for a Green LanternWillpower is the name of the game. Willpower doesn't just mean mind-muscle to me, but the brain's capacity for creative thought - and there's no one more creative than Kyle Rayner. In one DC story, Green Lantern learns the difference between power and creativity and how one can be channeled to sacrifice the other.
in JLA: Divided we fall By Mark Waid and Brian Hitch, the Justice League has mysteriously split in half. There are now two versions of these famous heroes: their civilian sides and their superhero sides. What this means is That it is Kyle Rayner the artist and a pure Green Lantern.
As a pure Green Lantern, completely devoid of his civilian side and emotions, Kyle creates an ultra-powerful mech suit, focusing all his mental effort on maximum power. But, as history shows, When a Green Lantern is all power, he sacrifices his creativity.
Kyle Rayner taps into raw power as pure Green Lantern
Green Lantern fires like a tank without fins
DC has shown fans time and time again that to be a Green Lantern, all it takes is a little imagination. Even the evil Green Lantern Jadestone proved that the other heroes were wasting their power, by creating his own super-suit that nearly destroyed dozens of heroes. What jadestone does not have, however, is creativity, which is the hallmark of the human mind. When Green Lantern Kyle Rayner is divorced from his human side, He becomes a conduit for raw power Which destroys everything in its path and leaves no room for finesse.
Jadestone is an Amazo with the power of a Green Lantern; He plays a major role in the Absolute power The event is hosted by Mark Waid and Dan Mora.
Just like with an artist, the humanity of a hero is the most important part of them. There are many Green Lanterns, but none save the universe as much as those of Sector 2814 - the human Green Lanterns, who are The best of the Green Lantern Corps precisely because of the creativity of the human mind. To me, creativity is the ability to use flaws to one's advantage, and DC continues to twist the meaning of a Green Lantern's powers by constantly reinventing exactly what Will Power means. As an ultra-powerful being without any humanity, Green Lantern loses touch with his ability to adapt to any situation - and just starts fire.
The power of Green Lantern comes from creativity
Kyle Rayner has creative control of the emotional spectrum Green Lantern's strength as a creative force is to be able to respond to any situation with a perfect construction like a key to a lock.
In my opinion, Kyle Rayner is by far DC's most underrated Lantern. Not only did he show me how strong he is JLA: Divide Me Fall, However Kyle reminded me of the importance of his creativity. As a comic book artist himself, Kyle has some of the coolest Green Lantern constructions. Green Lantern's strength as a creative force is to be able to respond to any situation with a perfect construction like a key to a lock. I think Green Lantern needs the mind of Kyle Rayner to be the best it is.
The goal of an artist is to be able to respond to any situation with imagination and grace. The Justice League already has Superman who can lift planets; Green Lantern is there to see the problem and, instead of punching it away, imagine the solution into existence. That's real power, and power is what Green Lantern Is.