Green Lantern unlocks a new way to power up his ring (but he needs another hero to do it)

Green Lantern unlocks a new way to power up his ring (but he needs another hero to do it)

WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD'S FINEST #32!Willpower is the central factor in determining a Green Lantern power, usually depending only on the Ring's own bearer. However, DC recently redefined what fans know about how a Green Lantern ring works, revealing two new ways Hal Jordan supercharged his ring with the help of other heroes.

In the book by Mark Waid and Adrián Gutiérrez Batman/Superman: the best in the world #32, the supervillain Eclipso – a divine entity of chaos and destruction – possesses Batman and Superman to execute his sinister plan to annihilate Earth's population, setting the stage for a universe-wide reign of terror.

Batman Superman World's Best Green Lantern & Green Arrow #32 Part 1

To minimize interference, Eclipso traps the rest of the Justice League – Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Flash and several others – in a massive version of one of his black diamonds. However, With the help of Green Arrow, Green Lantern manages to boost his ringfreeing them from their prison.

Green Arrow reveals hilarious way to boost Green Lantern's ring

Oliver Queen Taunts Hal Jordan To Boost His Willpower (And It Actually Works)

Batman Superman World's Best Green Lantern and Green Arrow #32 Part 2

After the Justice Society of America's Doctor Doom locates the Justice League in the Sahara Desert, the team enlists the JSA's help in freeing Batman and Superman from Eclipso's control while Green Lantern Alan Scott goes to rescue the other heroes from their diamond prison. Upon arrival, Alan hits the diamond prison with the full force of his ring, encouraging Hal to do the same from within. However, it soon becomes clear that their combined willpower is not enough, and the diamond is trying to suck Alan into its confinement. This prompts the help of a Hail Mary from Green Arrow, who taunts Hal into increasing his willpower.

Seeing that Hal's willpower is not strong enough to break the diamond, Oliver hurls insults at him: “Hal, come on! Is that all the willpower you have, you lightweight? Are you really going to let Eclipso win? I never thought you were a quitter! What kind of man are you? Surprisingly, these taunts work, and moments later, the heroes are freed. Exhausted by his display of immense willpower, Hal makes it clear that he is unimpressed with Oliver's strategy, but Green Arrow points out that it worked, effectively ending the argument. That's why, It looks like the tease could actually supercharge Green Lantern's ring.

The Flashes lent their willpower to Green Lantern in Absolute power

Panel comes from Absolute power #4 (2024)

Absolute Power #4 Green Lantern and flashes

Green Arrow's provocation tactic isn't the only way Green Lantern's ring has recently received a boost. In Absolute power #4, Hal stops villains from a multiverse with one of his constructs as they try to get past Amanda Waller's transmatter machine. Under the immense strain, Hal's construct begins to break down, and he screams that he cannot hold out in the multiverse much longer due to his finite willpower. This causes the depowered Flashes – Jay Garrick, Wally West, Max Mercury and Bart Allen – to lend their own willpower to Hal, strengthening his build. So DC appears to be playing fast and loose with the rules of a Green Lantern ring, and it's undeniably fun.

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #32 is now available from DC Comics!