shirley's ex-husband and starts terrorizing her.

Star Shroud attacks John and Natasha DC

Thankfully, Shirley was saved by John Henry and Natasha Irons. unfortunately, The Star Shroud (as it calls itself) reveals its haunting form and dispatches both steals. But before the Star Shroud can consume Shirley, she is saved by a construct in the form of her deceased daughter Ellie.

The Star Shroud is one of the scariest Green Lantern villains

Varron shapeshifts to become John Stewart's father DC

When the United Planets took over the Green Lantern Corps, they brought in new recruits to help fill the ranks. One such recruit was Varron, a cruel Durlan who only became a Lantern due to the leader of the United Planets, who tried to placate Varron's influential father. Varron immediately disliked John Stewart, but their rivalry was cut short after Varron was killed by the Radiant Dead and his reanimated corpse joined their ranks. The Radiant Dead channeled Varron's hatred of Green Lantern And what was left of Warren tormented Stuart and promised to bring hell to John's family.

Varron's body was killed in battle, but hatred apparently kept him alive. Now that Varron is the Star Shroud, he seems to have broken away from the Radiant Dead's hive mind. The Radiant Dead do everything they can to claim John's body for their leader. But the star shroud is Almost solely focused on making the Green Lantern family suffer. Green Lantern has faced a lot of scary threats before (just look at the members of the Sinestro Corps). But the Star Shroud and his determination to terrorize Stewart's family makes Varron a much scarier threat.

Can Green Lantern stop the Star Shroud?

Green Lantern War Journal #9 cover with John Stewart's mother and Varron

Unfortunately for John's mother, Green Lantern is busy fighting the Radiant Dead's leader, Olgrun, leaving no one to stop the last, but powerful remnants of Varron. Thankfully, Shirley has Ellie with her, who can help keep Shirley safe until John returns. Green Lantern has already defeated Varron once and while the Star Shroud seems mighty, it's nothing the all-powerful Emerald Knight can't handle. Shirley just had to hold on a little longer and wait for Green Lantern To dispatch his terrifying rival once and for all.

Green Lantern: War Journal #10 is available now from DC Comics.

Green Lantern: War Journal #10 (2024)

Green Lantern War Magazine 10 Main Cover: John Stewart flying over an alien planet with Flora.

  • Writer: Philip Kennedy Johnson

  • Artist: Montos

  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas

  • Writer: Dave Sharpe

  • Cover artist: Montos